Man Linux: Main Page and Category List


       XmTabStack - The TabStack widget class


       #include <Xm/TabStack.h>


       The  XmTabStack  widget  manages  a group of widgets such that only one
       widget in the group is visible at a time. Each child is associated with
       a  "tab"  that  displays a text label and/or a pixmap. By selecting the
       "tab" the user interactively determines which child is displayed.  This
       widget  exhibits  behavior  similar  to  the  Microsoft Windows(TM) Tab

       The tabs can be configured to appear above, below, to the right, and to
       the  left  of  a  work  area  with the text oriented in any of the four
       cardinal directions.

       The TabStack allows the user to select, either by pointer  or  keyboard
       traversal,  tabs.  When a tab is selected it changes appearance so that
       it appears to be raised above the other tabs.  When a tab  is  selected
       the  child associated with the tab is made visible. One tab is selected
       at all times.

       TabStack  inherits  behavior  and  resources  form   Core,   Composite,
       Constraint, XmManager and XmBulletinBoard Classes.

       The class pointer is xmTabStackWidgetClass.

       The class name is XmTabStack.

   New Resources
       The  following  table  defines  a  set  of widget resources used by the
       programmer to specify data.  The programmer can also set  the  resource
       values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget.  To
       reference a resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults  file,  remove
       the XmN or XmC prefix and use the remaining letters.  To specify one of
       the defined values for a resource in a .Xdefaults file, remove  the  Xm
       or  prefix  and  use  the  remaining  letters  (in  either lowercase or
       uppercase, but include any underscores between words).   The  codes  in
       the access column indicate if the given resource can be set at creation
       time(C), set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by  using  XtGetValues
       (G), or is not applicable (N/A).

                               XmTabStack Resource Set
             Name                          Default                Access
                   Class                         Type
             XmNfontList                   Dynamic                CSG
                   XmCFontList                   XmFontList
             XmNhighlightThickness         2                      CSG
                   XmCHighlightThickness         Dimension
             XmNstackedEffect              True                   CSG
                   XmCStackedEffect              Boolean

             XmNtabAutoSelect              True                   CG
                   XmCTabAutoSelect              Boolean
             XmNtabCornerPercent           40                     CSG
                   XmCTabCornerPercent           int
             XmNtabLabelSpacing            2                      CSG
                   XmCTabLabelSpacing            Dimension
             XmNtabMarginHeight            3                      CSG
                   XmCTabMarginHeight            Dimension
             XmNtabMarginWidth             3                      CSG
                   XmCTabMarginWidth             Dimension
             XmNtabMode                    XmTABS_BASIC           CSG
                   XmCTabMode                    int
             XmNtabOffset                  10                     CSG
                   XmCTabOffset                  Dimension
             XmNtabOrientation             Dynamic                CSG
                   XmCTabOrientation             int
             XmNtabSelectColor             Dynamic                CSG
                   XmCTabSelectColor             Pixel
             XmNtabSelectedCallback        NULL                   CS
                   XmCCallback                   XtCallbackList
             XmNtabSelectPixmap            XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP   CSG
                   XmCTabSelectPixmap            Pixmap
             XmNtabSide                    XmTABS_ON_TOP          CSG
                   XmCTabSide                    int
             XmNtabStyle                   XmTABS_BEVELED         CSG
                   XmCTabStyle                   int
             XmNuniformTabSize             True                   CSG
                   XmCUniformTabSize             Boolean
             XmNuseImageCache              True                   CSG
                   XmCUseImageCache              Boolean

              Specifies  the  XmFontList to use when drawing the label strings
              for the tabs.

              Specifies the thickness of the rectangle drawn around the  label
              string and label pixmap of the tab with keyboard traversal.

              Specifies if the visuals should depict a stack of folders, True,
              or if the XmTabStack should use  all  available  space  for  its
              children, False.

              Specifies  if  a  tab is automatically selected when it receives
              keyboard traversal.

              Specifies the percent of the font height that should be used for
              the corner visual.

              Specifies  the amount of space to leave between a text label and
              a pixmap in the tab area.

              Specifies the vertical border that is placed  around  the  label
              area of a tab.

              Specifies  the horizontal border that is placed around the label
              area of a tab.

              Specifies the mode in which the XmTabStack distributes the tabs.
              Valid values for this resource include:

                     Distributes  the  tabs in either a vertical or horizontal
                     row and clips the tabs if there is  not  enough  room  to
                     display all the tabs.

                     Distributes  the  tabs in either a vertical or horizontal
                     row. If there is not enough room to display all the  tabs
                     additional  rows  are added.  When a tab is selected, its
                     row is moved next to the children in the stack.

                     Distributes the tabs in either a vertical  or  horizontal
                     row.  If there is not enough room to display all the tabs
                     additional rows are added. The positions of rows are  not
                     changed when tabs are selected.

              Specifies the amount of indentation used to stagger the tab rows
              when  displaying  tabs   in   either   the   XmTABS_STACKED   or
              XmTABS_STACKED_STATIC mode.

              Specifies the orientation of the tab, and the rotation factor of
              the tab label. Valid values for this resource include:

                     Specifies that the orientation  of  the  tabs  should  be
                     calculated  dynamically based on the XmNtabSide resource.

                     Specifies that the text appears at the default  rotation.

                     Specifies that the text appears upside down.

                     Specifies that the text should be rotated to the vertical
                     position with the first character drawn at the  lowest  y
                     position  and  the  bottom of the text faces the lowest x

                     Specifies  that  the  text  should  be  rotated  to   the
                     vertical,  position with the first character drawn at the
                     highest y position and the bottom of the text  faces  the
                     highest x position.

              Specifies the color of the selected tab.

              Specifies the list of callbacks to call when a child becomes the
              selected tab.

              Specifies the pixmap of the selected tab.

              Specifies the location of the tab with respect to  the  children
              of the XmTabStack. Valid values for this resource include:

                     Specifies  that  the  tabs  should  be  placed  above the

                     Specifies that  the  tabs  should  be  placed  below  the

                     Specifies  that the tabs should be placed to the right of
                     the children.

                     Specifies that the tabs should be placed to the  left  of
                     the children.

              Specifies  the  appearance  of  the  tabs  associated  with  the
              children of the  XmTabStack.  Valid  values  for  this  resource

                     Draws the corners of the tabs as an angled line.

                     Draws the corners of the tabs as a quarter of a circle.

                     Draws the tabs as rectangles.

              Determines  if  all  tabs should have a uniform major dimension,
              where the major dimension is width if  the  tab  orientation  is
              XmTABS_LEFT_TO_RIGHT  or  XmTABS_RIGHT_TO_LEFT  or height if the
              tab orientation is XmTABS_TOP_TO_BOTTOM or XmTABS_BOTTOM_TO_TOP.

              Destermines  if  the  Xmmages used for rotating text and pixmaps
              should be cached. This increases performance but  uses  up  more

                             XmTabStack Constraint Resource Set
              Name                          Default                      Access
                    Class                         Type
              XmNfreeTabPixmap              False                        CSG
                    XmCFreeTabPixmap              Boolean
              XmNtabAlignment               XmALIGNMENT_CENTER           CSG
                    XmCAlignment                  unsigned char
              XmNtabBackground              Dynamic                      CSG

                    XmCBackground                 Pixel
              XmNtabBackgroundPixmap        Dynamic                      CSG
                    XmCBackgroundPixmap           Pixmap
              XmNtabForeground              Dynamic                      CSG
                    XmCForeground                 Pixel
              XmNtabLabelPixmap             XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP         CSG
                    XmCTabLabelPixmap             Pixmap
              XmNtabLabelString             NULL                         CSG
                    XmCTabLabelString             XmString
              XmNtabPixmapPlacement         XmPIXMAP_RIGHT               CSG
                    XmCTabPixmapPlacement         XmPixmapPlacement
              XmNtabStringDirection         XmSTRING_DIRECTION_DEFAULT   CSG
                    XmCTabStringDirection         unsigned char

              Specifies  that  the  pixmaps  assigned  to  the  XmNlabelPixmap
              resources should be freed when the widget is destroyed.

              Specifies the alignment of the tab label. Valid values for  this
              resource include:

                     Aligns the label to the left side of the available space.

                     Aligns the label centered in the available space.

                     Aligns the label to  the  right  side  of  the  available

              Specifies the background pixel for the tab.

              Specifies the background pixmap for the tab.

              Specifies the foreground pixel for the tab.

              Specifies the pixmap to display in the tab label.

              Specifies  the XmString to display as the textual portion of the
              tab label. This is copied when set  on  the  widget.  The  value
              fetched  via  XtGetValues  should  not  be freed as it returns a
              pointer to the widgets value. If  you  wish  to  use  the  value
              returned from XtGetValues use XmStringCopy the returned value.

              Specifies the location of the pixmap with respect to the text in
              the tab label. Valid values for this resource include:

                     Specifies that the pixmap should be above the XmString.

                     Specifies that the pixmap should be below the XmString.

                     Specifies that the pixmap should be to the right  of  the

                     Specifies  that  the  pixmap should be to the left of the

                     Specifies that only the pixmap portion of the  tab  label
                     should be displayed.

                     Specifies that only the XmString portion of the tab label
                     should be displayed.

              Specifies the string direction for the XmString portion  of  the
              tab label. Valid values for this resouce include:

                     Left to right

                     Right to left

   Inherited Resources
       TabStack   inherits   behavior   and   resources   from  the  following
       superclasses. For a complete description of each resource, refer to the
       man page for that superclass.

                            XmBulletinBoard Resource Set
                Name                       Default Access
                      Class                      Type
                XmNallowOverlap            True                   CSG
                      XmCAllowOverlap            Boolean
                XmNautoUnmanage            False                  CG
                      XmCAutoUnmanage            Boolean
                XmNbuttonFontList          dynamic                CSG
                      XmCButtonFontList          XmFontList
                XmNcancelButton            NULL                   SG
                      XmCWidget                  Widget
                XmNdefaultButton           NULL                   SG
                      XmCWidget                  Widget
                XmNdefaultPosition         True                   CSG
                      XmCDefaultPosition         Boolean
                XmNdialogStyle             dynamic                CSG
                      XmCDialogStyle             unsigned char
                XmNdialogTitle             NULL                   CSG
                      XmCDialogTitle             XmString
                XmNfocusCallback           NULL                   C
                      XmCCallback                XtCallbackList
                XmNlabelFontList           dynamic                CSG

                      XmCLabelFontList           XmFontList
                XmNmapCallback             NULL                   C
                      XmCCallback                XtCallbackList
                XmNmarginHeight            10                     CSG
                      XmCMarginHeight            Dimension
                XmNmarginWidth             10                     CSG
                      XmCMarginWidth             Dimension
                XmNnoResize                False                  CSG
                      XmCNoResize                Boolean

                               XmManager Resource Set
             Name                          Default Access
                   Class                         Type
             XmNbottomShadowColor          dynamic                   CSG
                   XmCBottomShadowColor          Pixel
             XmNbottomShadowPixmap         XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP      CSG
                   XmCBottomShadowPixmap         Pixmap
             XmNforeground                 dynamic                   CSG
                   XmCForeground                 Pixel
             XmNhelpCallback               NULL                      C
                   XmCCallback                   XtCallbackList
             XmNhighlightColor             dynamic                   CSG
                   XmCHighlightColor             Pixel
             XmNhighlightPixmap            dynamic                   CSG
                   XmCHighlightPixmap            Pixmap
             XmNinitialFocus               dynamic                   CSG
                   XmCInitialFocus               Widget
             XmNnavigationType             XmTAB_GROUP               CSG
                   XmCNavigationType             XmNavigationType
             XmNshadowThickness            2                         CSG
                   XmCShadowThickness            Dimension
             XmNstringDirection            dynamic                   CG
                   XmCStringDirection            XmStringDirection
             XmNtopShadowColor             dynamic                   CSG
                   XmCTopShadowColor             Pixel
             XmNtopShadowPixmap            dynamic                   CSG
                   XmCTopShadowPixmap            Pixmap
             XmNtraversalOn                True                      CSG
                   XmCTraversalOn                Boolean
             XmNunitType                   dynamic CSG
                   XmCUnitType                   unsigned char
             XmNuserData                   NULL                      CSG
                   XmCUserData                   XtPointer

                               Composite Resource Set
                  Name                      Default Access
                        Class                     Type
                  XmNchildren               NULL                G
                        XmCReadOnly               WidgetList
                  XmNinsertPosition         NULL                CSG
                        XmCInsertPosition         XtOrderProc
                  XmNnumChildren            0                   G
                        XmCReadOnly               Cardinal

                                 Core Resource Set
        Name                                  Default Access
              Class                                 Type
        XmNaccelerators                       dynamic                N/A
              XmCAccelerators                       XtAccelerators
        XmNancestorSensitive                  dynamic                G
              XmCSensitive                          Boolean
        XmNbackground                         dynamic                CSG
              XmCBackground                         Pixel
        XmNbackgroundPixmap                   XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP   CSG
              XmCPixmap                             Pixmap
        XmNborderColor                        XtDefaultForeground    CSG
              XmCBorderColor                        Pixel
        XmNborderPixmap                       XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP   CSG
              XmCPixmap                             Pixmap
        XmNborderWidth                        0                      CSG
              XmCBorderWidth                        Dimension
        XmNcolormap                           dynamic                CG
              XmCColormap                           Colormap
        XmNdepth                              dynamic                CG
              XmCDepth                              int
        XmNdestroyCallback                    NULL                   C
              XmCCallback                           XtCallbackList
        XmNheight                             dynamic                CSG
              XmCHeight                             Dimension
        XmNinitialResourcesPersistent         True                   C
              XmCInitialResourcesPersistent         Boolean
        XmNmappedWhenManaged                  True                   CSG
              XmCMappedWhenManaged                  Boolean
        XmNscreen                             Screen*                dynamic
              XmCScreen                             Screen
        XmNsensitive                          True                   CSG

              XmCSensitive                          Boolean
        XmNtranslations                       dynamic                CSG
              XmCTranslations                       XtTranslations
        XmNwidth                              dynamic                CSG
              XmCWidth                              Dimension
        XmNx                                  0                      CSG
              XmCPosition                           Position
        XmNy                                  0                      CSG
              XmCPosition                           Position

   Calback Information
       A pointer to the following structure is passed to each callback:

       typedef struct _XmTabStackCallbackStruct {
       } XmTabStackCallbackStruct;

       reason Indicates  why the callback was invoked. Valid callbacks reasons

                     Indicates that a child has been made the selected widget.

       event  Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback.

              Contains the widget ID of the selected child.

       XmTabStack includes the translations from the XmManager.

   Additional Behavior
       The XmTabStack has no additional behavior.

   Virtual Bindings
       The  bindings  for  virtual  keys are vendor specific.  For information
       about bindings for virtual buttons and keys, see VirtualBindings(3X).


       XmBulletinBoard(3X), Composite(3X), Constraint(3X), Core(3X),
       XmCreateTabStack(3X), and XmManager(3X).


       This manual page documents the XmColumn widget shipped in Motif version


       (c) 2002 by Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc.
