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       Action Classes -

       class SoAction
           The SoAction class is the base class for all traversal actions.

       Applying actions is the basic mechanism in Coin for executing various
       operations on scene graphs or paths within scene graphs, including
       search operations, rendering, interaction through picking, etc. "
   class SoAudioRenderAction
       The SoAudioRenderAction class renders the aural parts of the scene

       Applying this method at a root node for a scene graph, path or pathlist
       will render all sound-related nodes contained within that instance to
       the current SoAudioDevice. "
   class SoBoxHighlightRenderAction
       The SoBoxHighlightRenderAction class renders the scene with highlighted
       boxes around selections.

       This action performs the same tasks as its parent class,
       SoGLRenderAction, with the added ability to render highlighted bounding
       boxes around geometry in selected nodes. This is a simple but
       convenient way of giving feedback to the user upon interaction with the
       scene graph. "
   class SoCallbackAction
       The SoCallbackAction class invokes callbacks at specific nodes.

       This action has mechanisms for tracking traversal position and
       traversal state. In combination with the ability to pass geometry
       primitives to callback actions set by the user, this does for instance
       make it rather straightforward to extract the geometry of a scene
       graph. "
   class SoGLRenderAction
       The SoGLRenderAction class renders the scene graph with OpenGL calls.

       Applying this method at a root node for a scene graph, path or pathlist
       will render all geometry contained within that instance to the current
       OpenGL context. "
   class SoGetBoundingBoxAction
       The SoGetBoundingBoxAction class calculates bounding boxes for nodes
       and subgraphs.

       If this action is applied to a path or scene graph root, it will
       calculate the bounding box and the center point of the geometry
       contained within the scene. "
   class SoGetMatrixAction
       The SoGetMatrixAction class is an action for accumulating the
       transformation matrix of a subgraph.

       This action makes it easy to calculate and convert to and from the
       global coordinate system of your scene and local coordinates of parts
       in a hierarchical model. "
   class SoGetPrimitiveCountAction
       The SoGetPrimitiveCountAction class counts the primitives in a scene.

       Apply this action to a scene if you need to know the number of
       primitives present in a scenegraph, or parts of a scenegraph. "
   class SoHandleEventAction
       The SoHandleEventAction class distributes user events to the scene.

       This is the action used by the GUI viewer classes to pass interaction
       events from the window system to the nodes in the scene graph. "
   class SoLineHighlightRenderAction
       The SoLineHighlightRenderAction class renders selections with line

       See the documentation of SoBoxHighlightRenderAction. "
   class SoPickAction
       The SoPickAction class is the base class for picking actions.

       The basis for all interaction features that Coin provides for the
       application programmer is the pick actions. Draggers, manipulators,
       SoSelection nodes, etc all make use of the functionality provided by
       the pick actions for selecting and manipulating scene geometry in
       various ways. "
   class SoRayPickAction
       The SoRayPickAction class does ray intersection with scene graphs.

       For interaction with the scene graph geometry, it is necessary to be
       able to do intersection testing for rays. This functionality is
       provided by the SoRayPickAction class. "
   class SoReorganizeAction
       The SoReorganizeAction class reorganizes your scene graph to optimize
   class SoSearchAction
       The SoSearchAction class provides methods for searching through scene

       Nodes can be searched for by pointer, type, and name, or a combination
       of those criteria. Types can be interpreted as exact types, or the type
       can match nodes derived from it. Every single node can be searched, or
       normal traversal rules can be followed when searching (this is
       especially important to note with regard to switch nodes). "
   class SoToVRML2Action
       The SoToVRML2Action class builds a new scene graph, using only
       VRML97/VRML2 nodes.

       This action is used for converting a scene graph of VRML1/Coin nodes to
       a new scene graph using only VRML97/VRML2 nodes. "
   class SoToVRMLAction
       The SoToVRMLAction class builds a new scene graph using only VRML 1.0

       This action is used for converting a scene graph of VRML2/VRML97 nodes
       to a new scene graph using only VRML1 compatible nodes. "
   class SoWriteAction
       The SoWriteAction class writes a scene graph to file.

       When applied to a scene, this action writes its contents to the stream
       contained within an SoOutput instance. This can be a file, a memory
       buffer or a system filehandle like stdout, for instance. "
   class SoIntersectionDetectionAction
       The SoIntersectionDetectionAction class is for detecting intersecting
       primitives in a scene.
   class SoActionMethodList
       The SoActionMethodList class contains function pointers for action

       An SoActionMethodList contains one function pointer per node type. Each
       action contains an SoActioMethodList to know which functions to call
       during scene graph traversal. "
   class SoEnabledElementsList
       The SoEnabledElementsList class is a container for type info for
       element types that are enabled in actions.

       This class is probably not interesting for the application programmer.

Detailed Description

       Actions are objects that traverse a scene graph to drive some scene-
       related process, one example being OpenGL rendering, and another being
       ray picking.

       At the most basic level, most action management will be done for the
       user behind the scenes in an SoSceneManager object, and the only
       actions one might need to get acquainted with are SoSearchAction and

       For more advanced usage of Coin, one might want (or need) to take full
       control over driving all the actions oneself, in which case one will
       also need to know about the SoGLRenderAction, SoHandleEventAction,
       SoGetBoundingBoxAction, and SoRayPickAction.

       The remaining actions are mostly more special-purpose actions of
       various kinds, except for the SoCallbackAction.

       Before going to the step of implementing an extension action, one
       should really take a good look at the SoCallbackAction class, which is
       a general-purpose action that can be used as the framework for
       implementing almost any traversal-based process, with callback-hooks
       for all kinds of events that happen during traversal. In most cases,
       one can avoid the hassle of writing a new action, and just use
       SoCallbackAction instead.


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