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       ost::SString -


       #include <string.h>

       Inherits ost::String.

   Public Member Functions
       SString ()
           Create an empty streamable string ready for input.
       SString (const SString &from)
           Copy constructor.
       ~SString ()
           Cancel out the object.

   Protected Member Functions
       int overflow (int c)
           This is the streambuf function that actually outputs the data to
           the string.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   ost::SString::SString ()
       Create an empty streamable string ready for input.

   ost::SString::SString (const SString & from)
       Copy constructor.

   ost::SString::~SString ()
       Cancel out the object.

Member Function Documentation

   int ost::SString::overflow (int c) [protected]
       This is the streambuf function that actually outputs the data to the
       string. Since all output should be done with the standard ostream
       operators, this function should never be called directly.


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