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       sc::MTMPIMemoryGrp -

       This MemoryGrp class requires a MT-safe MPI implementation.


       #include <memmtmpi.h>

       Inherits sc::ActiveMsgMemoryGrp.

   Public Member Functions
       MTMPIMemoryGrp (const Ref< MessageGrp > &msg, const Ref< ThreadGrp >
           &th, MPI_Comm comm=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
           Construct a MTMPIMemoryGrp given a MessageGrp, ThreadGrp, and an
           MPI communicator.
       MTMPIMemoryGrp (const Ref< KeyVal > &)
           Construct a MTMPIMemoryGrp given a KeyVal input object.
       void activate ()
           Activate is called before the memory is to be used.
       void deactivate ()
           Deactivate is called after the memory has been used.
       void sync ()
           Synchronizes all the nodes.

       class MTMPIThread

Detailed Description

       This MemoryGrp class requires a MT-safe MPI implementation.

       The default MessageGrp must be a MPIMessageGrp. MPI must be safe with
       respect to the default ThreadGrp. Alternately, a MessageGrp and a
       ThreadGrp can be passed to the constructor.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   sc::MTMPIMemoryGrp::MTMPIMemoryGrp (const Ref< MessageGrp > & msg, const
       Ref< ThreadGrp > & th, MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD)
       Construct a MTMPIMemoryGrp given a MessageGrp, ThreadGrp, and an MPI
       communicator. The communicator can be a subset of MPI_COMM_WORLD, in
       which case, the MessageGrp must refer to the same subset.

   sc::MTMPIMemoryGrp::MTMPIMemoryGrp (const Ref< KeyVal > &)
       Construct a MTMPIMemoryGrp given a KeyVal input object. A fully thread
       safe MPI is needed (MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE).

Member Function Documentation

   void sc::MTMPIMemoryGrp::sync () [virtual]
       Synchronizes all the nodes. This is useful after remote memory writes
       to be certain that all of the writes have completed and the data can be
       accessed locally, for example.

       Reimplemented from sc::MsgMemoryGrp.


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