Man Linux: Main Page and Category List


       exp_read_info,   exp_fread_info,   exp_create_info,   exp_destroy_info,
       exp_create_range,       exp_extract_range,       exp_get_feature_index,
       exp_get_int,   exp_get_rng,   exp_get_str,   exp_put_int,  exp_put_rng,
       exp_put_str, exp_print_line, exp_print_seq,  exp_print_file,  opos2str,
       str2opos,  conf2str,  str2conf  -  Manipulations of the Experiment File


       #include <expFileIO.h>

       Exp_info *exp_read_info(
            char *file);

       Exp_info *exp_fread_info(
            FILE *fp);

       Exp_info *exp_create_info();

       void exp_destroy_info(
            Exp_info *e);

       char *exp_create_range(
            char *str,
            int start,
            int end);

       int exp_extract_range(
            char *str,
            int *start,
            int *end);

       int exp_get_feature_index(
            char *e);

       int exp_get_int(
            Exp_info *e,
            int id,
            int *val);

       int exp_get_rng(
            Exp_info *e,
            int id,
            int *from,
            int *to);

       int exp_get_str(
            Exp_info *e,
            int id,
            char *s,
            f_implicit s_l);

       int exp_put_int(
            Exp_info *e,
            int id,
            int *val);

       int exp_put_rng(
            Exp_info *e,
            int id,
            int *from,
            int *to);

       int exp_put_str(
            Exp_info *e,
            int id,
            char *s,
            f_implicit s_l);

       int exp_print_line(
            FILE *fp,
            Exp_info *e,
            int eflt,
            int i);

       int exp_print_seq(
            FILE *fp,
            Exp_info *e,
            int eflt,
            int i);

       void exp_print_file(
            FILE *fp,
            Exp_info *e);

       char *opos2str(
            int2 *opos,
            int len,
            char *buf);

       int str2opos(
            int2 *opos,
            char *buf);

       char *conf2str(
            int1 *conf,
            int len,
            char *buf);

       int str2conf(
            int1 *conf,
            char *buf);


       These functions manipulate Experiment Files. They include functions for
       reading,  writing,  and editing the files. The principle structure used
       by the routines is the Exp_info structure. This is as follows.  #define
       MAXIMUM_EFLT_LENGTH      4  #define  MAXIMUM_EFLTS           48 #define

       typedef Array Exp_entries;

       typedef struct {
           Array entries[MAXIMUM_EFLTS]; /* array of array of entries */
           int Nentries[MAXIMUM_EFLTS];  /* array of number of entries */
           FILE *fp; } Exp_info;

       #define NULL_Exp_info ( (Exp_info *) NULL )

       For the purposes of simple  and  efficient  coding,  each  line  on  an
       experiment  file must be smaller than the defined EXP_FILE_LINE_LENGTH,
       which is 128 characters.

       Many functions take an experiment  file  line  type  identifier  as  an
       argument.   These  functions are listed in the prototypes as taking int
       id. Here id should be specified using one of the macros defining in the
       header  file.  They take the form of EFLT_XX where XX is the line type.
       For instance, the ID line type identifier should be written as EFLT_ID.

       The  C  functions  available  follow.  Some FORTRAN interfaces are also
       available, but these are not documented. See the include file for their

       exp_read_info  and  exp_fread_info  read  an  experiment  file  into an
       allocated Exp_info structure. If successful, the structure  pointer  is
       return. Otherwise the null pointer is returned.

       exp_create_info  allocates  and  initialises  a  new,  blank,  Exp_info
       structure. If successful, the structure pointer  is  return.  Otherwise
       the null pointer is returned.

       exp_destroy_info deallocates an Exp_info structure.

       exp_create_range  creates  a  string  using  the  experiment file range
       format of "start..stop". This format is used by the AQ, ON, TG  and  TC
       line  types.  The  buffer  specified should be large enough to hold the
       string. The function returns the str pointer supplied as an argument.

       exp_extract_range extracts the start and end  values  from  the  string
       representation  of a range; "start..stop". The values are stored in the
       integer pointers sent as arguments. If successful, the function returns
       0. Otherwise -1 is returned.

       exp_get_feature_index  converts  from  a  string  representation  of an
       experiment  file  line  type  to  the  integer  value.   For   example,
       exp_get_feature_index("SQ")  returns  the integer 22, which is the same
       as the EFLT_SQ definition.

       exp_get_int obtains the integer value held in a specific line type. The
       value is stored in the integer pointer val. If successful, the function
       returns 0.  Otherwise 1 is returned.

       exp_get_rng obtains the range values held in a specific line type.  The
       values  are  stored in the integer pointers from and to. If successful,
       the function returns 0. Otherwise 1 is returned.

       exp_get_str obtains the string value held in a specific line type.  The
       value  is stored in the string s. At most s_l characters are copied. If
       successful, the function returns 0. Otherwise 1 is returned.

       exp_put_int writes the integer pointed to by val to the specified  line
       type. If successful, the function returns 0. Otherwise 1 is returned.

       exp_put_rng writes the range pointed to by from and to to the specified
       line type. If successful,  the  function  returns  0.  Otherwise  1  is

       exp_put_str  writes  the  string  s of length s_l to the specified line
       type. If successful, the function returns 0. Otherwise 1 is returned.

       exp_print_line outputs  all  entries  of  the  specified  type  to  the
       specified file pointer.


       exp_print_file  outputs  all entries of all line types to the specified
       file pointer.

       opos2str converts an array of original positions held in opos with  len
       elements  to  a  string  suitable  for use in the ON line type. The buf
       should be large enough to hold the string, which in the worst case will
       be 4 * sequence length. Returns buf.

       str2opos  converts the experiment file original position string held in
       buf to an array of original positions to be stored in opos.  opos  must
       be large enough to hold the data, hence it should be of the same length
       as the sequence. Returns the number of elements  written  to  the  opos

       conf2str  converts an array of confidence values helf in confR with len
       elements to a string suitable for use in the  AV  line  type.  The  buf
       should be large enough to hold the string, which in the worst case will
       be 4 * sequence length. Returns buf.

       str2conf convers the experiment file confidence values string  held  in
       buf to an array of confidence values to be stored in conf. conf must be
       large enough to hold the data, hence it should be of the same length as
       the sequence. Returns the number of elements written to the conf array.


