X-Moto - 2D motocross platform game
xmoto [options]
xmoto [options] replay.rpl
xmoto [options] level.lvl
X-Moto is a challenging 2D motocross platform game, where physics plays
an important role in the gameplay. You need to control your bike to its
limit, if you want to have a chance finishing the more difficult of the
A number of strawberries are typically spread around each level, which
generally consists of a complicated landscape seen from the side - i.e.
much like islands in the sky. You need to collect all those berries to
finish the level - when you’ve got the last one, you need find the
sunflower which will complete the level when you touch it. Variations
to this basic gameplay may be found around some of the levels.
Your motocross bike is likewise seen from the side, and you control its
throttle, braking, and simple changes to the attitude by jerking the
bike back and forth. Additionally you can change the direction of your
driving, by rotating on the spot.
You control your bike using the keyboard. The following keys are the
default values, but may be changed from inside the game:
Up arrow
Down arrow
Left arrow
Rotate counter-clockwise.
Right arrow
Rotate clockwise.
Space Turn around and drive in the other direction.
Additionally, some other keys can be pressed while playing:
Escape Pause the game, and open the in-game menu.
TAB Autozoom animation. Zooms out so that you can see the whole
F2 Switch the camera to the ghost, so you can follow it and see how
the level can be mastered.
F3 Add the current level to favorites while playing. Press again to
remove from favorites.
F5 Restart the level while playing. Rebuild the database if
pressed while in the main menu.
F7 Show/hide frames-per-second counter.
F8 Activate/Deactivate Internet connection.
F9 Switch to the "Ugly mode". Saves a lot of CPU time and shows
some secret passages.
F10 Theme Mode. It can be used to test custom graphics. Also helps
to avoid wreckers.
F11 Line Mode. This mode is mostly for testing. Draws lines around
blocks and shows zones.
F12 Take a Screenshot. The file is saved into the xmoto directory.
Ctrl+i Toggle replay interpolation. Makes replays look smoother when
turned on.
Ctrl+m Toggle mirror mode. Wanna have twice as many levels?
Ctrl+b Blacklist/unblacklist a level while playing.
Ctrl+s enable/disable sound.
Ctrl+o display the option window
PgUp Jump to the previous level while playing.
PgDown Jump to the next level while playing.
Toggle fullscreen. Aslo changes your "run windowed/fullscreen"
Most of these options also change your config settings, so be careful!
-h, -?, -help, --help
Show summary of options.
-res, --resolution <widthxheight>
Forces a specific display resolution.
--bpp <bits>
Forces a specific number of bits per pixel.
-fs, --fullscreen
Forces the game to run in fullscreen mode.
-win, --windowed
Forces the game to run in windowed mode.
Turns off sound effects, even if they are enabled in the config.
-r, --replay <replay>
Play the replay and quit afterwards.
-ri, --replayInfos <replay>
Display information about the replay and quit.
-v, --verbose
Be verbose and output debug messages on the standard output.
-l,--level id
Start playing the specified level right away. If id is a number
the corresponding built-in level is selected, otherwise it
should be the identifier of an external level (not the file
--levelFile <FILE>
Start playing the given level right away.
-d, --debug
Enables debug mode.
-p,--profile name
Use the player profile specified by name.
Force children compliant mode. It removes levels not suitable
for children.
--configpath path
Use path as the xmoto configuration path.
-ll, --listlevels
Output the list of available levels and quit.
-lr, --listreplays
Output the list of available replays and quit.
--fps Enables framerate display.
-td, --timedemo
Tries to render the game as fast as possible. No delaying,
maximum framerate.
Only meaningful when combined with --replay and --timedemo.
Useful to determine graphics performance.
Do not allow xmoto to connect to the web.
Enables testThemeMode. This will display the collision forms
over the sprites of the theme to check if the theme is nicely
--drawlib drawlib
Choose which rendering engine to use (default one is OPENGL if
available). You do not need this unless you *really* know what
you are doing.
Do not use any OpenGL extensions.
--ugly Enables "the ugly" mode. This will increase the game’s framerate
significantly, but it will also make the graphics look very ugly
- most things inside the game will be drawn with lines, the
rider for instance being a simple stick figure. This option is
very useful if your system doesn’t have a proper OpenGL-capable
video card (like for instance if you have a laptop with on-board
video card). If you have the right amount of CPU power, it
should even be possible to run X-Moto in OpenGL software
emulation mode (MesaGL on linux, Windows’ OpenGL fallback
driver, etc).
--defaultTheme theme
Set theme as default theme for new profiles created. This is
mostly useful for packagers wanting to set the theme of their
distribution by default.
Don’t check that system and user dirs changed at startup. It is
mainly usefull if you use X-Moto on a USB key.
Run X-Moto as a server only (no gui).
Connect the client to the server at startup.
Only update levels (no gui).
Disable logging into xmoto.log
--pack bin dir
Build a bin package from the directory dir.
--unpack bin dir no_list
Unpack the bin package into the dir dir. Add no_list if you do
not need a list of all extracted files.
Deletes the content of the level cache.
Check web levels list and remove levels which are not available
on the web (removed files are put into ~/.xmoto/Trash/Levels)
Enable sql trace mode.
Enable video recording while plaing/replaying (should be used
with --replay and --benchmark).
--videoRecordingSizeDivision DIVISION
Change video size (1=full, 2=50%, 4=25%).
--videoRecordingFramerate FRAMERATE
Change video framerate.
--videoRecordingStartTime NBCENTSOFSECONDS
Start recording video after NBCENTSOFSECONDS time elapsed.
--videoRecordingEndTime NBCENTSOFSECONDS
Stop recording video after NBCENTSOFSECONDS time elapsed.
Don’t show some information while playing/replaying ; usefull to
make nicer video.
view a replay in windowed mode:
xmoto --windowed ~/.xmoto/Replays/replay.rpl
disable sounds, Internet connection and play mylevel.lvl directly:
xmoto --nosound --nowww mylevel.lvl
xmoto was written by Rasmus Neckelmann <>, Nicolas
Adenis-Lamarre <> and Emmanuel Gorse
Please fill out bug reports on our website:
<>, or write to
This manual page was written by Samuel Mimram <>, for
the Debian project. Updated by Amand Tihon <> and