lfc_setfsizeg - set filesize for a regular file having the given GUID;
set also last modification time to the current time
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "lfc_api.h"
int lfc_setfsizeg (const char *guid, u_signed64 filesize, const char
*csumtype, char *csumvalue)
lfc_setfsizeg sets the filesize for a regular file having the given
GUID; set also the last modification time to the current time. This
function should only be called by the stager after the last write
operation has been performed on the file. The file is identified by
its guid.
guid specifies the Grid Unique IDentifier.
specifies the type of checksum. Valid types are:
CS standard 32 bits checksum
AD Adler 32 bits checksum
MD MD5 128 bits checksum
This routine returns 0 if the operation was successful or -1 if the
operation failed. In the latter case, serrno is set appropriately.
EFAULT guid is a NULL pointer.
EINVAL The length of the guid exceeds CA_MAXGUIDLEN or the length
of the csumtype exceeds 2 or csumtype is an unknown type
or the length of the csumvalue exceeds 32.
SENOSHOST Host unknown.
SENOSSERV Service unknown.
SECOMERR Communication error.
ENSNACT Name server is not running or is being shutdown.
Castor_limits(4), lfc_statg(3)