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       XmArrowButton — The ArrowButton widget class


       #include <Xm/ArrowB.h>


       ArrowButton  consists  of  a  directional  arrow surrounded by a border
       shadow. When it is selected, the shadow changes to give the  appearance
       that  the  ArrowButton  has  been  pressed  in. When the ArrowButton is
       unselected,  the  shadow  reverts  to  give  the  appearance  that  the
       ArrowButton is released, or out.

       ArrowButton holds the XmQTactivatable trait.

       ArrowButton  inherits behavior, resources, and traits from the Core and
       XmPrimitive classes.

       The class pointer is xmArrowButtonWidgetClass.

       The class name is XmArrowButton.

   New Resources
       The following table defines a set  of  widget  resources  used  by  the
       programmer  to  specify  data. The programmer can also set the resource
       values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget.  To
       reference  a  resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults file, remove
       the XmN or XmC prefix and use the remaining letters. To specify one  of
       the  defined  values for a resource in a .Xdefaults file, remove the Xm
       prefix and use the remaining letters (in either lowercase or uppercase,
       but  include  any  underscores between words).  The codes in the access
       column indicate if the given resource can be set at creation time  (C),
       set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by using XtGetValues (G), or is
       not applicable (N/A).

       |                         |      XmArrowButton Resource Set           |            |        |
       |Name                     | Class                    | Type           | Default    | Access |
       |XmNactivateCallback      | XmCCallback              | XtCallbackList | NULL       | C      |
       |XmNarmCallback           | XmCCallback              | XtCallbackList | NULL       | C      |
       |XmNarrowDirection        | XmCArrowDirection        | unsigned char  | XmARROW_UP | CSG    |
       |XmNdetailShadowThickness | XmCDetailShadowThickness | Dimension      | 2          | CSG    |
       |XmNdisarmCallback        | XmCCallback              | XtCallbackList | NULL       | C      |
       |XmNmultiClick            | XmCMultiClick            | unsigned char  | dynamic    | CSG    |
                 Specifies a  list  of  callbacks  that  is  called  when  the
                 ArrowButton  is activated.  To activate the button, press and
                 release BSelect while the pointer is inside  the  ArrowButton
                 widget.  Activating  the  ArrowButton  also  disarms it.  The
                 reason sent by this callback is XmCR_ACTIVATE.  This callback
                 uses the XmQTactivatable trait.

                 Specifies  a  list  of  callbacks  that  is  called  when the
                 ArrowButton is armed.  To  arm  this  widget,  press  BSelect
                 while the pointer is inside the ArrowButton.  The reason sent
                 by this callback is XmCR_ARM.

                 Sets the arrow direction.  The values for this resource are

                    ·  XmARROW_UP

                    ·  XmARROW_DOWN

                    ·  XmARROW_LEFT

                    ·  XmARROW_RIGHT

                 Specifies the thickness of  the  inside  arrow  shadows.  The
                 default thickness is 2 pixels.

                 Specifies  a  list  of  callbacks  that  is  called  when the
                 ArrowButton is disarmed.  To disarm this  widget,  press  and
                 release  BSelect while the pointer is inside the ArrowButton.
                 The reason for this callback is XmCR_DISARM.

                 If a button click is followed by another button click  within
                 the time span specified by the display’s multiclick time, and
                 this resource is  set  to  XmMULTICLICK_DISCARD,  the  second
                 click.   is  not  processed.   If  this  resource  is  set to
                 XmMULTICLICK_KEEP, the event is processed and click_count  is
                 incremented  in  the  callback structure.  When the button is
                 not in a menu, the default value is XmMULTICLICK_KEEP.

   Inherited Resources
       ArrowButton inherits  behavior  and  resources  from  the  superclasses
       described  in  the following table.  For a complete description of each
       resource, refer to the reference page for that superclass.

       |                        |            XmPrimitive|Resource Set      |                      |        |
       |Name                    | Class                 | Type             | Default              | Access |
       |XmNbottomShadowColor    | XmCBottomShadowColor  | Pixel            | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNbottomShadowPixmap   | XmCBottomShadowPixmap | Pixmap           | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG    |
       |XmNconvertCallback      | XmCCallback           | XtCallbackList   | NULL                 | C      |
       |XmNforeground           | XmCForeground         | Pixel            | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNhelpCallback         | XmCCallback           | XtCallbackList   | NULL                 | C      |
       |XmNhighlightColor       | XmCHighlightColor     | Pixel            | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNhighlightOnEnter     | XmCHighlightOnEnter   | Boolean          | False                | CSG    |
       |XmNhighlightPixmap      | XmCHighlightPixmap    | Pixmap           | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNhighlightThickness   | XmCHighlightThickness | Dimension        | 2                    | CSG    |
       |XmNlayoutDirection      | XmCLayoutDirection    | XmDirection      | dynamic              | CG     |
       |XmNnavigationType       | XmCNavigationType     | XmNavigationType | XmNONE               | CSG    |
       |XmNpopupHandlerCallback | XmCCallback           | XtCallbackList   | NULL                 | C      |
       |XmNshadowThickness      | XmCShadowThickness    | Dimension        | 2                    | CSG    |
       |XmNtopShadowColor       | XmCTopShadowColor     | Pixel            | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNtopShadowPixmap      | XmCTopShadowPixmap    | Pixmap           | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNtraversalOn          | XmCTraversalOn        | Boolean          | True                 | CSG    |
       |XmNunitType             | XmCUnitType           | unsigned char    | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNuserData             | XmCUserData           | XtPointer        | NULL                 | CSG    |

       |                              |               Core Resource Set                |                      |        |
       |Name                          | Class                         | Type           | Default              | Access |
       |XmNaccelerators               | XmCAccelerators               | XtAccelerators | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNancestorSensitive          | XmCSensitive                  | Boolean        | dynamic              | G      |
       |XmNbackground                 | XmCBackground                 | Pixel          | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNbackgroundPixmap           | XmCPixmap                     | Pixmap         | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG    |
       |XmNborderColor                | XmCBorderColor                | Pixel          | XtDefaultForeground  | CSG    |
       |XmNborderPixmap               | XmCPixmap                     | Pixmap         | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG    |
       |XmNborderWidth                | XmCBorderWidth                | Dimension      | 0                    | CSG    |
       |XmNcolormap                   | XmCColormap                   | Colormap       | dynamic              | CG     |
       |XmNdepth                      | XmCDepth                      | int            | dynamic              | CG     |
       |XmNdestroyCallback            | XmCCallback                   | XtCallbackList | NULL                 | C      |
       |XmNheight                     | XmCHeight                     | Dimension      | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNinitialResourcesPersistent | XmCInitialResourcesPersistent | Boolean        | True                 | C      |
       |XmNmappedWhenManaged          | XmCMappedWhenManaged          | Boolean        | True                 | CSG    |
       |XmNscreen                     | XmCScreen                     | Screen *       | dynamic              | CG     |
       |XmNsensitive                  | XmCSensitive                  | Boolean        | True                 | CSG    |
       |XmNtranslations               | XmCTranslations               | XtTranslations | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNwidth                      | XmCWidth                      | Dimension      | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNx                          | XmCPosition                   | Position       | 0                    | CSG    |
       |XmNy                          | XmCPosition                   | Position       | 0                    | CSG    |
   Callback Information
       A pointer to the following structure is passed to each callback:

       typedef struct
               int reason;
               XEvent * event;
               int click_count;
       } XmArrowButtonCallbackStruct;

       reason    Indicates why the callback was invoked.

       event     Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback.

                 This value is valid only when the  reason  is  XmCR_ACTIVATE.
                 It  contains  the  number  of  clicks  in the last multiclick
                 sequence  if   the   XmNmultiClick   resource   is   set   to
                 XmMULTICLICK_KEEP;  otherwise  it  contains  1.  The activate
                 callback is invoked for each click if XmNmultiClick is set to

       XmArrowButton includes translations for XmPrimitive.  The following key
       names are listed in the X standard key event translation table  syntax.
       This  format  is  the  one  used by Motif to specify the widget actions
       corresponding to a given key.   A  brief  overview  of  the  format  is
       provided  under  VirtualBindings(3).  For a complete description of the
       format, please refer to the X Toolkit Instrinsics Documentation.





                 Activate() Disarm()



                 Activate() Disarm()





       ∼sma <Key>Return:

       ∼sma <Key>space:

   Action Routines
       The XmArrowButton action routines are

                 Draws the shadow in the unselected state.  If the pointer  is
                 within    the    ArrowButton,   calls   the   callbacks   for

       Arm():    Draws  the  shadow  in  the  selected  state  and  calls  the
                 callbacks for XmNarmCallback.

                 Draws  the  shadow  in  the  selected  state  and  calls  the
                 callbacks for XmNarmCallback.  Arranges for the shadow to  be
                 drawn   in   the  unselected  state  and  the  callbacks  for
                 XmNactivateCallback  and  XmNdisarmCallback  to  be   called,
                 either immediately or at a later time.

                 Causes   the   ArrowButton   to   take  keyboard  focus  when
                 Ctrl<Btn1Down> is pressed, without activating the widget.

       Disarm(): Draws the shadow  in  the  unselected  state  and  calls  the
                 callbacks for XmNdisarmCallback.

       Help():   Calls  the  callbacks  for  XmNhelpCallback if any exist.  If
                 there are no help callbacks  for  this  widget,  this  action
                 calls  the  help  callbacks for the nearest ancestor that has

                 If XmNmultiClick is XmMULTICLICK_DISCARD,  this  action  does

                 If XmNmultiClick is XmMULTICLICK_KEEP, this action increments
                 click_count in the callback structure and draws the shadow in
                 the   unselected   state.   If  the  pointer  is  within  the
                 ArrowButton,   this   action   calls   the   callbacks    for
                 XmNactivateCallback and XmNdisarmCallback.

                 If  XmNmultiClick  is  XmMULTICLICK_DISCARD, this action does
                 nothing.  If XmNmultiClick is XmMULTICLICK_KEEP, this  action
                 draws  the  shadow  in  the  selected  state  and  calls  the
                 callbacks for XmNarmCallback.

   Additional Behavior
       This widget has the following additional behavior:

                 Draws the ArrowButton shadow in its  selected  state  if  the
                 pointer  leaves  and  re-enters  the  window  while <Btn1> is

                 Draws the ArrowButton shadow in its unselected state  if  the
                 pointer leaves the window while <Btn1> is pressed.

   Virtual Bindings
       The  bindings  for  virtual  keys are vendor specific.  For information
       about bindings for virtual buttons and keys, see VirtualBindings(3).


       Core(3), XmCreateArrowButton(3), and XmPrimitive(3).

                                                   XmArrowButton(library call)