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       SoTransformation -

       The SoTransformation class is the abstract base class for
       transformation nodes.

       To position and orient geometry within the 3D world space, various node
       types for transformations are used. These nodes all inherit the
       SoTransformation base class.


       #include <Inventor/nodes/SoTransformation.h>

       Inherits SoNode.

       Inherited by SoAntiSquish, SoGeoLocation, SoMatrixTransform,
       SoResetTransform, SoRotation, SoRotationXYZ, SoScale, SoSurroundScale,
       SoTransform, SoTranslation, and SoUnits.

   Static Public Member Functions
       static void initClass (void)

   Protected Member Functions
       SoTransformation (void)
       virtual ~SoTransformation ()

Detailed Description

       The SoTransformation class is the abstract base class for
       transformation nodes.

       To position and orient geometry within the 3D world space, various node
       types for transformations are used. These nodes all inherit the
       SoTransformation base class.

       Note that transformations will be accumulated through the scene graph,
       unless used under SoSeparator nodes, where the transformation matrix
       stack will be pushed and popped. Here is a short example demonstrating
       this principle:

       #Inventor V2.1 ascii

       Separator {
          BaseColor { rgb 1 0 0 }
          Cone { }

          Translation { translation 3 0 0 }

          Separator {
             Rotation { rotation 1 0 0  1.57 }
             BaseColor { rgb 0 1 0 }
             Cone { }
          } # SoSeparator restores transformation matrix here

          Translation { translation 3 0 0 }

          Rotation { rotation 1 0 0  1.57 }
          BaseColor { rgb 0 0 1 }
          Cone { }

          Translation { translation 3 0 0 }

          # Last SoRotation was not within SoSeparator, so this next
          # SoRotation will accumulate with the previous.
          Rotation { rotation 1 0 0  1.57 }
          BaseColor { rgb 1 1 0 }
          Cone { }

       Which results in the following scene:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   SoTransformation::SoTransformation (void) [protected] Constructor.
   SoTransformation::~SoTransformation () [protected, virtual] Destructor.

Member Function Documentation

   void SoTransformation::initClass (void) [static] Sets up initialization for
       data common to all instances of this class, like submitting necessary
       information to the Coin type system.
       Reimplemented from SoNode.

       Reimplemented in SoCenterballManip, SoHandleBoxManip, SoJackManip,
       SoTabBoxManip, SoTrackballManip, SoTransformBoxManip, SoTransformManip,
       SoTransformerManip, SoAntiSquish, SoGeoLocation, SoMatrixTransform,
       SoPendulum, SoResetTransform, SoRotation, SoRotationXYZ, SoRotor,
       SoScale, SoShuttle, SoSurroundScale, SoTransform, SoTranslation, and


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