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       kawari_encode,    kawari_encode2,    kawari_decode2    —   kawari   8.0


       kawari_encode [file ...]

       kawari_encode2 [file ...]

       kawari_decode2 [file ...]


       This manual page documents briefly the kawari command.

       This manual page was written for the Debian  distribution  because  the
       original  program  does  not  have  a  manual  page.   Instead,  it has
       documentation written in HTML format. For  detailed  descriptions,  see

       kawari_encode  encodes  kawari scripts to an encoded file. So the users
       for the scripts cannot easily read the  content.  It  can  be  used  to
       protect  the content of Kawari scripts.  It takes several text files as
       inputs and converts them to .kaw files separately.

       kawari_encode2 is an advanced kawari_encode. It is  able  to  assign  a
       symmetric  key  like  some  encrypting  systems.  The  key  affects the
       encoding system. Users need the key to decode them.

       kawari_decode2 is a decoder of the .kaw files. It  takes  several  .kaw
       files  and convert them back to .txt files. If the kaw files is encoded
       by kawari_encode2, the key must be provided correctly for decoding.


       This   manual   page   was   written   by   Ying-Chun   Liu   (PaulLiu)
       <>  for  the  Debian  system  (but  may  be  used by
       others).   This  manual  page  is  in  public  domain  and  is   freely
       reproduced,  distributed,  transmitted,  used, modified, built upon, or
       otherwise exploited by anyone  for  any  purpose,  commercial  or  non-
       commercial, and in any way, including by methods that have not yet been
       invented or conceived.
