orbit - space combat simulation
Orbit is a space combat game with realistic physics and planet
ESC, q Leave the game.
arrow keys, joystick, mouse
Change the direction your ship is facing.
fire button, tab, left mouse button
Fire your current weapon.
a Accelerate in the direction you are facing.
z Decelerate.
A Accelerate very quickly.
Z Decelerate very quickly.
space Complete stop.
insert Pitch left.
delete Pitch right.
b Redisplay breifing.
c Toggles a console in the corner of the screen.
e Toggles sound effects.
f Toggles flight model between Newtonian model and the Arcade game
F Tooggles display of current frame rate in lower-left corner of
g Toggles gravity. If gravity is on, planets and moons will
influence your ship’s movement.
i Toggles invulnerability. When you are invulnerable you cannot be
destroyed, but your shields can still be damaged.
j Toggles display of space junk.
l Selects lock type. The targeting mechanism can target enemies,
friendlies, and planets.
L Loads one of the recently played missions.
m Redisplays the last message (of if one is visible, clears it)
M Toggles mouse control.
n Toggles object name display.
p Pause game. ctrl-P Pause game without displaying "Paused" on
P Takes a snapshot of the screen. The snapshot is saved in
~/.orbit/, as a .ppm file.
q Quit the game, saving your current status.
Q Quit the game without saving.
r Toggles the display of rings.
s Changes how many stars are shown. There are three levels.
t Toggles the use of the joystick throttle.
u Locks weapons system onto the nearest object of the selected
w Selects the next weapon.
x Toggles planetary texture display.
y Changes to the next visible target.
Y Changes to the previous visible target.
1 ,2 ,3 ,4
Switch between weapons.
] Next waypoint.
[ Previous waypoint.
SEE ALSO for full
This man page was written by Joey Hess <>