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       SoTriangleStripSet -

       The SoTriangleStripSet class is used to render and control non-indexed
       triangle strips.

       Triangle strips are specified using the numVertices field.


       #include <Inventor/nodes/SoTriangleStripSet.h>

       Inherits SoNonIndexedShape.

   Public Member Functions
       SoTriangleStripSet (void)
       virtual void GLRender (SoGLRenderAction *action)
       virtual void getPrimitiveCount (SoGetPrimitiveCountAction *action)
       virtual SbBool generateDefaultNormals (SoState *state, SoNormalBundle

   Static Public Member Functions
       static void initClass (void)

   Public Attributes
       SoMFInt32 numVertices

   Protected Member Functions
       virtual ~SoTriangleStripSet ()
       virtual void generatePrimitives (SoAction *action)
       virtual void computeBBox (SoAction *action, SbBox3f &box, SbVec3f
       virtual SbBool generateDefaultNormals (SoState *, SoNormalCache *)

Detailed Description

       The SoTriangleStripSet class is used to render and control non-indexed
       triangle strips.

       Triangle strips are specified using the numVertices field.

       Coordinates, normals, materials and texture coordinates are all fetched
       in order from the current state or from the vertexProperty node if set.
       (To render triangle strips from vertex indices, use the
       SoIndexedTriangleStripSet node.)

       The numVertices field may be used for multiple strips, coordinates will
       be fetched with a monotonically increasing index from the coordinates
       on the traversal state stack (i.e. typically from the last
       SoCoordinate3 node encountered during traversal).

       For example, if numVertices is set to [3, 4, 5, 3], this node would
       specify a triangle from coordinates 0, 1 and 2, a triangle strip from
       coordinates 3, 4, 5 and 6, a triangle strip from coordinates 7, 8, 9,
       10 and 11 and finally a triangle from coordinates 12, 13, 14.

       Or to put it another way: in a tristrip there will always be two
       vertices more than there are triangles. Realize that you are handling
       data on the vertex level (not polygon-level), and that the triangles
       are laid out like this, given 5 vertices:

             /    /
            /    /


       The above figure in scene graph file format:

         #Inventor V2.1 ascii

         Separator {
           Coordinate3 {
             point [ -2 1 0, -1 -1 0, 0 1 0, 1 -1 0, 2 1 0 ]

           TriangleStripSet {
             numVertices [ 5 ]

       The scene graph above in a viewer:

       Strips are converted into triangles the way OpenGL does it, of course, so for the dirty details, check out the documentation of OpenGL’s GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP primitive rendering type.

       Binding PER_PART (per strip), PER_VERTEX, PER_FACE or OVERALL can be set for material, and normals. The default material binding is OVERALL. The default normal binding is PER_VERTEX.


           TriangleStripSet {
               vertexProperty NULL
               startIndex 0
               numVertices -1

       See also:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   SoTriangleStripSet::SoTriangleStripSet (void) Constructor.
   SoTriangleStripSet::~SoTriangleStripSet () [protected, virtual] Destructor.

Member Function Documentation

   void SoTriangleStripSet::initClass (void) [static] Sets up initialization
       for data common to all instances of this class, like submitting
       necessary information to the Coin type system.
       Reimplemented from SoNonIndexedShape.

   void SoTriangleStripSet::GLRender (SoGLRenderAction * action) [virtual]
       Action method for the SoGLRenderAction.
       This is called during rendering traversals. Nodes influencing the
       rendering state in any way or who wants to throw geometry primitives at
       OpenGL overrides this method.

       Reimplemented from SoShape.

   void SoTriangleStripSet::getPrimitiveCount (SoGetPrimitiveCountAction *
       action) [virtual] Action method for the SoGetPrimitiveCountAction.
       Calculates the number of triangle, line segment and point primitives
       for the node and adds these to the counters of the action.

       Nodes influencing how geometry nodes calculates their primitive count
       also overrides this method to change the relevant state variables.

       Reimplemented from SoShape.

   SbBool SoTriangleStripSet::generateDefaultNormals (SoState * state,
       SoNormalBundle * bundle) [virtual] This API member is considered
       internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the
       application programmer.
       Subclasses should override this method to generate default normals
       using the SoNormalBundle class. TRUE should be returned if normals were
       generated, FALSE otherwise.

       Default method returns FALSE.

       This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the
       original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.

       Reimplemented from SoVertexShape.

   void SoTriangleStripSet::generatePrimitives (SoAction * action) [protected,
       virtual] The method implements action behavior for shape nodes for
       SoCallbackAction. It is invoked from SoShape::callback(). (Subclasses
       should not override SoNode::callback().)
       The subclass implementations uses the convenience methods
       SoShape::beginShape(), SoShape::shapeVertex(), and SoShape::endShape(),
       with SoDetail instances, to pass the primitives making up the shape
       back to the caller.

       Implements SoShape.

   void SoTriangleStripSet::computeBBox (SoAction * action, SbBox3f & box,
       SbVec3f & center) [protected, virtual] Implemented by SoShape
       subclasses to let the SoShape superclass know the exact size and
       weighted center point of the shapes bounding box.
       The bounding box and center point should be calculated and returned in
       the local coordinate system.

       The method implements action behavior for shape nodes for
       SoGetBoundingBoxAction. It is invoked from SoShape::getBoundingBox().
       (Subclasses should not override SoNode::getBoundingBox().)

       The box parameter sent in is guaranteed to be an empty box, while
       center is undefined upon function entry.

       Implements SoShape.

   SbBool SoTriangleStripSet::generateDefaultNormals (SoState * state,
       SoNormalCache * cache) [protected, virtual] This API member is
       considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of
       interest to the application programmer.
       Subclasses should override this method to generate default normals
       using the SoNormalCache class. This is more effective than using
       SoNormalGenerator. Return TRUE if normals were generated, FALSE

       Default method just returns FALSE.

       This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the
       original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.

       Reimplemented from SoVertexShape.

Member Data Documentation

   SoMFInt32 SoTriangleStripSet::numVertices Specifies the number of vertices
       in each triangle strip. The vertices are fetched from the current
       coordinate node, or from the vertexProperty field if present.


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