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       SoGetMatrixAction -

       The SoGetMatrixAction class is an action for accumulating the
       transformation matrix of a subgraph.

       This action makes it easy to calculate and convert to and from the
       global coordinate system of your scene and local coordinates of parts
       in a hierarchical model.


       #include <Inventor/actions/SoGetMatrixAction.h>

       Inherits SoAction.

   Public Member Functions
       SoGetMatrixAction (const SbViewportRegion &region)
       virtual ~SoGetMatrixAction (void)
       void setViewportRegion (const SbViewportRegion &region)
       const SbViewportRegion & getViewportRegion (void) const
       SbMatrix & getMatrix (void)
       SbMatrix & getInverse (void)
       SbMatrix & getTextureMatrix (void)
       SbMatrix & getTextureInverse (void)

   Static Public Member Functions
       static void initClass (void)

   Protected Member Functions
       virtual void beginTraversal (SoNode *node)

Detailed Description

       The SoGetMatrixAction class is an action for accumulating the
       transformation matrix of a subgraph.

       This action makes it easy to calculate and convert to and from the
       global coordinate system of your scene and local coordinates of parts
       in a hierarchical model.

       As opposed to most other action types, the SoGetMatrixAction does not
       traverse children of the node it is applied to -- just the node itself.
       When applied to paths, it stops at the last node and does not continue
       further with the children of the tail node.

       Typical usage when querying for world space position, orientation
       and/or scaling would be as follows:

         // First get hold of an SoPath through the scenegraph down to the
         // node (’mynode’) you want to query about its current world space
         // transformation(s).

         SoSearchAction * searchaction = new SoSearchAction;

         SoPath * path = searchaction->getPath();
         assert(path != NULL);

         // Then apply the SoGetMatrixAction to get the full transformation
         // matrix from world space.

         const SbViewportRegion vpr = myviewer->getViewportRegion();
         SoGetMatrixAction * getmatrixaction = new SoGetMatrixAction(vpr);

         SbMatrix transformation = getmatrixaction->getMatrix();

         // And if you want to access the individual transformation
         // components of the matrix:

         SbVec3f translation;
         SbRotation rotation;
         SbVec3f scalevector;
         SbRotation scaleorientation;

         transformation.getTransform(translation, rotation, scalevector, scaleorientation);

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   SoGetMatrixAction::SoGetMatrixAction (const SbViewportRegion & region)
       The region viewport specification is not used by this action, and is
       passed along in case it is needed by any nodes.

   SoGetMatrixAction::~SoGetMatrixAction (void) [virtual] Destructor.

Member Function Documentation

   void SoGetMatrixAction::initClass (void) [static] Initializes the run-time
       type system for this class, and sets up the enabled elements and action
       method list.
       Reimplemented from SoAction.

   void SoGetMatrixAction::setViewportRegion (const SbViewportRegion & region)
       Set the viewport region.
       See also:

   const SbViewportRegion & SoGetMatrixAction::getViewportRegion (void) const
       Returns the viewport region for the action instance.
   SbMatrix & SoGetMatrixAction::getMatrix (void) Returns the accumulated
       transformation matrix.
       Note: don’t modify the returned matrix. This should only be done if you
       are implementing your own transformation type node extensions. This
       advice is also valid for the other matrix access methods documented

   SbMatrix & SoGetMatrixAction::getInverse (void) Returns the inverse of the
       accumulated transformation matrix.
   SbMatrix & SoGetMatrixAction::getTextureMatrix (void) Returns the
       accumulated texture matrix.
   SbMatrix & SoGetMatrixAction::getTextureInverse (void) Returns the inverse
       of the accumulated texture matrix.
   void SoGetMatrixAction::beginTraversal (SoNode * node) [protected, virtual]
       This virtual method is called from SoAction::apply(), and is the entry
       point for the actual scenegraph traversal.
       It can be overridden to initialize the action at traversal start, for
       specific initializations in the action subclasses inheriting SoAction.

       Default method just calls traverse(), which any overridden
       implementation of the method must do too (or call
       SoAction::beginTraversal()) to trigger the scenegraph traversal.

       Reimplemented from SoAction.


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