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       XmCreateScrolledList  —  The  List  ScrolledList  convenience  creation


       #include <Xm/List.h>
       Widget XmCreateScrolledList(
       Widget parent,
       String name,
       ArgList arglist,
       Cardinal argcount);


       XmCreateScrolledList creates an instance  of  a  List  widget  that  is
       contained  within  a  ScrolledWindow.   The  ScrolledWindow  parent  is
       created managed.  All ScrolledWindow subarea widgets are  automatically
       created  by this function.  The ID returned by this function is that of
       the List widget (not the ScrolledWindow widget).  Use  this  widget  ID
       for  all  operations on the List widget.  Use the widget ID of the List
       widget’s parent for all operations on the  ScrolledWindow.   To  obtain
       the  ID  of  the ScrolledWindow widget associated with the List widget,
       use  the  Xt  Intrinsics  XtParent   function.    The   name   of   the
       ScrolledWindow  created  by this function is formed by concatenating SW
       onto the end of the name specified in the parameter list.

       All arguments to either the List or the ScrolledWindow  widget  can  be
       specified  at  creation  time  using this function.  Changes to initial
       position and size are sent only to the  ScrolledWindow  widget.   Other
       resources  are  sent  to  the  List  or  the  ScrolledWindow  widget as
       appropriate.  Note that the result of providing the  XmNdestroyCallback
       resource in the creation arglist is unspecified. The application should
       use the XtAddCallback function to  add  callbacks  to  the  appropriate
       widget (List or ScrolledWindow) after creating it.

       This  function  forces  the following initial values for ScrolledWindow

          ·  XmNscrollingPolicy is set to XmAPPLICATION_DEFINED.

          ·  XmNvisualPolicy is set to XmVARIABLE.

          ·  XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy is set to XmSTATIC.  (No initial  value
             is forced for the List’s XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy.)

          ·  XmNshadowThickness is set to 0 (zero).

       parent    Specifies the parent widget ID

       name      Specifies the name of the created widget

       arglist   Specifies the argument list

       argcount  Specifies the number of attribute/value pairs in the argument
                 list (arglist)

       For a complete definition of List and  its  associated  resources,  see


       Returns the List widget ID.


       XmList(3) and XmScrolledWindow(3).

                                            XmCreateScrolledList(library call)