coin240 - New Features in Coin v2.4.0 The primary reason for the 2.4.0
release was the option of finally building Coin from source on MS
Windows without having to go through the Cygwin process.
There had also been various optimization work on rendering traversal
code, file i/o and other things.
For v2.4.1, SoExtSelection LASSO and RECTANGLE select could be aborted
by the end-user by hiting the ’END’ key. No API-changes was needed for
this of course.
For v2.4.2, we hacked in support for compressed textures through an
API/ABI-invisible field in SoTexture2, called
’enableCompressedTexture’. This field will remain ’invisible’ until
Coin v3.0.0 is released, and can only be accessed from .iv-file input
or through the SoFieldContainer API.
For v2.4.6, SbViewVolume::getAlignRotation() was implemented, and
SoToVRML2Action got support for SoUnits in relation to SoVRMLTransform
New features for Coin v2.3.0 are here.