XmRenderTableRemoveRenditions — A convenience function that removes
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
XmRenderTable XmRenderTableRemoveRenditions(
XmRenderTable oldtable,
XmStringTag *tags,
int tag_count);
XmRenderTableRemoveRenditions removes from oldtable the renditions
whose tags match the tags specified in tags, then places the remaining
renditions in a newly created render table.
oldtable Specifies the render table from which renditions are to be
removed. This function deallocates the original render table
and the matching renditions after extracting the required
tags Specifies an array of tags, whose corresponding renditions
are to be removed from oldtable.
tag_count Specifies the number of tags in tags.
If oldtable or tags is NULL, or tag_count is 0 (zero), or no renditions
are removed from oldtable, this function returns oldtable. Otherwise,
it returns a newly allocated XmRenderTable. The application is
responsible for managing this allocated render table. The application
can recover this allocated space by calling XmRenderTableFree.
XmRendition(3) and XmRenderTableFree(3).
XmRenderTableRemoveRenditions(library call)