Man Linux: Main Page and Category List


       ggiWmhMove,       ggiWmhGetPos,       ggiWmhResize,      ggiWmhGetSize,
       ggiWmhAllowResize, ggiWmhMaximize - Moving and Resizing Windows


       #include <ggi/wmh.>

       int ggiWmhMove(ggi_visual_t vis, int x, int y);

       int ggiWmhGetPos(ggi_visual_t vis, int *x, int *y);

       int ggiWmhResize(ggi_visual_t vis, int x, int y);

       int ggiWmhGetSize(ggi_visual_t vis, int *x, int *y);

       int ggiWmhAllowResize(ggi_visual_t vis,int xmin,int ymin,
                             int xmax,int ymax,int xstep,int ystep);

       int ggiWmhMaximize(ggi_visual_t vis,int xperc,int yperc);


       ggiWmhMove moves the window to  the  specified  x,  y  position,  where
       x,:p:y specifies the top-left corner.

       ggiWmhGetPos  returns  the  window position, whereas x, y specifies the
       top-left corner.

       ggiWmhResize resizes the window, whereas x, y specifies the  new  width
       and height.

       ggiWmhGetSize  returns  the  window  size,  whereas  x, y specifies the
       window width and height.

       ggiWmhAllowResize enables the  window  attributes  to  allow  resizing.
       xmin, ymin specifies the minimized window width and height.  xmax, ymax
       specifies  the  maximized  window  width  and  height.   xstep,   ystep
       specifies the resizing steps.

       ggiWmhMaximize maximizes the window. xperc is the horizontal percentage
       of the screen width and yperc is the vertical percentage of the  screen


       All six return 0 for success and an ggi-error(3) code on failure.

