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       Functions for UNIX platforms -

       These functions implement the UNIX version of the Globus GSI System
       Configuration API.

   UNIX - Set Key Permissions
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_set_key_permissions_unix (char

   UNIX - Get User ID
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_user_id_string_unix (char

   UNIX - Get Username
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_username_unix (char

   UNIX - Get Process ID
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_proc_id_string_unix (char

   UNIX - Make Absolute Path
           globus_gsi_sysconfig_make_absolute_path_for_filename_unix (char
           *filename, char **absolute_path)

   UNIX - Split Directory and Filename
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_split_dir_and_filename_unix (char
           *full_filename, char **dir_string, char **filename_string)

   UNIX - Get Current Working Directory
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_current_working_dir_unix (char

   UNIX - Get HOME Directory
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_home_dir_unix (char

   UNIX - File Exists
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_file_exists_unix (const char

   UNIX - Directory Exists
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_dir_exists_unix (const char

   UNIX - Check File Status for Key
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_check_keyfile_unix (const char

   UNIX - Check File Status for Cert
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_check_certfile_unix (const char

   UNIX - Get Trusted CA Cert Dir
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_cert_dir_unix (char

   UNIX - Get User Certificate and Key Filenames
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_user_cert_filename_unix (char
           **user_cert, char **user_key)

   UNIX - Get Host Certificate and Key Filenames
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_host_cert_filename_unix (char
           **host_cert, char **host_key)

   UNIX - Get Service Certificate and Key Filenames
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_service_cert_filename_unix
           (char *service_name, char **service_cert, char **service_key)

   UNIX - Get Proxy Filename
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_proxy_filename_unix (char
           **user_proxy, globus_gsi_proxy_file_type_t proxy_file_type)

   UNIX - Get Signing Policy Filename
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_signing_policy_filename_unix
           (X509_NAME *ca_name, char *cert_dir, char

   UNIX - Get CA Cert Filenames
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_ca_cert_files_unix (char
           *ca_cert_dir, globus_fifo_t *ca_cert_list)

   UNIX - Remove all proxies owned by current uid
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_remove_all_owned_files_unix (char

   UNIX - Check if the current user is root
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_is_superuser_unix (int

   UNIX - Get the path and file name of the grid map file
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_gridmap_filename_unix (char

   UNIX - Get the path and file name of the authorization callback
       configuration file
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_authz_conf_filename_unix (char
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_authz_lib_conf_filename_unix
           (char **filename)

   UNIX - Get the path and file name of the gaa configuration file
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_gaa_conf_filename_unix (char

Detailed Description

       These functions implement the UNIX version of the Globus GSI System
       Configuration API.

       They should never be called directly, please use the provided platform
       independent defines.

Function Documentation

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_set_key_permissions_unix (char *
       Set the file permissions of a file to read-write only by the user which
       are the permissions that should be set for all private keys.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error object id

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_user_id_string_unix (char **
       Get a unique string representing the current user. This is just the uid
       converted to a string.

           user_id_string A unique string representing the user

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_username_unix (char ** username)
       Get the username of the current user. Parameters:
           username This parameter will contain the current user name upon a
           successful return. It is the users responsibility to free memory
           allocated for this return value.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_proc_id_string_unix (char **
       Get a unique string representing the current process. This is just the
       pid converted to a string.

           proc_id_string A unique string representing the process

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_make_absolute_path_for_filename_unix
       (char * filename, char ** absolute_path)
       Make the filename into an absolute path string based on the current
       working directory. Parameters:
           filename the filename to get the absolute path of.
           absolute_path The resulting absolute path. This needs to be freed
           when no longer needed.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error occurred, otherwise an error object ID
           is returned

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_split_dir_and_filename_unix (char *
       full_filename, char ** dir_string, char ** filename_string)
       Split the directory and filename portions of a filename string into two
       separate strings. Parameters:
           full_filename The filename to split. Splits on the last occurrance
           of ’/’ where the directory is everything before the last ’/’, and
           the filename is everything after.
           dir_string The directory portion of the filename string. If no ’/’
           is found throughout the string, this variable points to NULL. This
           needs to be freed when no longer needed.
           filename_string The filename portion of the filename string. If no
           ’/’ is found throughout, this variable is a duplicate of the
           full_filename parameter. This needs to be freed when no longer

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error occurred. Otherwise an error object ID
           is returned.

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_current_working_dir_unix (char **
       Get the current working directory on the system. Parameters:
           working_dir The current working directory

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error object identifier

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_home_dir_unix (char ** home_dir)
       Get the HOME Directory of the current user. Should be the $HOME
       environment variable.

           home_dir The home directory of the current user

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error occured, otherwise an error object is

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_file_exists_unix (const char *
       Check if the file exists. Parameters:
           filename The filename of the file to check for

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the file exists and is readable, otherwise an
           error object identifier

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_dir_exists_unix (const char *
       Check if the directory exists. Parameters:
           filename The filename of the directory to check for

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the directory exists, otherwise an error object

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_check_keyfile_unix (const char *
       This is a convenience function used to check the status of a private
       key file. The desired status is only the current user has ownership and
       read permissions, everyone else should not be able to access it.

           filename The name of the file to check the status of

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the status of the file was able to be determined.
           Otherwise, an error object identifier

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_check_certfile_unix (const char *
       This is a convenience function used to check the status of a
       certificate file. The desired status is the current user has ownership
       and read/write permissions, while group and others only have read

           filename The name of the file to check the status of

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the status of the file was able to be determined.
           Otherwise, an error object identifier

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_cert_dir_unix (char ** cert_dir)
       Get the Trusted Certificate Directory containing the trusted
       Certificate Authority certificates. This directory is determined in the
       order shown below. Failure in one method results in attempting the

       1.  X509_CERT_DIR environment variable - if this is set, the trusted
           certificates will be searched for in that directory. This variable
           allows the end user to specify the location of trusted
       2.  $HOME/.globus/certificates - If this directory exists, and the
           previous methods of determining the trusted certs directory failed,
           this directory will be used.
       3.  /etc/grid-security/certificates - This location is intended to be
           independent of the globus installation ($GLOBUS_LOCATION), and is
           generally only writeable by the host system administrator.
       4.  $GLOBUS_LOCATION/share/certificates
           cert_dir The trusted certificates directory
           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error occurred, and a sufficient trusted
           certificates directory was found. Otherwise, an error object
           identifier returned.

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_user_cert_filename_unix (char **
       user_cert, char ** user_key)
       Get the User Certificate Filename based on the current user’s
       environment. The following locations are searched for cert and key
       files in order:
       1.  environment variables X509_USER_CERT and X509_USER_KEY
       2.  $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem and $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem
       3.  $HOME/.globus/usercred.p12 - this is a PKCS12 credential
           user_cert pointer the filename of the user certificate
           user_key pointer to the filename of the user key
           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the cert and key files were found in one of the
           possible locations, otherwise an error object identifier is

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_host_cert_filename_unix (char **
       host_cert, char ** host_key)
       Get the Host Certificate and Key Filenames based on the current user’s
       environment. The host cert and key are searched for in the following
       locations (in order):
       1.  X509_USER_CERT and X509_USER_KEY environment variables
       2.  registry keys x509_user_cert and x509_user_key in
       3.  \<GLOBUS_LOCATION\>\etc\host[cert|key].pem
       4.  \<users home directory\>\.globus\host[cert|key].pem
           host_cert pointer to the host certificate filename
           host_key pointer to the host key filename
           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the host cert and key were found, otherwise an
           error object identifier is returned

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_service_cert_filename_unix (char *
       service_name, char ** service_cert, char ** service_key)
       Get the Service Certificate Filename based on the current user’s
       environment. The host cert and key are searched for in the following
       locations (in order):
       1.  X509_USER_CERT and X509_USER_KEY environment variables
       2.  \/etc\/grid-security\/{service_name}\/{service_name}[cert|key].pem
       3.  GLOBUS_LOCATION\/etc\/{service_name}\/{service_name}[cert|key].pem
           So for example, if my service was named: myservice, the location of
           the certificate would be:
       4.  \<users
           service_name The name of the service which allows us to determine
           the locations of cert and key files to look for
           service_cert pointer to the host certificate filename
           service_key pointer to the host key filename
           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the service cert and key were found, otherwise an
           error object identifier

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_proxy_filename_unix (char **
       user_proxy, globus_gsi_proxy_file_type_t proxy_file_type)
       Get the proxy cert filename based on the following search order: .PD 0
       1.  X509_USER_PROXY environment variable - This environment variable is
           set by the at run time for the specific application. If the
           proxy_file_type variable is set to GLOBUS_PROXY_OUTPUT (a proxy
           filename for writing is requested), and the X509_USER_PROXY is set,
           this will be the resulting value of the user_proxy filename string
           passed in. If the proxy_file_type is set to GLOBUS_PROXY_INPUT and
           X509_USER_PROXY is set, but the file it points to does not exist,
           or has some other readability issues, the function will continue
           checking using the other methods available.

       2.  Check the default location for the proxy file of
           \/tmp\/x509_u\<user_id\> where \<user id\> is some unique string
           for that user on the host
           user_proxy the proxy filename of the user
           proxy_file_type Switch for determining whether to return a existing
           proxy filename or if a filename suitable for creating a proxy
           should be returned
           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error object identifier

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_signing_policy_filename_unix
       (X509_NAME * ca_name, char * cert_dir, char ** signing_policy_filename)
       Get the Signing Policy Filename on the current system, based on the
       CA’s subject name, and the trusted certificates directory. Parameters:
           ca_name The X509 subject name of the CA to get the signing policy
           of. The hash of the CA is generated from this
           cert_dir The trusted CA certificates directory, containing the
           singing_policy files of the trusted CA’s.
           signing_policy_filename The resulting singing_policy filename
           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error occurred, otherwise an error object ID

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_ca_cert_files_unix (char *
       ca_cert_dir, globus_fifo_t * ca_cert_list)
       Gets a list of trusted CA certificate filenames in a trusted CA
       certificate directory. Parameters:
           ca_cert_dir The trusted CA certificate directory to get the
           filenames from
           ca_cert_list The resulting list of CA certificate filenames. This
           is a a globus list structure.
       See also:
           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error occurred, otherwise an error object ID
           is returned

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_remove_all_owned_files_unix (char *
       Removes all proxies (ie. all delegated and grid-proxy-init generated
       proxies) found in the secure tmp directory that are owned by the
       current user.
           default_filename The filename of the default proxy
           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error occurred, otherwise an error object ID
           is returned

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_is_superuser_unix (int * is_superuser)
       Checks whether the current user is root. Parameters:
           is_superuser 1 if the user is the superuser 0 if not
           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error occurred, otherwise an error object ID
           is returned

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_gridmap_filename_unix (char **
       Get the path and file name of the grid map file. Parameters:
           filename Contains the location of the grid map file upon successful
           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error occurred, otherwise an error object ID
           is returned

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_authz_conf_filename_unix (char **
       Get the path and file name of the authorization callback configuration
       file. Parameters:
           filename Contains the location of the authorization callback
           configuration file upon successful return
           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error occurred, otherwise an error object ID
           is returned

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_authz_lib_conf_filename_unix (char
       ** filename)
       Get the path and file name of the authorization callback configuration
       file. Parameters:
           filename Contains the location of the authorization callback
           configuration file upon successful return
           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error occurred, otherwise an error object ID
           is returned

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_sysconfig_get_gaa_conf_filename_unix (char **
       Get the path and file name of the GAA configuration file. Parameters:
           filename Contains the location of the GAA callback configuration
           file upon successful return
           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error occurred, otherwise an error object ID
           is returned


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for globus gsi sysconfig from the
       source code.