display-monotext - Emulate palettized modes on text-mode visuals
display-monotext: [ [-a=<acc>] | [ [-x=<acc>] [-y=<acc>] ] ] <target-spec>
Emulates palettized modes (GT_PALETTE) on another target which can only
do text modes, by representing the graphics as ASCII characters. The
effect is the much the same as the AAlib target, but does not depend on
any external libraries.
-x=<acc>, -y=<acc>
A value between 1 and 5 which determines how accurately to map
the graphics to ASCII characters. Lower values are less
accurate, but can represent a wider range of intensity levels.
The default is x=2 and y=4.
Same as above, but sets both the x and y accuracy to the
specified value.
Specifies the target which to draw on (the parent target). This
defaults to automatic selection (just like using ggiOpen(NULL)
when GGI_DISPLAY is not set).