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       Credential Handle Management -

       Create/Destroy/Modify a GSI Credential Handle.

       typedef struct globus_l_gsi_cred_handle_s * globus_gsi_cred_handle_t

   Initializing and Destroying a Handle
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_handle_init (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
           *handle, globus_gsi_cred_handle_attrs_t handle_attrs)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_handle_destroy
           (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle)

   Copying a Handle
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_handle_copy (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
           source, globus_gsi_cred_handle_t *dest)

   Getting the Handle Attributes
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_handle_attrs
           (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle, globus_gsi_cred_handle_attrs_t

   Getting the Credential Expiration
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_goodtill (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
           cred_handle, time_t *goodtill)

   Getting the Credential Lifetime
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_lifetime (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
           cred_handle, time_t *lifetime)

   Getting the Credential Strength
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_key_bits (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
           cred_handle, int *key_bits)

   Setting and Getting the Certificate
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_set_cert (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
           handle, X509 *cert)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_cert (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
           handle, X509 **cert)

   Setting and Getting the Credential Key
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_set_key (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
           handle, EVP_PKEY *key)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_key (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
           handle, EVP_PKEY **key)

   Setting and Getting the Certificate Chain
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_set_cert_chain
           (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle, STACK_OF(X509)*cert_chain)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_cert_chain
           (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle, STACK_OF(X509)**cert_chain)

   Get Cred Cert X509 Subject Name object
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_X509_subject_name
           (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle, X509_NAME **subject_name)

   Get X509 Identity Name
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_X509_identity_name
           (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle, X509_NAME **identity_name)

   Get Cred Cert Subject Name
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_subject_name
           (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle, char **subject_name)

   Get Policies from Cert Chain
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_policies (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
           handle, STACK **policies)

   Get Policy Languages from Cert Chain
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_policy_languages
           (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle,

   Get Cred Cert X509 Issuer Name object
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_X509_issuer_name
           (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle, X509_NAME **issuer_name)

   Get Issuer Name
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_issuer_name
           (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle, char **issuer_name)

   Get Identity Name
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_identity_name
           (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle, char **identity_name)

   Credential validation functions
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_verify_cert_chain
           (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t cred_handle, globus_gsi_callback_data_t
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_verify (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t

Detailed Description

       Create/Destroy/Modify a GSI Credential Handle.

       Within the Globus GSI Credential Library, all credential operations
       require a handle parameter. Currenlty only one operation may be in
       progress at once per credential handle.

       This section defines operations to create, modify and destroy GSI
       Credential handles.

Typedef Documentation

   typedef struct globus_l_gsi_cred_handle_s* globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       GSI Credential Handle. A GSI Credential handle keeps track of state
       relating to a credential. Handles can have immutable attributes
       associated with them. All credential operations  take a credential
       handle pointer as a parameter.

       See also:
           globus_gsi_cred_handle_init(), globus_gsi_cred_handle_destroy(),

Function Documentation

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_handle_init (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t *
       handle, globus_gsi_cred_handle_attrs_t handle_attrs)
       Initializes a credential handle to be used credential handling
       functions. Takes a set of handle attributes that are immutable to the
       handle. The handle attributes are only pointed to by the handle, so the
       lifetime of the attributes needs to be as long as that of the handle.

           handle The handle to be initialized
           handle_attrs The immutable attributes of the handle

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error captured in a globus_result_t

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_handle_destroy (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       Destroys the credential handle. Parameters:
           handle The credential handle to be destroyed


   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_handle_copy (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       source, globus_gsi_cred_handle_t * dest)
       Copies a credential handle. Parameters:
           source The handle to be copied
           dest The destination of the copy

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error captured in a globus_result_t

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_handle_attrs (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       handle, globus_gsi_cred_handle_attrs_t * attrs)
       This function retreives a copy of the credential handle attributes.
           handle The credential handle to retrieve the attributes from
           attrs Contains the credential attributes on return

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error captured in a globus_result_t

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_goodtill (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       cred_handle, time_t * goodtill)
       This function retreives the expiration time of the credential contained
       in the handle. Parameters:
           cred_handle The credential handle to retrieve the expiration time
           goodtill Contains the expiration time on return

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error captured in a globus_result_t

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_lifetime (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       cred_handle, time_t * lifetime)
       This function retreives the lifetime of the credential contained in a
       handle. Parameters:
           cred_handle The credential handle to retrieve the lifetime from
           lifetime Contains the lifetime on return

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error captured in a globus_result_t

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_key_bits (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       cred_handle, int * key_bits)
       This function retreives the key strength of the credential contained in
       a handle. Parameters:
           cred_handle The credential handle to retrieve the strength from
           key_bits Contains the number of bits in the key on return

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error captured in a globus_result_t

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_set_cert (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle,
       X509 * cert)
       Set the Credential’s Certificate. The X509 cert that is passed in
       should be a valid X509 certificate object

           handle The credential handle to set the certificate on
           cert The X509 cert to set in the cred handle. The cert passed in
           can be NULL which will set the cert in the handle to NULL, freeing
           the current cert in the handle.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error object id if an error

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_cert (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle,
       X509 ** cert)
       Get the certificate of a credential. Parameters:
           handle The credential handle to get the certificate from
           cert The resulting X509 certificate, a duplicate of the certificate
           in the credential handle. This variable should be freed when the
           user is finished with it using the function X509_free.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error, otherwise an error object id is

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_set_key (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle,
       EVP_PKEY * key)
       Set the private key of the credential handle. Parameters:
           handle The handle on which to set the key.
           key The private key to set the handle’s key to. This value can be
           NULL, in which case the current handle’s key is freed.

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_key (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle,
       EVP_PKEY ** key)
       Get the credential handle’s private key. Parameters:
           handle The credential handle containing the private key to get
           key The private key which after this function returns is set to a
           duplicate of the private key of the credential handle. This
           variable needs to be freed by the user when it is no longer used
           via the function EVP_PKEY_free.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error object identifier

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_set_cert_chain (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       handle, STACK_OF(X509)* cert_chain)
       Set the certificate chain of the credential handle. Parameters:
           handle The handle containing the certificate chain field to set
           cert_chain The certificate chain to set the handle’s certificate
           chain to

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error, otherwise an error object id is

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_cert_chain (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       handle, STACK_OF(X509)** cert_chain)
       Get the certificate chain of the credential handle. Parameters:
           handle The credential handle containing the certificate chain to
           cert_chain The certificate chain to set as a duplicate of the cert
           chain in the credential handle. This variable (or the variable it
           points to) needs to be freed when the user is finished with it
           using sk_X509_free.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error, otherwise an error object id is

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_X509_subject_name
       (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle, X509_NAME ** subject_name)
       Get the credential handle’s certificate subject name. Parameters:
           handle The credential handle containing the certificate to get the
           subject name of
           subject_name The subject name as an X509_NAME object. This should
           be freed using X509_NAME_free when the user is finished with it

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error, a error object id otherwise

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_X509_identity_name
       (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle, X509_NAME ** identity_name)
       Get the identity’s X509 subject name from the credential handle.
           handle The credential handle containing the certificate to get the
           identity from
           identity_name The identity certificate’s X509 subject name

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error, otherwise an error object identifier is

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_subject_name (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       handle, char ** subject_name)
       Get the credential handle’s certificate subject name. Parameters:
           handle The credential handle containing the certificate to get the
           subject name of
           subject_name The subject name as a string. This should be freed
           using free() when the user is finished with it

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error, a error object id otherwise

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_policies (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       handle, STACK ** policies)
       Get the Policies from the Cert Chain in the handle. The policies will
       be null-terminated as they are added to the handle. If a policy for a
       cert in the chain doesn’t exist, the string in the stack will be set to
       the static string GLOBUS_NULL_POLICIES

           handle the handle to get the cert chain containing the policies
           policies the stack of policies retrieved from the handle’s cert

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error object if an error occurred

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_policy_languages
       (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle, STACK_OF(ASN1_OBJECT)**
       Get the policy languages from the cert chain in the handle. Parameters:
           handle the handle to get the cert chain containing the policies
           policy_languages the stack of policies retrieved from the handle’s
           cert chain

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error object if an error occurred

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_X509_issuer_name
       (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle, X509_NAME ** issuer_name)
       Get the credential handle’s certificate issuer name. Parameters:
           handle The credential handle containing the certificate to get the
           issuer name of
           issuer_name The issuer name as an X509_NAME object. This should be
           freed using X509_NAME_free when the user is finished with it

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error, a error object id otherwise

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_issuer_name (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       handle, char ** issuer_name)
       Get the issuer’s subject name from the credential handle. Parameters:
           handle The credential handle containing the certificate to get the
           issuer of
           issuer_name The issuer certificate’s subject name

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error, otherwise an error object identifier is

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_get_identity_name (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       handle, char ** identity_name)
       Get the identity’s subject name from the credential handle. Parameters:
           handle The credential handle containing the certificate to get the
           identity of
           identity_name The identity certificate’s subject name

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error, otherwise an error object identifier is

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_verify_cert_chain (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t
       cred_handle, globus_gsi_callback_data_t callback_data)
       This function performs path valiadtion on the certificate chain
       contained in the credential handle. Parameters:
           cred_handle The credential handle containing the certificate chain
           to be validated
           callback_data A initialized callback data structure

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error, otherwise an error object identifier is

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_cred_verify (globus_gsi_cred_handle_t handle)
       This function ensures that the certificate and private key in the
       credential handle match. Parameters:
           handle The credential handle containing the certificate and key to
           be validated

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if no error, otherwise an error object identifier is


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for globus gsi credential from the
       source code.