apt-proxy.conf - configuration file for apt-proxy
apt-proxy.conf is the configuration file for apt-proxy. When apt-proxy
starts up, it will read /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf.
/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf will be read instead if it exists to
make upgrading from v1 easier.
The configuration file is divided up into several sections, where each
[resource] section defines a separate resource. The DEFAULT section
applies to all resources.
The supplied apt-proxy.conf will work out of the box, but it is best to
change the backends you use to a mirror closer to you. There are some
in the default file, and it may be enough just to reorder the lines in
the file.
This section holds options global to the whole apt-proxy:
IP address on which apt-proxy will listen for requests. Multiple
addresses have a empty space between it.
port TCP port on which apt-proxy will listen for requests.
User running the apt-proxy daemon process(es). This value
should be the same as configured in /etc/default/apt-proxy.
Default: aptproxy
If different from off, means that Packages and other control
files will not be refreshed until they are at least this age.
Maximum I/O timeout in seconds for backend transfers. Default:
30 seconds. If no response is received from a backend server in
this time, apt-proxy will try the next server in the list. Y
Cache directory. Default: /var/cache/apt-proxy
If different from off, indicates the time between housekeeping
attempts: delete files that have not been accessed in max_age,
scan cache directories and update internal tables, ...
If different from off, indicates the maximum age of files before
deletion from the cache.
If different from off, indicates the maximum number of versions
of a .deb to keep. This is the number of versions per
distribution, for example setting max_versions to 2 will ensure
that a maximum of 6 packages would be kept: the last 2 stable
versions, the last 2 testing versions and the last 2 unstable
versions. NOTE: If your system clock is very inaccurate this
will not work properly and should be disabled.
Specify on to use passive FTP, which works from behind a
firewall, but may not be supported on all servers. Specify off
to use active FTP instead. Default: on
Specify [username:password@]hostname:port to use an upstream
proxy. Username and password are optional.
By default apt-proxy will add HTTP backends dynamically if not
already defined. Specify off to restrict the available backends
to those listed in the configuration file. Default: on
apt-proxy can use HTTP pipelining to fetch several files at once
(up to 10), but this can generate multiple connections to each
backend server. Pipelining is disabled by default until this is
fixed. Set to 0 to enable experimental http pipelining.
Default: 1
bandwidth_limit = amount
When downloading from a backend server, limit the download speed
to amount bytes per second. Note this applies to http and rsync
backends only. Default: no limit
debug = logging_string
apt-proxy is logging some information in the file /var/log/apt-
proxy.log. The debug parameter is used to determine what to
log. The logging_string consists of a space separated list of
domain:level pair(s). All logging requests belong to one domain
and have a defined level associated. To log all messages, debug
must be set to "all:9". For more information on the debugging
features, please see the apt-proxy/ file. Default: all:3
All other sections in the configuration file will be interpreted as
resource names. The options in the section apply to this resource
Overrides the global timeout
backends = <protocol>://<server>/<directory> [...]
A list one or more URLs referring to servers which hold debian
protocol: internet protocol to use: http, ftp, rsync or even
file (for local repositories)
server: hostname of the backend server to contact
directory: directory name to prepend requests to for this server
Override the global setting of passive_ftp
Set a bandwidth limit for downloads for this resource,
overriding the global bandwidth_limit
Specify [username:password@]hostname:port to use an upstream
proxy, overriding the global http_proxy.
Override the global min_refresh_delay for this backend. Set this
to the interval at which this archive is usually refreshed.
To access a resource that’s listed under a specific section name,
simply append the section name (without the brackets) to the end of
your deb source line in /etc/apt/sources.list
Debian main
This example shows how to give clients access to the main Debian
backends =
Using this configuration, the client would use a sources.list entry
deb http://server:9999/debian woody main
And so the file request
‘/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1.deb’ would turn into a
backend request of first
and if that failed,
and apt-proxy will place the downloaded package in
The website tells you to use this sources.list line:
deb sarge-backports main
You can add this to apt-proxy by creating a new section in
apt-proxy.conf. In the new section, add a backends entry for the URL:
backends =
On the clients, replace the URL with one pointing to the apt-proxy
resource name, in the form http://hostname:port/backend. If your apt-
proxy hostname is proxy and it is running on port 9999, you would
deb http://proxy:9999/backports sarge-backports main
For many more examples, see the supplied /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf.
apt-proxy(8), /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/README, apt-proxy-import(8)
Plenty sure. Please report.
apt-proxy v2 was written by Manuel Estrada Sainz <>.