SoNode -
The SoNode class is the base class for nodes used in scene graphs.
Coin is a retained mode 3D visualization library (built on top of the
immediate mode OpenGL library). ’Retained mode’ means that instead of
passing commands to draw graphics primitives directly to the renderer,
you build up data structures which are rendered by the library on
#include <Inventor/nodes/SoNode.h>
Inherits SoFieldContainer.
Inherited by SoBaseColor, SoBaseKit, SoBumpMap, SoBumpMapCoordinate,
SoBumpMapTransform, SoCacheHint, SoCallback, SoCamera, SoClipPlane,
SoColorIndex, SoComplexity, SoCoordinate3, SoCoordinate4,
SoDepthBuffer, SoDrawStyle, SoEnvironment, SoEventCallback, SoFile,
SoFont, SoGeoCoordinate, SoGeoOrigin, SoGroup, SoInfo, SoLabel,
SoLight, SoLightModel, SoListener, SoMaterial, SoMaterialBinding,
SoNodeEngine, SoNodeKitListPart, SoNormal, SoNormalBinding,
SoPackedColor, SoPickStyle, SoPolygonOffset, SoProfile,
SoProfileCoordinate2, SoProfileCoordinate3, SoProfilerStats, SoProto,
SoProtoInstance, SoSceneTexture2, SoSceneTextureCubeMap,
SoShaderObject, SoShaderParameter, SoShaderProgram, SoShadowCulling,
SoShadowStyle, SoShape, SoShapeHints, SoTexture, SoTexture2Transform,
SoTexture3Transform, SoTextureCombine, SoTextureCoordinate2,
SoTextureCoordinate3, SoTextureCoordinateBinding,
SoTextureCoordinateCube, SoTextureCoordinateCylinder,
SoTextureCoordinateFunction, SoTextureCoordinateSphere,
SoTextureMatrixTransform, SoTextureScalePolicy, SoTextureUnit,
SoTransformation, SoTransparencyType, SoVertexAttribute,
SoVertexAttributeBinding, SoVertexProperty, SoVRMLAppearance,
SoVRMLAudioClip, SoVRMLBackground, SoVRMLColor, SoVRMLCoordinate,
SoVRMLFog, SoVRMLFontStyle, SoVRMLInline, SoVRMLLight, SoVRMLMaterial,
SoVRMLNavigationInfo, SoVRMLNormal, SoVRMLProximitySensor,
SoVRMLScript, SoVRMLSensor, SoVRMLShape, SoVRMLSound, SoVRMLTexture,
SoVRMLTextureCoordinate, SoVRMLTextureTransform, SoVRMLTouchSensor,
SoVRMLViewpoint, SoVRMLVisibilitySensor, SoVRMLWorldInfo, and
Public Types
enum NodeType { INVENTOR = 0x0000, VRML1 = 0x0001, VRML2 = 0x0002,
INVENTOR_1 = 0x0004, INVENTOR_2_0 = 0x0008, INVENTOR_2_1 =
0x0010, INVENTOR_2_5 = 0x0020, INVENTOR_2_6 = 0x0040, COIN_1_0 =
0x0080, COIN_2_0 = 0x0100, EXTENSION = 0x0200, COIN_2_2 =
0x0400, COIN_2_3 = 0x0800, COIN_2_4 = 0x1000, INVENTOR_5_0 =
0x2000, COIN_2_5 = 0x4000, COIN_3_0 = 0x8000, INVENTOR_6_0 =
0x10000 }
Public Member Functions
void setOverride (const SbBool state)
SbBool isOverride (void) const
void setNodeType (const NodeType type)
NodeType getNodeType (void) const
virtual SoNode * copy (SbBool copyconnections=0) const
virtual SbBool affectsState (void) const
virtual void doAction (SoAction *action)
virtual void GLRender (SoGLRenderAction *action)
virtual void GLRenderBelowPath (SoGLRenderAction *action)
virtual void GLRenderInPath (SoGLRenderAction *action)
virtual void GLRenderOffPath (SoGLRenderAction *action)
virtual void callback (SoCallbackAction *action)
virtual void getBoundingBox (SoGetBoundingBoxAction *action)
virtual void getMatrix (SoGetMatrixAction *action)
virtual void handleEvent (SoHandleEventAction *action)
virtual void pick (SoPickAction *action)
virtual void rayPick (SoRayPickAction *action)
virtual void search (SoSearchAction *action)
virtual void write (SoWriteAction *action)
virtual void audioRender (SoAudioRenderAction *action)
virtual void getPrimitiveCount (SoGetPrimitiveCountAction *action)
virtual void grabEventsSetup (void)
virtual void grabEventsCleanup (void)
virtual void startNotify (void)
virtual void notify (SoNotList *l)
uint32_t getNodeId (void) const
virtual SoChildList * getChildren (void) const
virtual void writeInstance (SoOutput *out)
virtual SoNode * addToCopyDict (void) const
virtual void copyContents (const SoFieldContainer *from, SbBool
virtual SoFieldContainer * copyThroughConnection (void) const
Static Public Member Functions
static uint32_t getCompatibilityTypes (const SoType &nodetype)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static SoNode * getByName (const SbName &name)
static int getByName (const SbName &name, SoNodeList &l)
static void initClass (void)
static void initClasses (void)
static uint32_t getNextNodeId (void)
static int getActionMethodIndex (const SoType type)
static void getBoundingBoxS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void GLRenderS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void callbackS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void getMatrixS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void handleEventS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void pickS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void rayPickS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void searchS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void writeS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void audioRenderS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void getPrimitiveCountS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
Protected Member Functions
SoNode (void)
virtual ~SoNode ()
virtual SbBool readInstance (SoInput *in, unsigned short flags)
Static Protected Member Functions
static const SoFieldData ** getFieldDataPtr (void)
static void setNextActionMethodIndex (int index)
static int getNextActionMethodIndex (void)
static void incNextActionMethodIndex (void)
static void setCompatibilityTypes (const SoType &nodetype, const
uint32_t bitmask)
Protected Attributes
uint32_t uniqueId
Static Protected Attributes
static uint32_t nextUniqueId = 1
static int nextActionMethodIndex = 0
Detailed Description
The SoNode class is the base class for nodes used in scene graphs.
Coin is a retained mode 3D visualization library (built on top of the
immediate mode OpenGL library). ’Retained mode’ means that instead of
passing commands to draw graphics primitives directly to the renderer,
you build up data structures which are rendered by the library on
The node classes are the main ’primitive’ for building these data
structures. In Coin, you build tree hierarchies made up of different
node types: group nodes (for the tree structure layout of the other
nodes), appearance nodes (for setting up materials, textures, etc),
shape nodes (for the actual geometry), and nodes for lighting and
camera positioning.
One common issue with newcomers to the API is that you should not and
can not use the C++ delete operator on nodes -- the destructor is
protected. This is because node instances are using a common technique
for memory resource handling called ’reference
counting’. Nodes are deleted (actually, they delete themselves) when
their unref() method is called and the reference count goes to zero.
One important side-effect of this is that SoNode-derived classes should
not be statically allocated, neither in static module memory nor on
function’s stack-frames. SoNode-derived classes must always be
allocated dynamically from the memory heap with the new operator (or
else the scheme with self-destruction upon de-referencing to 0 would
not work).
Usually application programmers won’t manually ref() and unref() nodes
a lot, because you pass the nodes directly to SoGroup::addChild() or
So*ViewersetSceneGraph() or something similar. These functions will
ref() the nodes they are passed, and unref() them when they are
finished with them.
Make sure you do ref() nodes that you keep pointers to so they aren’t
accidentally deleted prematurely due to an unref() call from within the
library itself. If you haven’t manually called ref() on a top-level
root node, it will then be deleted automatically. This code shows how
to do it:
SoSeparator * root = new SoSeparator; // root’s refcount starts out at zero
root->addChild(foo_node); // foo_node refcount is increased by 1
root->addChild(bar_node); // bar_node refcount +1
// increase refcount before passing it to setScenegraph(), to avoid
// premature destruction
myviewer->setSceneGraph(root); // root’s refcount +1, is now 2
// [misc visualization and processing]
// myviewer will let go of it’s reference to the root node, thereby
// decreasing it’s referencecount by 1
// root’s refcount goes from +1 to 0, and it will self-destruct controllably
// avoid dangling pointer, in case ’root’ is attempted used again
// (not really necessary, but good for smoking out bugs early)
root = NULL;
For full information and tutorial-style introductions to all API
issues, see the ’Inventor Mentor: Programming Object-Oriented 3D
Graphics with Open Inventor’ (ISBN 0-201-62495-8). It has detailed
explanations on all the basic principles involved.
See specifically the section ’References and Deletion’ in Chapter 3 to
learn about the reference counting techniques.
Often when using the Coin library, one is interested in making
extensions to it. Of particular interest is setting up extension nodes,
which are then traversed, rendered and otherwise used by the rest of
the library as any internal node.
The Coin header file Inventor/nodes/SoSubNode.h includes a set of
convenience macros for quick and easy construction of extension nodes.
Here’s a complete snippet of code which shows how to set up a skeleton
framework for an extension node class:
#include <Inventor/nodes/SoWWWInline.h>
class MyWWWInline : public SoWWWInline {
static void initClass(void);
virtual ~MyWWWInline();
SO_NODE_INIT_CLASS(MyWWWInline, SoWWWInline, ’SoWWWInline’);
main(int argc, char ** argv)
// [...]
return 0;
You can then override for instance the GLRender() method to have your
new class render OpenGL geometry different from it’s superclass.
For extending the Coin library with your own classes, we strongly
recommend that you make yourself acquainted with the excellent «The
Inventor Toolmaker» book (ISBN 0-201-62493-1), which describes the
tasks involved in detail. This book was written by the original SGI
Inventor designers and explains many of the underlying design ideas,
aswell as having lots of hands-on examples on how to extend the Coin
toolkit in ways that are true to the fundamental design ideas. («The
Inventor Toolmaker» is also available at SGI’s online library, at no
cost. See Download The Inventor Toolmaker.) Reading the sourcecode of
the built-in classes in Coin should also provide very helpful.
For information about dynamic loading of extension nodes, see the
documentation of SoType::fromName().
Member Enumeration Documentation
enum SoNode::NodeType Used to store node type.
Specifies Inventor node type.
VRML1 Node is VRML V1.0 compatible.
VRML2 Node is from the VRML V2.0 specification.
Node was part of SGI Inventor version 1.
Node was part of SGI Inventor version 2.0.
Node was introduced with SGI / TGS Inventor version 2.1.
Node was introduced with TGS Inventor version 2.5.
Node was introduced with TGS Inventor version 2.6.
Node was part of Coin version 1.
Node was introduced with Coin 2.0.
Node is a client code extension.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
SoNode::SoNode (void) [protected] Default constructor, initializes node
SoNode::~SoNode () [protected, virtual] Destructor.
Member Function Documentation
void SoNode::setOverride (const SbBool state) Set the override flag.
If this flag is TRUE, the field values of this node will override the
field values of other nodes of the same type during scene graph
A common applicaton for ’override nodes’ is to place them at the top of
the tree as a convenient way to force e.g. a common drawstyle on the
complete tree.
The override flag does not exist in the Inventor file format. This flag
is in other words not persistent, and must be programmatically set. The
rationale for this flag is for viewers to be able to control rendering
style of the 3D models, so it would look stupid if some parts of
certain models suddenly didn’t adhere to the viewer mode.
SbBool SoNode::isOverride (void) const Return status of override flag.
See also:
uint32_t SoNode::getCompatibilityTypes (const SoType & nodetype) [static]
Get the node compatibility mask for node type nodetype. The return
value will be a bit mask of SoNode::NodeType flags, containing one or
several flags.
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the
original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
Coin 2.0
void SoNode::setNodeType (const NodeType type) Sets the node type for this
node to type. Since some nodes should be handled differently in VRML1
vs. Inventor, this should be used to get correct behavior for those
cases. The default node type is INVENTOR.
This method is an extension versus the Open Inventor API.
See also:
SoNode::NodeType SoNode::getNodeType (void) const Returns the node type set
for this node.
This method is an extension versus the Open Inventor API.
See also:
SoNode * SoNode::copy (SbBool copyconnections = 0) const [virtual] Make a
duplicate of this node and return a pointer to the duplicate.
If this node is a group node, children are also copied and we return a
pointer to the root of a full copy of the subgraph rooted here.
If copyconnections is TRUE, we also copy the connections to fields
within this node (and ditto for any children and children’s children
Note that this function has been made virtual in Coin, which is not the
case in the original Open Inventor API. We may change this method back
into being non-virtual again for major Coin versions after this, as it
was made virtual more or less by mistake. So please don’t write
application code that depends on SoNode::copy() being virtual.
The reason this method should not be virtual is because this is not the
function the application programmer should override in extension nodes
if she needs some special behavior during a copy operation (like
copying the value of internal data not exposed as fields).
For that purpose, override the copyContents() method. Your overridden
copyContents() method should then both copy internal data aswell as
calling the parent superclass’ copyContents() method for automatically
handling of fields and other common data.
SbBool SoNode::affectsState (void) const [virtual] Returns TRUE if the node
could have any effect on the state during traversal.
If it returns FALSE, no data in the traversal-state will change from
the pre-traversal state to the post-traversal state. The SoSeparator
node will for instance return FALSE, as it pushes and pops the state
before and after traversal of its children. All SoShape nodes will also
return FALSE, as just pushing out geometry data to the rendering engine
won’t affect the actual rendering state.
The default method returns TRUE, on a ’better safe than sorry’
Reimplemented in SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLParent, SoVRMLProximitySensor,
SoVRMLShape, SoVRMLSwitch, SoVRMLTouchSensor, SoNodeKitListPart,
SoSceneKit, SoArray, SoMultipleCopy, SoSeparator, SoShape, and
void SoNode::doAction (SoAction * action) [virtual] This function performs
the typical operation of a node for any action.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLAppearance, SoVRMLBillboard, SoVRMLColor,
SoVRMLCoordinate, SoVRMLFontStyle, SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLImageTexture,
SoVRMLInline, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLMaterial, SoVRMLNormal, SoVRMLParent,
SoVRMLPixelTexture, SoVRMLProximitySensor, SoVRMLScript, SoVRMLShape,
SoVRMLSwitch, SoVRMLTextureCoordinate, SoVRMLTextureTransform,
SoVRMLTransform, SoVRMLVertexLine, SoVRMLVertexPoint,
SoVRMLVertexShape, SoClipPlaneManip, SoDirectionalLightManip,
SoPointLightManip, SoSpotLightManip, SoTransformManip, SoBaseKit,
SoNodeKitListPart, SoAntiSquish, SoArray, SoBaseColor, SoBumpMap,
SoBumpMapCoordinate, SoBumpMapTransform, SoCacheHint, SoCallback,
SoCamera, SoClipPlane, SoComplexity, SoCoordinate3, SoCoordinate4,
SoDrawStyle, SoFile, SoFont, SoFontStyle, SoGeoCoordinate,
SoGeoLocation, SoGeoOrigin, SoGroup, SoLOD, SoLevelOfDetail,
SoLightModel, SoMaterial, SoMaterialBinding, SoMatrixTransform,
SoMultipleCopy, SoNormal, SoNormalBinding, SoPackedColor, SoPathSwitch,
SoPickStyle, SoPolygonOffset, SoProfile, SoProfileCoordinate2,
SoProfileCoordinate3, SoResetTransform, SoRotation, SoRotationXYZ,
SoScale, SoSceneTexture2, SoSceneTextureCubeMap, SoSeparator,
SoShapeHints, SoSurroundScale, SoSwitch, SoTexture2,
SoTexture2Transform, SoTexture3, SoTexture3Transform, SoTextureCombine,
SoTextureCoordinate2, SoTextureCoordinate3, SoTextureCoordinateBinding,
SoTextureCoordinateCube, SoTextureCoordinateCylinder,
SoTextureCoordinateDefault, SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment,
SoTextureCoordinateNormalMap, SoTextureCoordinateObject,
SoTextureCoordinatePlane, SoTextureCoordinateReflectionMap,
SoTextureCoordinateSphere, SoTextureCubeMap, SoTextureMatrixTransform,
SoTextureUnit, SoTransform, SoTransformSeparator, SoTranslation,
SoTransparencyType, SoUnits, SoVertexAttribute,
SoVertexAttributeBinding, SoVertexProperty, and SoWWWInline.
void SoNode::GLRender (SoGLRenderAction * action) [virtual] Action method
for the SoGLRenderAction.
This is called during rendering traversals. Nodes influencing the
rendering state in any way or who wants to throw geometry primitives at
OpenGL overrides this method.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLAppearance, SoVRMLBackground, SoVRMLBillboard,
SoVRMLBox, SoVRMLCollision, SoVRMLColor, SoVRMLCone, SoVRMLCoordinate,
SoVRMLCylinder, SoVRMLDirectionalLight, SoVRMLElevationGrid,
SoVRMLExtrusion, SoVRMLFog, SoVRMLFontStyle, SoVRMLGroup,
SoVRMLImageTexture, SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet, SoVRMLIndexedLineSet,
SoVRMLInline, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLLight, SoVRMLMaterial,
SoVRMLMovieTexture, SoVRMLNavigationInfo, SoVRMLNormal,
SoVRMLPixelTexture, SoVRMLPointLight, SoVRMLPointSet,
SoVRMLProximitySensor, SoVRMLScript, SoVRMLShape, SoVRMLSphere,
SoVRMLSpotLight, SoVRMLSwitch, SoVRMLText, SoVRMLTexture,
SoVRMLTextureCoordinate, SoVRMLTextureTransform, SoVRMLVertexLine,
SoVRMLVertexPoint, SoVRMLVertexShape, SoVRMLViewpoint,
SoVRMLVisibilitySensor, SoShadowCulling, SoShadowSpotLight,
SoShadowStyle, SoProfilerStats, SoDragger, SoTabPlaneDragger,
SoClipPlaneManip, SoDirectionalLightManip, SoPointLightManip,
SoSpotLightManip, SoTransformManip, SoBaseKit, SoNodeKitListPart,
SoAnnotation, SoAntiSquish, SoArray, SoAsciiText, SoBaseColor,
SoBumpMap, SoBumpMapCoordinate, SoBumpMapTransform, SoCacheHint,
SoCallback, SoCamera, SoClipPlane, SoColorIndex, SoComplexity, SoCone,
SoCoordinate3, SoCoordinate4, SoCube, SoCylinder, SoDepthBuffer,
SoDirectionalLight, SoDrawStyle, SoEnvironment, SoFaceSet, SoFile,
SoFont, SoFontStyle, SoGeoCoordinate, SoGeoLocation, SoGeoOrigin,
SoGeometryShader, SoGroup, SoImage, SoIndexedFaceSet, SoIndexedLineSet,
SoIndexedMarkerSet, SoIndexedNurbsCurve, SoIndexedNurbsSurface,
SoIndexedPointSet, SoIndexedTriangleStripSet, SoLOD, SoLevelOfDetail,
SoLightModel, SoLineSet, SoMarkerSet, SoMaterial, SoMaterialBinding,
SoMatrixTransform, SoMultipleCopy, SoNormal, SoNormalBinding,
SoNurbsCurve, SoNurbsSurface, SoPackedColor, SoPathSwitch,
SoPointLight, SoPointSet, SoPolygonOffset, SoProfile,
SoProfileCoordinate2, SoProfileCoordinate3, SoQuadMesh,
SoResetTransform, SoRotation, SoRotationXYZ, SoScale, SoSceneTexture2,
SoSceneTextureCubeMap, SoSeparator, SoShaderObject, SoShaderProgram,
SoShape, SoShapeHints, SoSphere, SoSpotLight, SoSurroundScale,
SoSwitch, SoText2, SoText3, SoTexture2, SoTexture2Transform,
SoTexture3, SoTexture3Transform, SoTextureCombine,
SoTextureCoordinate2, SoTextureCoordinate3, SoTextureCoordinateBinding,
SoTextureCoordinateCube, SoTextureCoordinateCylinder,
SoTextureCoordinateDefault, SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment,
SoTextureCoordinateNormalMap, SoTextureCoordinateObject,
SoTextureCoordinatePlane, SoTextureCoordinateReflectionMap,
SoTextureCoordinateSphere, SoTextureCubeMap, SoTextureMatrixTransform,
SoTextureScalePolicy, SoTextureUnit, SoTransform, SoTransformSeparator,
SoTranslation, SoTransparencyType, SoTriangleStripSet, SoUnits,
SoVertexAttribute, SoVertexAttributeBinding, SoVertexProperty, and
void SoNode::GLRenderBelowPath (SoGLRenderAction * action) [virtual]
Implements the SoAction::BELOW_PATH traversal method for the rendering
Reimplemented in SoVRMLBillboard, SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLLOD,
SoVRMLTransform, SoShadowGroup, SoAnnotation, SoExtSelection,
SoGeoSeparator, SoLOD, SoLocateHighlight, and SoSeparator.
void SoNode::GLRenderInPath (SoGLRenderAction * action) [virtual]
Implements the SoAction::IN_PATH traversal method for the rendering
Reimplemented in SoVRMLBillboard, SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLLOD,
SoVRMLTransform, SoShadowGroup, SoAnnotation, SoGeoSeparator, SoLOD,
SoLocateHighlight, and SoSeparator.
void SoNode::GLRenderOffPath (SoGLRenderAction * action) [virtual]
Implements the SoAction::OFF_PATH traversal method for the rendering
Reimplemented in SoVRMLBillboard, SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLLOD, SoAnnotation,
SoLOD, and SoSeparator.
void SoNode::callback (SoCallbackAction * action) [virtual] Action method
for SoCallbackAction.
Simply updates the state according to how the node behaves for the
render action, so the application programmer can use the
SoCallbackAction for extracting information about the scene graph.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLAppearance, SoVRMLBillboard, SoVRMLColor,
SoVRMLCoordinate, SoVRMLFontStyle, SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLImageTexture,
SoVRMLInline, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLMaterial, SoVRMLNormal,
SoVRMLPixelTexture, SoVRMLProximitySensor, SoVRMLScript, SoVRMLShape,
SoVRMLSwitch, SoVRMLTextureCoordinate, SoVRMLTextureTransform,
SoVRMLTransform, SoVRMLVertexLine, SoVRMLVertexPoint,
SoVRMLVertexShape, SoProfilerStats, SoDragger, SoClipPlaneManip,
SoDirectionalLightManip, SoPointLightManip, SoSpotLightManip,
SoTransformManip, SoBaseKit, SoNodeKitListPart, SoAntiSquish, SoArray,
SoBaseColor, SoBumpMap, SoBumpMapCoordinate, SoBumpMapTransform,
SoCacheHint, SoCallback, SoCamera, SoClipPlane, SoComplexity,
SoCoordinate3, SoCoordinate4, SoDrawStyle, SoEnvironment, SoFile,
SoFont, SoFontStyle, SoGeoCoordinate, SoGeoLocation, SoGeoOrigin,
SoGeoSeparator, SoGroup, SoLOD, SoLevelOfDetail, SoLight, SoLightModel,
SoMaterial, SoMaterialBinding, SoMatrixTransform, SoMultipleCopy,
SoNormal, SoNormalBinding, SoPackedColor, SoPathSwitch, SoPickStyle,
SoPolygonOffset, SoProfile, SoProfileCoordinate2, SoProfileCoordinate3,
SoResetTransform, SoRotation, SoRotationXYZ, SoScale, SoSceneTexture2,
SoSceneTextureCubeMap, SoSeparator, SoShape, SoShapeHints,
SoSurroundScale, SoSwitch, SoTexture2, SoTexture2Transform, SoTexture3,
SoTexture3Transform, SoTextureCombine, SoTextureCoordinate2,
SoTextureCoordinate3, SoTextureCoordinateBinding,
SoTextureCoordinateCube, SoTextureCoordinateCylinder,
SoTextureCoordinateDefault, SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment,
SoTextureCoordinateNormalMap, SoTextureCoordinateObject,
SoTextureCoordinatePlane, SoTextureCoordinateReflectionMap,
SoTextureCoordinateSphere, SoTextureCubeMap, SoTextureMatrixTransform,
SoTextureUnit, SoTransform, SoTransformSeparator, SoTranslation,
SoTransparencyType, SoUnits, SoVertexAttributeBinding,
SoVertexProperty, and SoWWWInline.
void SoNode::getBoundingBox (SoGetBoundingBoxAction * action) [virtual]
Action method for the SoGetBoundingBoxAction.
Calculates bounding box and center coordinates for node and modifies
the values of the action to encompass the bounding box for this node
and to shift the center point for the scene more towards the one for
this node.
Nodes influencing how geometry nodes calculates their bounding box also
overrides this method to change the relevant state variables.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLBillboard, SoVRMLCoordinate, SoVRMLFontStyle,
SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLIndexedLineSet, SoVRMLInline, SoVRMLLOD,
SoVRMLPointSet, SoVRMLProximitySensor, SoVRMLScript, SoVRMLShape,
SoVRMLSwitch, SoVRMLTransform, SoVRMLVertexLine, SoVRMLVertexPoint,
SoVRMLVertexShape, SoProfilerStats, SoCenterballDragger, SoDragger,
SoClipPlaneManip, SoDirectionalLightManip, SoPointLightManip,
SoSpotLightManip, SoTransformManip, SoBaseKit, SoNodeKitListPart,
SoAntiSquish, SoArray, SoBlinker, SoCacheHint, SoCallback, SoCamera,
SoComplexity, SoCoordinate3, SoCoordinate4, SoFile, SoFont,
SoFontStyle, SoGeoCoordinate, SoGeoLocation, SoGeoOrigin,
SoGeoSeparator, SoGroup, SoIndexedLineSet, SoIndexedNurbsCurve,
SoIndexedPointSet, SoLOD, SoLevelOfDetail, SoLineSet,
SoMatrixTransform, SoMultipleCopy, SoNurbsCurve, SoPathSwitch,
SoPointSet, SoProfile, SoProfileCoordinate2, SoProfileCoordinate3,
SoResetTransform, SoRotation, SoRotationXYZ, SoScale, SoSeparator,
SoShape, SoShapeHints, SoSurroundScale, SoSwitch, SoTransform,
SoTransformSeparator, SoTranslation, SoUnits, SoVertexProperty, and
void SoNode::getMatrix (SoGetMatrixAction * action) [virtual] Action method
for SoGetMatrixAction.
Updates action by accumulating with the transformation matrix of this
node (if any).
Reimplemented in SoVRMLBillboard, SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLInline,
SoVRMLSwitch, SoVRMLTextureTransform, SoVRMLTransform, SoProfilerStats,
SoCenterballDragger, SoDragger, SoClipPlaneManip,
SoDirectionalLightManip, SoPointLightManip, SoSpotLightManip,
SoTransformManip, SoBaseKit, SoNodeKitListPart, SoAntiSquish, SoArray,
SoBumpMapTransform, SoCallback, SoFile, SoGeoLocation, SoGeoOrigin,
SoGeoSeparator, SoGroup, SoMatrixTransform, SoMultipleCopy,
SoPathSwitch, SoResetTransform, SoRotation, SoRotationXYZ, SoScale,
SoSeparator, SoSurroundScale, SoSwitch, SoTexture2Transform,
SoTexture3Transform, SoTextureMatrixTransform, SoTransform,
SoTransformSeparator, SoTranslation, SoUnits, and SoWWWInline.
void SoNode::handleEvent (SoHandleEventAction * action) [virtual] Action
method for SoHandleEventAction.
Inspects the event data from action, and processes it if it is
something which this node should react to.
Nodes influencing relevant state variables for how event handling is
done also overrides this method.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLAnchor, SoVRMLDragSensor, SoVRMLInline,
SoVRMLScript, SoVRMLSwitch, SoVRMLTimeSensor, SoVRMLTouchSensor,
SoProfilerStats, SoDragger, SoClipPlaneManip, SoDirectionalLightManip,
SoPointLightManip, SoSpotLightManip, SoTransformManip, SoBaseKit,
SoNodeKitListPart, SoArray, SoCallback, SoCamera, SoEventCallback,
SoExtSelection, SoFile, SoGroup, SoLocateHighlight, SoMultipleCopy,
SoPathSwitch, SoSelection, SoSeparator, SoSwitch, SoWWWAnchor, and
void SoNode::pick (SoPickAction * action) [virtual] Action method for
Does common processing for SoPickAction action instances.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLBillboard, SoVRMLCoordinate, SoVRMLFontStyle,
SoVRMLInline, SoVRMLNormal, SoVRMLScript, SoVRMLSwitch,
SoVRMLTextureCoordinate, SoVRMLTextureTransform, SoVRMLVertexLine,
SoVRMLVertexPoint, SoVRMLVertexShape, SoProfilerStats,
SoClipPlaneManip, SoDirectionalLightManip, SoPointLightManip,
SoSpotLightManip, SoTransformManip, SoNodeKitListPart, SoAntiSquish,
SoArray, SoBumpMapCoordinate, SoBumpMapTransform, SoCacheHint,
SoCallback, SoClipPlane, SoComplexity, SoCoordinate3, SoCoordinate4,
SoFile, SoFont, SoFontStyle, SoGeoCoordinate, SoGeoLocation,
SoGeoOrigin, SoGroup, SoMaterialBinding, SoMatrixTransform,
SoMultipleCopy, SoNormal, SoNormalBinding, SoPathSwitch, SoPickStyle,
SoProfile, SoProfileCoordinate2, SoProfileCoordinate3,
SoResetTransform, SoRotation, SoRotationXYZ, SoScale, SoShapeHints,
SoSurroundScale, SoSwitch, SoTexture2Transform, SoTexture3Transform,
SoTextureCombine, SoTextureCoordinate2, SoTextureCoordinate3,
SoTextureCoordinateBinding, SoTextureCoordinateCube,
SoTextureCoordinateCylinder, SoTextureCoordinateDefault,
SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment, SoTextureCoordinateNormalMap,
SoTextureCoordinateObject, SoTextureCoordinatePlane,
SoTextureCoordinateReflectionMap, SoTextureCoordinateSphere,
SoTextureMatrixTransform, SoTextureUnit, SoTransform,
SoTransformSeparator, SoTranslation, SoUnits, SoVertexAttributeBinding,
SoVertexProperty, and SoWWWInline.
void SoNode::rayPick (SoRayPickAction * action) [virtual] Action method for
Checks the ray specification of the action and tests for intersection
with the data of the node.
Nodes influencing relevant state variables for how picking is done also
overrides this method.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLBox, SoVRMLCone, SoVRMLCylinder,
SoVRMLElevationGrid, SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLImageTexture, SoVRMLLOD,
SoVRMLPixelTexture, SoVRMLProximitySensor, SoVRMLShape, SoVRMLSphere,
SoVRMLTransform, SoProfilerStats, SoDragger, SoBaseKit, SoBumpMap,
SoCamera, SoCone, SoCube, SoCylinder, SoGeoSeparator, SoImage,
SoIndexedNurbsCurve, SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoLOD, SoLevelOfDetail,
SoNurbsCurve, SoNurbsSurface, SoSceneTexture2, SoSceneTextureCubeMap,
SoSeparator, SoShape, SoSphere, SoText2, SoTexture2, and
void SoNode::search (SoSearchAction * action) [virtual] Action method for
Compares the search criteria from the action to see if this node is a
match. Searching is done by matching up all criteria set up in the
SoSearchAction -- if any of the requested criteria is a miss, the
search is not deemed successful for the node.
See also:
Reimplemented in SoVRMLAppearance, SoVRMLBillboard, SoVRMLGeometry,
SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLInline, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLParent, SoVRMLShape,
SoVRMLSwitch, SoProfilerStats, SoDragger, SoClipPlaneManip,
SoDirectionalLightManip, SoPointLightManip, SoSpotLightManip,
SoTransformManip, SoBaseKit, SoNodeKitListPart, SoArray, SoCallback,
SoFile, SoGroup, SoMultipleCopy, SoPathSwitch, SoSeparator,
SoShaderObject, SoShaderProgram, SoSwitch, and SoWWWInline.
void SoNode::write (SoWriteAction * action) [virtual] Action method for
Writes out a node object, and any connected nodes, engines etc, if
Reimplemented in SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLParent, SoVRMLScript,
SoVRMLShape, SoVRMLSwitch, SoVRMLTimeSensor, SoProfilerStats,
SoDragger, SoProto, SoProtoInstance, SoBaseKit, SoBlinker, SoCallback,
SoGroup, SoPendulum, SoSceneTexture2, SoShuttle, SoSwitch,
SoVertexAttribute, and SoVertexShape.
void SoNode::audioRender (SoAudioRenderAction * action) [virtual] Action
method for SoAudioRenderAction.
Does common processing for SoAudioRenderAction action instances.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLSound, SoVRMLSwitch,
SoVRMLTransform, SoProfilerStats, SoArray, SoCamera, SoFile, SoGroup,
SoLOD, SoLevelOfDetail, SoListener, SoMultipleCopy, SoPathSwitch,
SoSeparator, SoSwitch, SoTransformSeparator, and SoWWWInline.
void SoNode::getPrimitiveCount (SoGetPrimitiveCountAction * action)
[virtual] Action method for the SoGetPrimitiveCountAction.
Calculates the number of triangle, line segment and point primitives
for the node and adds these to the counters of the action.
Nodes influencing how geometry nodes calculates their primitive count
also overrides this method to change the relevant state variables.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLBox, SoVRMLCone, SoVRMLCylinder,
SoVRMLElevationGrid, SoVRMLExtrusion, SoVRMLFontStyle, SoVRMLGroup,
SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet, SoVRMLIndexedLineSet, SoVRMLInline, SoVRMLLOD,
SoVRMLNormal, SoVRMLParent, SoVRMLShape, SoVRMLSphere, SoVRMLText,
SoVRMLTextureCoordinate, SoVRMLTransform, SoVRMLVertexPoint,
SoProfilerStats, SoDragger, SoBaseKit, SoNodeKitListPart, SoArray,
SoAsciiText, SoCallback, SoCamera, SoComplexity, SoCone, SoCoordinate3,
SoCoordinate4, SoCube, SoCylinder, SoFaceSet, SoFile, SoFont,
SoFontStyle, SoGeoCoordinate, SoGeoLocation, SoGeoOrigin,
SoGeoSeparator, SoGroup, SoImage, SoIndexedFaceSet, SoIndexedLineSet,
SoIndexedNurbsCurve, SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoIndexedPointSet,
SoIndexedTriangleStripSet, SoLOD, SoLineSet, SoMarkerSet,
SoMaterialBinding, SoMatrixTransform, SoMultipleCopy, SoNormal,
SoNormalBinding, SoNurbsCurve, SoNurbsSurface, SoPathSwitch,
SoPointSet, SoProfile, SoProfileCoordinate2, SoProfileCoordinate3,
SoQuadMesh, SoResetTransform, SoRotation, SoRotationXYZ, SoScale,
SoSeparator, SoShape, SoSphere, SoSwitch, SoText2, SoText3,
SoTransform, SoTransformSeparator, SoTranslation, SoTriangleStripSet,
SoUnits, SoVertexAttributeBinding, SoVertexProperty, and SoWWWInline.
void SoNode::grabEventsSetup (void) [virtual] Called from
SoHandleEventAction::setGrabber() to notify a node when it becomes the
node where all events are sent.
Reimplemented in SoDragger.
void SoNode::grabEventsCleanup (void) [virtual] Called from
SoHandleEventAction to notify a node when it looses status as the node
where events are sent.
Reimplemented in SoDragger.
void SoNode::startNotify (void) [virtual] This is the method which starts
the notification sequence after changes.
At the end of a notification sequence, all ’immediate’ sensors (i.e.
sensors set up with a zero priority) are triggered.
Reimplemented from SoBase.
void SoNode::notify (SoNotList * l) [virtual] Notifies all auditors for
this instance when changes are made.
Reimplemented from SoFieldContainer.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLAppearance, SoVRMLBillboard, SoVRMLCollision,
SoVRMLElevationGrid, SoVRMLExtrusion, SoVRMLGeometry, SoVRMLGroup,
SoVRMLIndexedLine, SoVRMLIndexedLineSet, SoVRMLIndexedShape, SoVRMLLOD,
SoVRMLParent, SoVRMLPixelTexture, SoVRMLProximitySensor, SoVRMLScript,
SoVRMLShape, SoVRMLSwitch, SoVRMLText, SoVRMLTimeSensor,
SoVRMLTouchSensor, SoVRMLTransform, SoVRMLVertexLine,
SoVRMLVertexPoint, SoVRMLVertexShape, SoShadowGroup, SoProfilerStats,
SoNodeEngine, SoAsciiText, SoBlinker, SoBumpMap, SoImage,
SoIndexedLineSet, SoIndexedMarkerSet, SoIndexedPointSet, SoLOD,
SoLevelOfDetail, SoMaterial, SoPackedColor, SoSceneTexture2,
SoSceneTextureCubeMap, SoSeparator, SoShape, SoSwitch, SoText3,
SoTexture2, SoTexture3, SoTextureCubeMap, SoVertexAttribute,
SoVertexProperty, and SoVertexShape.
uint32_t SoNode::getNodeId (void) const This returns the node’s current
unique identification number. It is unlikely that application
programmers will ever need use this method fom client application code,
unless working with extensions to the core library (and probably not
even then).
The id number is only valid for as long as the node is kept unchanged
-- upon any kind of change the internal id will be updated (in the
notify() method), and the old id number forgotten.
The technique described above plays an important role in the way
internal scenegraph caches are set up and invalidated.
See also:
SoChildList * SoNode::getChildren (void) const [virtual] Returns list of
children for this node.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLAppearance, SoVRMLGeometry, SoVRMLInline,
SoClipPlaneManip, SoDirectionalLightManip, SoPointLightManip,
SoSpotLightManip, SoTransformManip, SoBaseKit, SoNodeKitListPart,
SoFile, SoGroup, and SoWWWInline.
void SoNode::writeInstance (SoOutput * out) [virtual] Writes all the fields
contained in this instance to the output stream within out.
This method is solely called from the write methods of fields.
Either from SoField if the write is done because of a field-to-field
connection, or from one of the fields which may actually write
SoFieldContainer instances, i.e. SoSFNode, SoMFNode, SoSFEngine,
SoMFEngine, SoSFPath and SoMFPath.
This method, in addition to the ordinary write() method of SoNode,
needs to be present since the fields don’t have a write action instance
in their writeValue() method, and writeInstance() will create a new
SoWriteAction and call continueToApply() on it.
Reimplemented from SoFieldContainer.
Reimplemented in SoNodeEngine.
SoNode * SoNode::addToCopyDict (void) const [virtual] Add a copy of this
node and (recursively) all children to the copy dictionary of
SoFieldContainer if this has not already been done.
Used internally during copy operations.
Reimplemented in SoBaseKit.
void SoNode::copyContents (const SoFieldContainer * from, SbBool
copyconnections) [virtual] Makes a deep copy of all data of from into
this instance, except external scenegraph references if copyconnections
This is the protected method that should be overridden by extension
node / engine / dragger / whatever subclasses which needs to account
for internal data that are not handled automatically.
For copying nodes from application code, you should not invoke this
function directly, but rather call the SoNode::copy() function:
SoNode * mynewnode = templatenode->copy();
The same also goes for engines.
Make sure that when you override the copyContents() method in your
extension class that you also make it call upwards to it’s parent
superclass in the inheritance hierarchy, as copyContents() in for
instance SoNode and SoFieldContainer does important work. It should go
something like this:
MyCoinExtensionNode::copyContents(const SoFieldContainer * from,
SbBool copyconnections)
// let parent superclasses do their thing (copy fields, copy
// instance name, etc etc)
SoNode::copyContents(from, copyconnections);
// [..then copy internal data..]
Reimplemented from SoFieldContainer.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLAppearance, SoVRMLGeometry, SoVRMLLOD,
SoVRMLParent, SoVRMLScript, SoVRMLShape, SoVRMLSwitch,
SoRotateCylindricalDragger, SoRotateSphericalDragger, SoClipPlaneManip,
SoDirectionalLightManip, SoPointLightManip, SoSpotLightManip,
SoTransformManip, SoBaseKit, SoInteractionKit, SoNodeKitListPart,
SoCallback, SoFile, SoGroup, SoVertexAttribute, and SoWWWInline.
SoFieldContainer * SoNode::copyThroughConnection (void) const [virtual]
Return copy of this instance.
Note: default implementation just returns this pointer, SoNode and
SoEngine overrides this method to return the pointer to the actual
Reimplemented from SoFieldContainer.
SoType SoNode::getClassTypeId (void) [static] This static method returns
the SoType object associated with objects of this class.
Reimplemented from SoFieldContainer.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLAnchor, SoVRMLScript, SoNodeEngine, SoProto, and
SoNode * SoNode::getByName (const SbName & name) [static] Returns the last
node that was registered under name.
See also:
int SoNode::getByName (const SbName & name, SoNodeList & l) [static] Finds
all nodes with name and appends them to the l nodelist. Returns the
number of nodes with the specified name.
See also:
void SoNode::initClass (void) [static] Sets up initialization for data
common to all instances of this class, like submitting necessary
information to the Coin type system.
Reimplemented from SoFieldContainer.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLAnchor, SoVRMLAppearance, SoVRMLAudioClip,
SoVRMLBackground, SoVRMLBillboard, SoVRMLBox, SoVRMLCollision,
SoVRMLColor, SoVRMLColorInterpolator, SoVRMLCone, SoVRMLCoordinate,
SoVRMLCoordinateInterpolator, SoVRMLCylinder, SoVRMLCylinderSensor,
SoVRMLDirectionalLight, SoVRMLDragSensor, SoVRMLElevationGrid,
SoVRMLExtrusion, SoVRMLFog, SoVRMLFontStyle, SoVRMLGeometry,
SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLImageTexture, SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet,
SoVRMLIndexedLine, SoVRMLIndexedLineSet, SoVRMLIndexedShape,
SoVRMLInline, SoVRMLInterpolator, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLLight,
SoVRMLMaterial, SoVRMLMovieTexture, SoVRMLNavigationInfo, SoVRMLNormal,
SoVRMLNormalInterpolator, SoVRMLOrientationInterpolator, SoVRMLParent,
SoVRMLPixelTexture, SoVRMLPlaneSensor, SoVRMLPointLight,
SoVRMLPointSet, SoVRMLPositionInterpolator, SoVRMLProximitySensor,
SoVRMLScalarInterpolator, SoVRMLScript, SoVRMLSensor, SoVRMLShape,
SoVRMLSound, SoVRMLSphere, SoVRMLSphereSensor, SoVRMLSpotLight,
SoVRMLSwitch, SoVRMLText, SoVRMLTexture, SoVRMLTextureCoordinate,
SoVRMLTextureTransform, SoVRMLTimeSensor, SoVRMLTouchSensor,
SoVRMLTransform, SoVRMLVertexLine, SoVRMLVertexPoint,
SoVRMLVertexShape, SoVRMLViewpoint, SoVRMLVisibilitySensor,
SoVRMLWorldInfo, SoShadowCulling, SoShadowGroup, SoShadowSpotLight,
SoShadowStyle, SoForeignFileKit, SoSTLFileKit, SoProfilerStats,
SoCenterballDragger, SoDirectionalLightDragger, SoDragPointDragger,
SoDragger, SoHandleBoxDragger, SoJackDragger, SoPointLightDragger,
SoRotateCylindricalDragger, SoRotateDiscDragger,
SoRotateSphericalDragger, SoScale1Dragger, SoScale2Dragger,
SoScale2UniformDragger, SoScaleUniformDragger, SoSpotLightDragger,
SoTabBoxDragger, SoTabPlaneDragger, SoTrackballDragger,
SoTransformBoxDragger, SoTransformerDragger, SoTranslate1Dragger,
SoTranslate2Dragger, SoNodeEngine, SoCenterballManip, SoClipPlaneManip,
SoDirectionalLightManip, SoHandleBoxManip, SoJackManip,
SoPointLightManip, SoSpotLightManip, SoTabBoxManip, SoTrackballManip,
SoTransformBoxManip, SoTransformManip, SoTransformerManip, SoProto,
SoProtoInstance, SoAppearanceKit, SoBaseKit, SoCameraKit,
SoInteractionKit, SoLightKit, SoNodeKitListPart, SoSceneKit,
SoSeparatorKit, SoShapeKit, SoWrapperKit, SoAnnotation, SoAntiSquish,
SoArray, SoAsciiText, SoBaseColor, SoBlinker, SoBumpMap,
SoBumpMapCoordinate, SoBumpMapTransform, SoCacheHint, SoCallback,
SoCamera, SoClipPlane, SoColorIndex, SoComplexity, SoCone,
SoCoordinate3, SoCoordinate4, SoCube, SoCylinder, SoDepthBuffer,
SoDirectionalLight, SoDrawStyle, SoEnvironment, SoEventCallback,
SoExtSelection, SoFaceSet, SoFile, SoFont, SoFontStyle,
SoFragmentShader, SoFrustumCamera, SoGeoCoordinate, SoGeoLocation,
SoGeoOrigin, SoGeoSeparator, SoGeometryShader, SoGroup, SoImage,
SoIndexedFaceSet, SoIndexedLineSet, SoIndexedMarkerSet,
SoIndexedNurbsCurve, SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoIndexedPointSet,
SoIndexedShape, SoIndexedTriangleStripSet, SoInfo, SoLOD, SoLabel,
SoLevelOfDetail, SoLight, SoLightModel, SoLineSet, SoLinearProfile,
SoListener, SoLocateHighlight, SoMarkerSet, SoMaterial,
SoMaterialBinding, SoMatrixTransform, SoMultipleCopy,
SoNonIndexedShape, SoNormal, SoNormalBinding, SoNurbsCurve,
SoNurbsProfile, SoNurbsSurface, SoOrthographicCamera, SoPackedColor,
SoPathSwitch, SoPendulum, SoPerspectiveCamera, SoPickStyle,
SoPointLight, SoPointSet, SoPolygonOffset, SoProfile,
SoProfileCoordinate2, SoProfileCoordinate3, SoQuadMesh,
SoResetTransform, SoRotation, SoRotationXYZ, SoRotor, SoScale,
SoSceneTexture2, SoSceneTextureCubeMap, SoSelection, SoSeparator,
SoShaderObject, SoShaderParameter, SoShaderProgram, SoShape,
SoShapeHints, SoShuttle, SoSphere, SoSpotLight, SoSurroundScale,
SoSwitch, SoText2, SoText3, SoTexture2, SoTexture2Transform,
SoTexture3, SoTexture3Transform, SoTextureCombine,
SoTextureCoordinate2, SoTextureCoordinate3, SoTextureCoordinateBinding,
SoTextureCoordinateCube, SoTextureCoordinateCylinder,
SoTextureCoordinateDefault, SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment,
SoTextureCoordinateFunction, SoTextureCoordinateNormalMap,
SoTextureCoordinateObject, SoTextureCoordinatePlane,
SoTextureCoordinateReflectionMap, SoTextureCoordinateSphere,
SoTextureCubeMap, SoTextureMatrixTransform, SoTextureScalePolicy,
SoTextureUnit, SoTransform, SoTransformSeparator, SoTransformation,
SoTranslation, SoTransparencyType, SoTriangleStripSet, SoUnits,
SoVertexAttribute, SoVertexAttributeBinding, SoVertexProperty,
SoVertexShader, SoVertexShape, SoWWWAnchor, and SoWWWInline.
void SoNode::initClasses (void) [static] Initialize all the node classes of
Reimplemented in SoForeignFileKit, and SoDragger.
uint32_t SoNode::getNextNodeId (void) [static] Return the next unique
identification number to be assigned upon node construction or change.
It is unlikely that application programmers will ever need use this
method from client application code, unless working with extensions to
the core library (and probably not even then).
See also:
int SoNode::getActionMethodIndex (const SoType type) [static] This API
member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be
of interest to the application programmer.
void SoNode::getBoundingBoxS (SoAction * action, SoNode * node) [static]
This is a static ’helper’ method registered with the action, and used
for calling the SoNode::getBoundingBox() virtual method which does the
real work.
void SoNode::GLRenderS (SoAction * action, SoNode * node) [static] This is
a static ’helper’ method registered with the action, and used for
calling the SoNode::GLRender() virtual method which does the real work.
void SoNode::callbackS (SoAction * action, SoNode * node) [static] This is
a static ’helper’ method registered with the action, and used for
calling the SoNode::callback() virtual method which does the real work.
void SoNode::getMatrixS (SoAction * action, SoNode * node) [static] This is
a static ’helper’ method registered with the action, and used for
calling the SoNode::getMatrix() virtual method which does the real
void SoNode::handleEventS (SoAction * action, SoNode * node) [static] This
is a static ’helper’ method registered with the action, and used for
calling the SoNode::handleEvent() virtual method which does the real
void SoNode::pickS (SoAction * action, SoNode * node) [static] This is a
static ’helper’ method registered with the action, and used for calling
the SoNode::pick() virtual method which does the real work.
void SoNode::rayPickS (SoAction * action, SoNode * node) [static] This is a
static ’helper’ method registered with the action, and used for calling
the SoNode::rayPick() virtual method which does the real work.
void SoNode::searchS (SoAction * action, SoNode * node) [static] This is a
static ’helper’ method registered with the action, and used for calling
the SoNode::search() virtual method which does the real work.
void SoNode::writeS (SoAction * action, SoNode * node) [static] This is a
static ’helper’ method registered with the action, and used for calling
the SoNode::write() virtual method which does the real work.
void SoNode::audioRenderS (SoAction * action, SoNode * node) [static] This
is a static ’helper’ method registered with the action, and used for
calling the SoNode::audioRender() virtual method which does the real
void SoNode::getPrimitiveCountS (SoAction * action, SoNode * node) [static]
This is a static ’helper’ method registered with the action, and used
for calling the SoNode::getPrimitiveCount() virtual method which does
the real work.
SbBool SoNode::readInstance (SoInput * in, unsigned short flags)
[protected, virtual] This method is mainly intended for internal use
during file import operations.
It reads a definition of an instance from the input stream in. The
input stream state points to the start of a serialized / persistant
representation of an instance of this class type.
TRUE or FALSE is returned, depending on if the instantiation and
configuration of the new object of this class type went ok or not. The
import process should be robust and handle corrupted input streams by
returning FALSE.
flags is used internally during binary import when reading user
extension nodes, group nodes or engines.
Reimplemented from SoFieldContainer.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLImageTexture, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLParent,
SoVRMLPixelTexture, SoVRMLSwitch, SoNodeEngine, SoProto,
SoProtoInstance, SoBaseKit, SoInteractionKit, SoNodeKitListPart,
SoBumpMap, SoFile, SoGroup, SoImage, SoNormalBinding, SoSeparator,
SoShaderObject, SoTexture2, SoTexture3, SoTextureCoordinateBinding,
SoTextureCubeMap, SoVertexAttribute, and SoWWWInline.
const SoFieldData ** SoNode::getFieldDataPtr (void) [static, protected]
This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not
likely to be of interest to the application programmer.
Reimplemented in SoVRMLAnchor, and SoNodeEngine.
void SoNode::setNextActionMethodIndex (int index) [static, protected] This
API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely
to be of interest to the application programmer.
Only in TGS Inventor on Win32 -- to avoid needing to export the
nextActionMethodIndex member, see SoNode.h for more info.
int SoNode::getNextActionMethodIndex (void) [static, protected] This API
member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be
of interest to the application programmer.
Only in TGS Inventor on Win32 -- to avoid needing to export the
nextActionMethodIndex member, see SoNode.h for more info.
void SoNode::incNextActionMethodIndex (void) [static, protected] This API
member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be
of interest to the application programmer.
Only in TGS Inventor on Win32 -- to avoid needing to export the
nextActionMethodIndex member, see SoNode.h for more info.
void SoNode::setCompatibilityTypes (const SoType & nodetype, const uint32_t
bitmask) [static, protected] Set the node compatibility mask for node
type nodetype. The mask specifies for which file formats the node is
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the
original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
See also:
Coin 2.0
Member Data Documentation
uint32_t SoNode::uniqueId [protected] This API member is considered
internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the
application programmer.
uint32_t SoNode::nextUniqueId = 1 [static, protected] This API member is
considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of
interest to the application programmer.
int SoNode::nextActionMethodIndex = 0 [static, protected] This API member
is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of
interest to the application programmer.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Coin from the source code.