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       SoWWWInline -

       The SoWWWInline class is a node used to include data from an URL.

       If the URL is not a local file, the application is responsible for
       supplying a callback to a function which will fetch the data of the


       #include <Inventor/nodes/SoWWWInline.h>

       Inherits SoNode.

   Public Types
       enum BboxVisibility { NEVER, UNTIL_LOADED, ALWAYS }

   Public Member Functions
       SoWWWInline (void)
       void setFullURLName (const SbString &url)
       const SbString & getFullURLName (void)
       SoGroup * copyChildren (void) const
       void requestURLData (void)
       SbBool isURLDataRequested (void) const
       SbBool isURLDataHere (void) const
       void cancelURLDataRequest (void)
       void setChildData (SoNode *urldata)
       SoNode * getChildData (void) const
       virtual SoChildList * getChildren (void) const
       virtual void doAction (SoAction *action)
       virtual void doActionOnKidsOrBox (SoAction *action)
       virtual void callback (SoCallbackAction *action)
       virtual void GLRender (SoGLRenderAction *action)
       virtual void getBoundingBox (SoGetBoundingBoxAction *action)
       virtual void getMatrix (SoGetMatrixAction *action)
       virtual void handleEvent (SoHandleEventAction *action)
       virtual void search (SoSearchAction *action)
       virtual void pick (SoPickAction *action)
       virtual void getPrimitiveCount (SoGetPrimitiveCountAction *action)
       virtual void audioRender (SoAudioRenderAction *action)

   Static Public Member Functions
       static void initClass (void)
       static void setFetchURLCallBack (SoWWWInlineFetchURLCB *f, void
       static void setBoundingBoxVisibility (BboxVisibility b)
       static BboxVisibility getBoundingBoxVisibility (void)
       static void setBoundingBoxColor (SbColor &c)
       static const SbColor & getBoundingBoxColor (void)
       static void setReadAsSoFile (SbBool onoff)
       static SbBool getReadAsSoFile (void)

   Public Attributes
       SoSFString name
       SoSFVec3f bboxCenter
       SoSFVec3f bboxSize
       SoSFNode alternateRep

   Protected Member Functions
       virtual ~SoWWWInline ()
       virtual void addBoundingBoxChild (SbVec3f center, SbVec3f size)
       virtual SbBool readInstance (SoInput *in, unsigned short flags)
       virtual void copyContents (const SoFieldContainer *fromfC, SbBool

Detailed Description

       The SoWWWInline class is a node used to include data from an URL.

       If the URL is not a local file, the application is responsible for
       supplying a callback to a function which will fetch the data of the

       As long as no data has been imported, the scenegraph representation of
       the node will be that of a bounding box enclosing the geometry we
       expect to fetch from the URL. The application is naturally also
       responsible for specifying the expected dimensions of the geometry.

       If FetchURLCallBack isn’t set, the alternateRep will be rendered


           WWWInline {
               name ’<Undefined file>’
               bboxCenter 0 0 0
               bboxSize 0 0 0
               alternateRep NULL

           SGI Inventor 2.1

           Coin 1.0

Member Enumeration Documentation

   enum SoWWWInline::BboxVisibility Used to enumerate bbox rendering

       NEVER  Never render bounding box.

              Render bounding box until children are loaded.

       ALWAYS Always render bounding box, event when children are loaded.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   SoWWWInline::SoWWWInline (void) Constructor.
   SoWWWInline::~SoWWWInline () [protected, virtual] Destructor.

Member Function Documentation

   void SoWWWInline::initClass (void) [static] Sets up initialization for data
       common to all instances of this class, like submitting necessary
       information to the Coin type system.
       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoWWWInline::setFullURLName (const SbString & url) If the
       SoWWWInline::name field specifies a relative URL, use this method to
       name the complete URL.
   const SbString & SoWWWInline::getFullURLName (void) If a full URL has been
       set with the SoWWWInline::setFullURLName() method, return it. If not,
       returns the value of the SoWWWInline::name field.
   SoGroup * SoWWWInline::copyChildren (void) const Returns a subgraph with a
       deep copy of the children of this node.
   void SoWWWInline::requestURLData (void) Start requesting URL data. This
       might trigger a callback to the callback set in
   SbBool SoWWWInline::isURLDataRequested (void) const Returns TRUE if
       SoWWWInline::requestURLData() has been called without being canceled by
   SbBool SoWWWInline::isURLDataHere (void) const Return TRUE if the current
       child data has been read from file/URL and set using setChildData().
   void SoWWWInline::cancelURLDataRequest (void) Can be used to signal that
       URL loading has been canceled. You should use this method if you intend
       to request URL data more than once.
   void SoWWWInline::setChildData (SoNode * urldata) Manually set up the
       subgraph for this node. This should be used by the application to set
       the data that was read from the file/URL.
   SoNode * SoWWWInline::getChildData (void) const Returns the child data for
       this node. This can be data read from a file, from an URL, from the
       contents of SoWWWInline::alternateRep or that was manually set with
   SoChildList * SoWWWInline::getChildren (void) const [virtual] Returns the
       child list with the child data for this node.
       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoWWWInline::setFetchURLCallBack (SoWWWInlineFetchURLCB * f, void *
       userdata) [static] Sets the URL fetch callback. This will be used in
       SoWWWInline::readInstance() or when the user calls
       SoWWWInline::requestURLData(). FIXME: Shouldnt called on
       readInstance(), only when we need to render the node (or calculate the
       bbox if we dont have one). kintel 20060203.
   void SoWWWInline::setBoundingBoxVisibility (BboxVisibility b) [static] Sets
       the bounding box visibility strategy. The default is UNTIL_LOADED.
   SoWWWInline::BboxVisibility SoWWWInline::getBoundingBoxVisibility (void)
       [static] Returns the bounding box visibility.
   void SoWWWInline::setBoundingBoxColor (SbColor & c) [static] Sets the
       bounding box color.
   const SbColor & SoWWWInline::getBoundingBoxColor (void) [static] Returns
       the bounding box color.
   void SoWWWInline::setReadAsSoFile (SbBool onoff) [static] Sets whether
       children should be read from a local file, in the same manner as SoFile
       children are read.
       If this is set to TRUE, the URL must point to a file on the local file
       system, as can be accessed by the standard C library fopen() call.

   SbBool SoWWWInline::getReadAsSoFile (void) [static] Returns if children
       should be read from local files.
       See also:

   void SoWWWInline::doAction (SoAction * action) [virtual] This function
       performs the typical operation of a node for any action.
       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoWWWInline::doActionOnKidsOrBox (SoAction * action) [virtual] This
       method should probably have been private in OIV. It is obsoleted in
       Coin. Let us know if you need it.
   void SoWWWInline::callback (SoCallbackAction * action) [virtual] Action
       method for SoCallbackAction.
       Simply updates the state according to how the node behaves for the
       render action, so the application programmer can use the
       SoCallbackAction for extracting information about the scene graph.

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoWWWInline::GLRender (SoGLRenderAction * action) [virtual] Action
       method for the SoGLRenderAction.
       This is called during rendering traversals. Nodes influencing the
       rendering state in any way or who wants to throw geometry primitives at
       OpenGL overrides this method.

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoWWWInline::getBoundingBox (SoGetBoundingBoxAction * action)
       [virtual] Action method for the SoGetBoundingBoxAction.
       Calculates bounding box and center coordinates for node and modifies
       the values of the action to encompass the bounding box for this node
       and to shift the center point for the scene more towards the one for
       this node.

       Nodes influencing how geometry nodes calculates their bounding box also
       overrides this method to change the relevant state variables.

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoWWWInline::getMatrix (SoGetMatrixAction * action) [virtual] Action
       method for SoGetMatrixAction.
       Updates action by accumulating with the transformation matrix of this
       node (if any).

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoWWWInline::handleEvent (SoHandleEventAction * action) [virtual]
       Action method for SoHandleEventAction.
       Inspects the event data from action, and processes it if it is
       something which this node should react to.

       Nodes influencing relevant state variables for how event handling is
       done also overrides this method.

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoWWWInline::search (SoSearchAction * action) [virtual] Action method
       for SoSearchAction.
       Compares the search criteria from the action to see if this node is a
       match. Searching is done by matching up all criteria set up in the
       SoSearchAction -- if any of the requested criteria is a miss, the
       search is not deemed successful for the node.

       See also:

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoWWWInline::pick (SoPickAction * action) [virtual] Action method for
       Does common processing for SoPickAction action instances.

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoWWWInline::getPrimitiveCount (SoGetPrimitiveCountAction * action)
       [virtual] Action method for the SoGetPrimitiveCountAction.
       Calculates the number of triangle, line segment and point primitives
       for the node and adds these to the counters of the action.

       Nodes influencing how geometry nodes calculates their primitive count
       also overrides this method to change the relevant state variables.

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoWWWInline::audioRender (SoAudioRenderAction * action) [virtual]
       Action method for SoAudioRenderAction.
       Does common processing for SoAudioRenderAction action instances.

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoWWWInline::addBoundingBoxChild (SbVec3f center, SbVec3f size)
       [protected, virtual] Convenience method that extends the current
       bounding box to include the box specified by center and size.
   SbBool SoWWWInline::readInstance (SoInput * in, unsigned short flags)
       [protected, virtual] This method is mainly intended for internal use
       during file import operations.
       It reads a definition of an instance from the input stream in. The
       input stream state points to the start of a serialized / persistant
       representation of an instance of this class type.

       TRUE or FALSE is returned, depending on if the instantiation and
       configuration of the new object of this class type went ok or not. The
       import process should be robust and handle corrupted input streams by
       returning FALSE.

       flags is used internally during binary import when reading user
       extension nodes, group nodes or engines.

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoWWWInline::copyContents (const SoFieldContainer * from, SbBool
       copyconnections) [protected, virtual] Makes a deep copy of all data of
       from into this instance, except external scenegraph references if
       copyconnections is FALSE.
       This is the protected method that should be overridden by extension
       node / engine / dragger / whatever subclasses which needs to account
       for internal data that are not handled automatically.

       For copying nodes from application code, you should not invoke this
       function directly, but rather call the SoNode::copy() function:

         SoNode * mynewnode = templatenode->copy();

       The same also goes for engines.

       Make sure that when you override the copyContents() method in your
       extension class that you also make it call upwards to it’s parent
       superclass in the inheritance hierarchy, as copyContents() in for
       instance SoNode and SoFieldContainer does important work. It should go
       something like this:

         MyCoinExtensionNode::copyContents(const SoFieldContainer * from,
                                           SbBool copyconnections)
           // let parent superclasses do their thing (copy fields, copy
           // instance name, etc etc)
           SoNode::copyContents(from, copyconnections);

           // [..then copy internal data..]

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

Member Data Documentation

   SoSFString SoWWWInline::name Name of file/URL where children should be
   SoSFVec3f SoWWWInline::bboxCenter Center of bounding box.
   SoSFVec3f SoWWWInline::bboxSize Size of bounding box.
   SoSFNode SoWWWInline::alternateRep Alternate representation. Used when
       children cant be read from name.


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