WML Tutorial - Understanding WML step-by-step
This tutorial gives you a step-by-step introduction to the features of
WML, separated into tiny lessons. Each lesson shows one particular
aspect or feature of WML. The order of lessons go from easy and
trivial to hard and complex.
LESSON: Plain Data Throughput
In this lesson we first learn that WML is 95% of the time transparent
to its input, i.e. we can pass through any data without corruption.
1| foo
2| <bar>
3| quux
1| foo
2| <bar>
3| quux
This is because per default there are neither definitions for symbols
"foo" or "quux" nor a defined HTML tag named "<bar>". And because there
are no unnecessary whitespaces in this example, the input cannot be
stripped in any case.
LESSON: Protected Markup Code
Sometimes situations can occur where some of your markup code or page
contents conflicts with WML due to overlapping tagnames, etc. Here WML
interprets some stuff you actually don’t want to be interpreted.
1| foo: foo.c
2| $(CC) -o foo foo.c
1| foo: foo.c
2| -o foo foo.c
Here the ‘"$(CC)"’ was expanded to an empty string because IPP uses the
same syntax for variable interpolation like make. To avoid this just
surround the critical part with the WML-internal "<protect>" container
1| foo: foo.c
2| <protect>$(CC)</protect> -o foo foo.c
1| foo: foo.c
2| $(CC) -o foo foo.c
LESSON: Stripped-Down Markup Code
Now let’s try an example which has unnecessary whitespaces. Be careful,
‘unnecessary’ here means they can be stripped as long as the resulting
Webpage displays the same in a Webbrowser as the original.
1| <body>
3| <img src = "file.gif" alt=" test " >
4| <pre>
6| Preformatted Text
7| </pre>
8| Not Preformatted Text
9| </body>
1| <body>
2| <img src="file.gif" alt=" test ">
4| <pre>
6| Preformatted Text
7| </pre>
8| Not Preformatted Text
9| </body>
Here we see that line 2 is completely removed because empty lines have
no effect in HTML. The whitespaces between the attribute "src" and its
value are removed, too. And all double whitespaces are replaced by a
single whitespace character. But not inside preformatted areas.
LESSON: Fixed And Adjusted Markup Code
Now assume that we have an image.gif file containing a GIF image with a
size of 500x400 pixels and the following input page:
1| <body>
2| <center>
3| <font color=336699>Headline:</font><br>
4| <img src="image.gif">
5| </center>
6| </body>
Although this is valid HTML code, WML can enhance it to make it more
portable, speed up it rendering in the Webbrowser and make Lynx users
more happy. So WML recognizes the "<img>" tag and automatically adds
missing information and replaces obsolete tags with up-to-date
1| <body>
2| <div align=center>
3| <font color="#336699">Headline:</font><br>
4| <img src="image.gif" alt="" width="500" height="400">
5| </div>
6| </body>
As you can see, WML first replaced the proprietary "<center>" tag with
the HTML 3.2 pedant "<div align=center>", second it fixed the "color"
attribute of "<font>". And third it added missing "alt" and
"width"/"height" attributes.
LESSON: Using Include Files
One of the most useful features of WML is the ability to move commonly
used stuff into include files which can be selectively read in at later
Assume we have an include file bar.wml...
1| bar
2| The value of bar is: $(bar:-unknown)
...and the following input file:
1| foo
3| #include 'bar.wml' bar="FooBar"
2| #include 'bar.wml'
5| quux
Then the output is:
1| foo
2| bar
3| The value of bar is: Foobar
4| bar
5| The value of bar is: unknown
6| quux
As you can see, the "#include" directive is replaced by the contents of
the corresponding file. And this included contents can contain
variables which are interpolated when they are defined, inclusive
default values.
There is also a way to create simple constructs similar to an if-then-
else just by using variable interpolation:
1| The value of bar is $(bar:+set)$(bar:*unset).
Here the ‘"$(bar:+set)$(bar:*unset)"’ construct emulates the following
if (isdefined(bar))
if (not isdefined(bar))
LESSON: Concatenating Lines
Although HTML usually does not care about whitespaces and newlines,
sometimes it is very frustrating to create preformatted areas or write
own tags (see later) without the ability to spread the code over more
than one line while it should be actually one single line. For this a
lot of languages use a line concatenation/continuation character ‘"\"’,
as does WML.
1| foo\
2| bar \
3| quux
1| foobar quux
The line concatenation strips whitespaces from the begin of
concatenated lines but preserves whitespaces at the end of them, i.e.
you can use leading whitespaces for structuring your input nicely but
still use appended whitespaces for real ones.
LESSON: Diverting To Locations
One of the most powerful features of WML is the ability to divert data
at any point to locations defined at any other point.
1| {#BAR#:this is:##}
2| foo
3| {#BAR#}
4| quux
5| {#BAR#: bar:##}
6| foobar
7| {#BAR#}
1| foo
2| this is bar
3| quux
4| foobar
5| this is bar
Here in line 3 the location "BAR" is already dumped, but filled at
lines 1 and 5. And as you can see a location can be dumped at any
point and even more than once. And you can accumulate the contents for
a location by subsequent fills (line 1 and 5). This works because in
WML first all locations are filled in a first pass and then dumped in a
second pass.
With the use of the high-level tags from wml::std::tags we also could
write the example above in a little bit more human readable way:
1| #use wml::std::tags
2| <divert BAR>this is</divert>
3| foo
4| <dump BAR>
5| quux
6| <divert BAR> bar</divert>
7| foobar
8| <dump BAR>
LESSON: Defining Output Slices
Often one needs more than one output file. Usually although 90% of the
contents is the same, one needs a way to select the remaining 10%.
WML’s approach here is to write these 10% directly in the input file
but separate the variants by defining slices which later can be used to
create the different output files.
1| <html>
2| <head>
3| <title>[EN:Titleline:][DE:Titelzeile:]</title>
4| </head>
5| <body>
6| <h1>[EN:Headerline:][DE:Ueberschrift:]</h1>
7| </body>
8| </html>
Now assume the above page is in file index.wml, then the command
$ wml -o UNDEF+EN:index.html.en \
-o index.wml
generates the output file "index.html.en" containing the union of all
undefined areas and the slices ‘"EN"’...
1| <html>
2| <head>
3| <title>Titleline</title>
4| </head>
5| <body>
6| <h1>Headerline</h1>
7| </body>
8| </html>
...and the output file "" containing the union of all
undefined areas and the slices ‘"DE"’:
1| <html>
2| <head>
3| <title>Titelzeile</title>
4| </head>
5| <body>
6| <h1>Ueberschrift</h1>
7| </body>
8| </html>
LESSON: Area Substitution
WML provides an area substitution feature which works by specifying the
begin and end of the area and inserting some Perl substitution and
translation commands.
1| foo
2| {: [[s/foo/bar/g]] [[s/quux/foobar/g]] [[tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/]]
3| this is foo and quux.
4| :}
5| quux
1| foo
3| quux
Because this seems useless, we go further and show an example of the
"<isolatin>" and "<url>" container tags from wml::fmt::isolatin and
wml::fmt::url which are programmed this way.
1| #use wml::fmt::isolatin
2| #use wml::fmt::url
3| <isolatin><url>
4| Some umlauts `oeaeueOeAess' and
5| a hyperlink
6| </url></isolatin>
1| Some umlauts `öäüÖÄß' and
2| a hyperlink <a href=""></a>
LESSON: Text Formatting
HTML sucks when it comes to write more than one paragraph of text. So
WML provides nice ways to format an area of input via other (externally
available) markup language processors. Here is an example which used
two embedded areas, the first one is written in Plain Old Document
(POD) format, second one is written in Simple Document Format (SDF).
1| #use wml::fmt::pod
2| #use wml::fmt::sdf
3| <html>
4| <pod notypo>
5| =head1 Headline1
7| Foo
9| =head2 Headline1.1
11| Bar
12| </pod>
14| <sdf notypo>
15| H1: Headline1
17| Foo
19| H2: Headline 1.1
21| Bar
22| * Baz
23| - Foobar
24| - Quux
25| * Foo
26| </sdf>
27| </html>
1| <html>
2| <P>
3| <H1><A NAME="Headline1">Headline1
4| </A></H1>
5| Foo
6| <P>
7| <H2><A NAME="Headline1_1">Headline1.1
8| </A></H2>
9| Bar
10| <P>
11| <H1><A NAME="Headline1">1. Headline1</A></H1>
12| <P>Foo</P>
13| <H2><A NAME="Headline 1.1">1.1. Headline 1.1</A></H2>
14| <P>Bar</P>
15| <UL>
16| <LI>Baz<UL>
17| <LI>Foobar
18| <LI>Quux</UL>
19| <LI>Foo</UL>
20| </html>
LESSON: Table Formatting
Another point where the HTML markup code is unproductive and ugly is
when it comes to write some "<table>" structures. Here WML provides two
new container tags which make your live easier:
The goal of this container tag is to provide a way to specify
tables the same way you have it in your mind, i.e. as a
2-dimensional grid. So, a grid is created by specifying a grid-
layout and then fill its cells. Additionally the "<grid>" container
tag provides a nice feature for specifying the cell alignments.
1| #use wml::std::grid
2| <grid layout=2x3 align=lr valign=tbb border=1>
3| <cell>Header 1</cell> <cell>Header 2</cell>
4| <cell>Cell-A</cell> <cell>Cell-B</cell>
5| <cell>Cell-C</cell> <cell>Cell-D</cell>
6| </grid>
1| <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
2| <tr>
3| <td align=left valign=top>Header 1</td>
4| <td align=right valign=top>Header 2</td>
5| </tr>
6| <tr>
7| <td align=left valign=bottom>Cell-A</td>
8| <td align=right valign=bottom>Cell-B</td>
9| </tr>
10| <tr>
11| <td align=left valign=bottom>Cell-C</td>
12| <td align=right valign=bottom>Cell-D</td>
13| </tr>
14| </table>
This is the extended "<table>" container tag which syntax is
provided by the external freetable program. Its goal is to provide
a compact syntax for specifying a table. Again the same example:
1| #use wml::fmt::xtable
2| <xtable border=1>
3| (*, 1) align=left
4| (*, 2) align=right
5| (1, *) valign=top
6| (2|3, *) valign=bottom
7| (1,1)
8| Header 1
9| (1,2)
10| Header 2
11| (2,1)
12| Cell-A
13| (2,2)
14| Cell-B
15| (3,1)
16| Cell-C
17| (3,2)
18| Cell-D
19| </xtable>
1| <table border="1">
2| <tr valign=top>
3| <td align=left>Header 1</td>
4| <td align=right>Header 2</td>
5| </tr>
6| <tr>
7| <td align=left valign=bottom>Cell-A</td>
8| <td align=right valign=bottom>Cell-B</td>
9| </tr>
10| <tr>
11| <td align=left valign=bottom>Cell-C</td>
12| <td align=right valign=bottom>Cell-D</td>
13| </tr>
14| </table>
LESSON: Simple Tags And Container Tags
Now it is time to enhance our markup language by defining new custom
HTML tags. There are two types of HTML tags:
Simple Tags
As an example let us define a "<me>" tag which expands to my name
1| <define-tag me whitespace=delete>
3| </define-tag>
5| This is <me>.
1| This is
Container Tags
As an example let us define a "<red>" tag which changes its body
text color to red.
1| <define-tag red endtag=required whitespace=delete>
2| <font color="#cc3333">%body</font>
3| </define-tag>
5| This is <red>very important</red>.
1| This is <font color="#cc3333">very important</font>.
LESSON: Tags With Attributes
Because tags without attributes are not very flexible there is also a
way to define tags which can use these.
1| <define-tag me whitespace=delete>
2| <if "%0" "" "">
3| <ifeq "%0" "engelschall" "">
4| <ifeq "%0" "netsw" "">
5| <ifeq "%0" "apache" "">
6| <ifeq "%0" "freebsd" "">
7| <ifeq "%0" "sdm" "">
8| </define-tag>
10| This is <me> and <me apache>.
1| This is and
There is also a variant to use attributes of type "name=value":
2| <define-tag me whitespace=delete>
3| <preserve at>
4| <set-var %attributes>
5| <if "<get-var at>" "" "">
6| <ifeq "<get-var at>" "engelschall" "">
7| <ifeq "<get-var at>" "netsw" "">
8| <ifeq "<get-var at>" "apache" "">
9| <ifeq "<get-var at>" "freebsd" "">
10| <ifeq "<get-var at>" "sdm" "">
11| <restore at>
12| </define-tag>
14| This is <me> and <me at=apache>.
1| This is and
LESSON: Overwriting Existing HTML Tags
WML also provides a way to overwrite existing HTML tags, i.e. you can
define a custom tag with the same name as an already known HTML tag and
use the original HTML tag inside it.
1| <define-tag br whitespace=delete>
2| <br*><br*>
4| </define-tag>
6| Some Text<br>
7| Some more Text
1| Some Text<br><br>
2| Some more Text
LESSON: Programming Tags In Perl
One of the essential features in WML is that you can embed Perl code at
any point, just marked with ‘"<:"’ and ‘":>"’ delimiters. This can be
combined with the tag definitions by programming tags in Perl.
1| #use wml::std::tags
2| <define-tag me whitespace=delete>
3| <preserve at>
4| <set-var %attributes>
5| <:{
6| my $at = qq/<get-var at>/;
7| my $addr;
8| $addr = "rse\" if $at eq '';
9| $addr = "rse\" if $at eq 'engelschall';
10| $addr = "rse\" if $at eq 'netsw';
11| $addr = "rse\" if $at eq 'apache';
12| $addr = "rse\" if $at eq 'freebsd';
13| $addr = "rse\" if $at eq 'sdm';
14| print $addr;
15| }:>
16| <restore at>
17| </define-tag>
19| This is <me> and <me at=apache>.
1| This is and
LESSON: Using Templates
We’ve already seen how to divert data to a location. Because WML
automatically closes still opened diversions at EndOfFile, we can use
this feature to create templates. Assume we have the following
template defined in the file template.wml.
1| # the template itself
2| <html>
3| <head>
4| <title>{#SUBJECT_LOC#}</title>
5| </head>
6| <body>
7| <h1>{#SUBJECT_LOC#}</h1>
8| <blockquote>
9| {#BODY#}
10| </blockquote>
11| </body>
12| </html>
14| # way to insert the subject
15| <define-tag subject>
16| {#SUBJECT_LOC#:%0:##}
17| </define-tag>
19| # per default we are in body
20| {#BODY#:
1| #include 'template.wml'
3| <subject "Foo, Bar and Quux">
5| This is about Foo, Bar and Quux...
1| <html>
2| <head>
3| <title>Foo, Bar and Quux</title>
4| </head>
5| <body>
6| <h1>Foo, Bar and Quux</h1>
7| <blockquote>
8| This is about Foo, Bar and Quux...
9| </blockquote>
10| </body>
11| </html>
You can even nest more than one template because the diversion
mechanism in WML accepts location dumps and location fills at any
point, even within other location fills.
LESSON: Creating Multi-Lingual Pages
The core languages of WML don’t provide a dedicated facility to create
multi-lingual pages, i.e. one or more output pages created out of a
single input source, each one containing the same page information but
in different human languages. But WML provides variants through
‘‘slicing’’ (Pass 9) and human languages are just a special case of
general variants. So wml::std::lang exists which provides specialized
multi-lingual support tags which are mapped to slices which then can be
used to create the various output files.
Let take an example:
1| #!wml -o (ALL-LANG_*)+LANG_EN:index.en.html \
2| -o (ALL-LANG_*)
4| #use wml::std::page
5| #use wml::std::lang
7| <lang:new id=en short>
8| <lang:new id=de short>
10| <page>
12| <h1><en: Welcome><de: Willkommen>!</h1>
14| <a href="<lang:star: index2.*.html>">Index 2</a>
16| <lang:area>
17| (en)This is a test page
18| (de)Dies ist eine Testseite
19| </lang:area>
After processing passes 1 to 8 ("wml -p1-8") the following is
internally generated by WML:
1| <html>
2| <head>
3| </head>
4| <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#333399" alink="#9999ff" vlink="#000066">
5| <h1>[LANG_EN:Welcome:][LANG_DE:Willkommen:]!</h1>
6| <a href="[LANG_EN:index2.en.html:][]">Index 2</a>
7| [LANG_EN:This is a test page
8| :][LANG_DE:Dies ist eine Testseite:]
9| </body>
10| </html>
And then after processing pass 9 with the initial WML magic cookie line
("#!wml -o...") the following two files are generated:
1| <html>
2| <head>
3| </head>
4| <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#333399" alink="#9999ff" vlink="#000066">
5| <h1>Welcome!</h1>
6| <a href="index2.en.html">Index 2</a>
7| This is a test page
9| </body>
10| </html>
1| <html>
2| <head>
3| </head>
4| <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#333399" alink="#9999ff" vlink="#000066">
5| <h1>Willkommen!</h1>
6| <a href="">Index 2</a>
7| Dies ist eine Testseite
8| </body>
9| </html>
And these two pages then can be served by a content negotiation feature
of the webserver or by explicit references.
Now you’ve seen the various core languages of WML in action. For the
gory details of what each language provides either read the all-in-one
WML Introduction in wml_intro(7) or step through the particular
manpages of the core languages. Start here with the frontend wml(1).
Additionally can can step through the set of available standard include
files WML ships with. Start with the top-level include file
wml_p1_ipp(3), mp4h(1), eperl(1), m4(1), wml_p5_divert(3),
wml_p6_asubst(3), wml_.htmlfix(3), wml_.htmlstrip(3), slice(1).