XmStringGenerate — A convenience function that generates a compound
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
XmString XmStringGenerate(
XtPointer text,
XmStringTag tag,
XmTextType type,
XmStringTag rendition);
XmStringGenerate calls the XmStringParseText function with a default
parse table of entries consisting of ’’, which maps to Separator, and
’’, which maps to Tab. Matching RENDITION_BEGIN and RENDITION_END
components containing rendition are placed around the resulting
text Specifies a NULL-terminated string containing characters of a
type determined by type.
tag Specifies the tag to be used in creating the result. The type
of tag created (charset or locale) depends on the text type
and the value given. If specified value is NULL, and type
indicates that a charset tag should be created, then the tag
will have the value of XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG. If tag is
NULL, and type indicates a locale tag, then the tag will have
type Specifies the type of text to be passed in, and the tag type.
If a locale tag should be created, then type has a value of
either XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT or XmWIDECHAR_TEXT. If a charset
should be created, type has a value of XmCHARSET_TEXT.
rendition Specifies the rendition tag to be used in an
XmSTRING_COMPONENT_RENDITION_BEGIN component which will begin
the returned string and in an
XmSTRING_COMPONENT_RENDITION_END component which will end it.
If rendition is NULL, no rendition tag is placed.
Returns a new compound string. The function will allocate space to
hold the returned compound string. When the application no longer
needs the returned compound string, the application should call
XmString(3) and XmStringFree(3).
XmStringGenerate(library call)