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       atanks - obliterate each other with oversize weapons


       atanks [options]


       Atomic  Tanks  is  a  multi-player game in which you attempt to destroy
       other tanks while trying to  protect  your  own.  You  earn  money  for
       destroying other tanks; with this money you can buy upgrades and better
       weapons for your tank.

       This game is similar Scorched Earth or the Worms series of games.


       -v, --verbose
              display extra information while running

       -h     display a brief message showing which options can be used

       -fs    run Atomic Tanks in full screen mode

              run Atomic Tanks in a window (this is the default)

       -d, --depth 16|32
              set th the color depth to either 16 or 32 bits

       -w, --width width
              set the window width (default is 800)

       --height height
              set the window height (default is 600)


       Atomic Tanks was written  by  Tom  Hudson  <>.  This
       manual  page  was  written by Graham Wilson <> for the
       Debian project, but may be used by others.

                                 17 April 2004