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       XmClipboard - Motif-compatible clipboard widget


       #include <Xm/CutPaste.h>


       The clipboard is represented by a number of convenience functions which
       allow a widget or an application to  exchange  information  with  other
       widgets or applications.

       The  APIs  described  in  this  document  are to be used by application
       writers, but the LessTif widgets use them internally as well  when  the
       user  performs  an  action  commanding  the widget to interact with the

       Examples  of  the  use  of  these  functions  can  be  found   in   the
       implementation  of  the  XmTextField(3) widget, in lib/Xm/TextF.c under
       the root of the LessTif source directory.  Specifically, the  functions
       XmTextFieldCopy  and  XmTextFieldPaste  have been implemented using the
       functions described below.


       The functions are listed alphabetically below.  Do  note  however  that
       XmClipboardStartCopy  is to be called before any of the other functions
       described in this document.

       int  XmClipboardBeginCopy(Display  *display,  Window  window,  XmString
       clip_label, Widget widget, VoidProc callback, long *item_id)

       This  appears  to  be  the same as XmClipboardStartCopy.  This function
       should be called first, then XmClipboardCopy may be called, potentially
       multiple   times;   the   sequence   must  be  ended  with  a  call  of

       int  XmClipboardCancelCopy(Display  *display,   Window   window,   long

       Just what the name says : cancel a pending copy operation.

       int XmClipboardCopy(Display *display, Window window, long item_id, char
       *format_name, XtPointer buffer, unsigned long length, long  private_id,
       long *data_id)

       This  function  allows  you  to try to copy the buffer that needs to be
       transferred to the clipboard.  Item_id should be the  same  as  in  the
       call  to  XmClipboardBeginCopy.   Private_id  is  a number that you can

       int  XmClipboardCopyByName(Display  *display,   Window   window,   long
       data_id, XtPointer buffer, unsigned long length, long private_id)

       int XmClipboardEndCopy(Display *display, Window window, long item_id)

       See description of XmClipboardBeginCopy and XmClipboardCopy.

       int XmClipboardEndRetrieve(Display *display, Window window)

       Ends   a   cycle   of   retrieval   calls,   started  with  a  call  to
       XmClipboardBeginRetrieve, and with calls of XmClipboardRetrieve in  the

       int   XmClipboardInquireCount(Display   *display,  Window  window,  int
       *count, unsigned long *max_length)

       int  XmClipboardInquireFormat(Display  *display,  Window  window,   int
       index,  XtPointer  format_name_buf,  unsigned long buffer_len, unsigned
       long *copied_len)

       int  XmClipboardInquireLength(Display  *display,  Window  window,  char
       *format_name, unsigned long *length)

       You can call this function just beforeXmClipboardRetrieve to figure out
       how  much  data  is  waiting.   This  way  you  can  allocate   storage
       dynamically.   An example of the use of this function is in the LessTif
       sources in the file lib/Xm/TextF.c, in function XmTextFieldPaste.

       int  XmClipboardInquirePendingItems(Display  *display,  Window  window,
       char  *format_name,  XmClipboardPendingList  *item_list,  unsigned long

       int XmClipboardLock(Display *display, Window window)

       int XmClipboardRegisterFormat(Display *display, char *format_name,  int

       int   XmClipboardRetrieve(Display   *display,   Window   window,   char
       *format_name, XtPointer buffer, unsigned  long  length,  unsigned  long
       *num_bytes, long *private_id)

       Copy  a  chunk of the clipboard’s data into application memory.  Length
       indicates  the  buffer’s  size.   Private_id   returns   private   data
       associated with the data item (this is just a number).

       This function can return ClipboardLocked.

       int  XmClipboardStartCopy(Display  *display,  Window  window,  XmString
       clip_label, Time timestamp,  Widget  widget,  XmCutPasteProc  callback,
       long *item_id)

       This  function  creates  temporary  storage that will receive clipboard
       data.  It must  be  called  before  any  other  XmClipboard  operation.
       Window  identifies  the  widget’s  window;  it  should be passed to all
       clipboard routines in the same application.  Clip_label identifies  the
       data  item  by  name.   Widget  is  the  widget  ID receiving callbacks
       mentioned in callback.  Item_id returns a number  to  be  used  by  the
       other clipboard copy functions to refer to this particular object.

       This function can return ClipboardLocked.

       int  XmClipboardStartRetrieve(Display  *display,  Window  window,  Time

       This function indicates the start of incremental retrieval of data from
       the  clipboard.  Increments can be copied now with XmClipboardRetrieve,
       while XmClipboardEndRetrieve should be called  to  finish  copying  the
       contents  of  the  clipboard.   These  functions  should be called with
       identical format_name arguments.

       This function can return ClipboardLocked.

       int XmClipboardUndoCopy(Display *display, Window window)

       int  XmClipboardUnlock(Display   *display,   Window   window,   Boolean

       int  XmClipboardWithdrawFormat(Display  *display,  Window  window,  int


       The callback functions triggered by  XmClipboardStartCopy  should  have
       the following signature :

       void   CallbackFunction(Widget  w,  int  *data_id,  int  *private,  int

       The data_id points to the data passed by  name.   The  private  pointer
       points  to  data  passed  from  XmClipboardCopy.   The reason field can
       either          return          XmCR_CLIPBOARD_DATA_DELETE           or


       All  of  the  functions described in this page can return the following
       codes :

       ClipboardSuccess the call ended successfully

       ClipboardFail failure for various reasons - see  the  explanation  with
       the function

       ClipboardLocked some other application has locked the clipboard already

       ClipboardNoData it’s empty or the format wasn’t found

       ClipboardTruncate the data was truncated because  the  buffer  was  too

       ClipboardBadFormat  the  format name was NULL or the format didn’t have
       length 8, 16, or 32