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       SoFieldData -

       The SoFieldData class is a container for a prototype set of fields.

       This class is instantiated once for each class of objects which use
       fields, and which needs to be able to import and export them.


       #include <Inventor/fields/SoFieldData.h>

   Public Member Functions
       SoFieldData (void)
       SoFieldData (const SoFieldData &fd)
       SoFieldData (const SoFieldData *fd)
       SoFieldData (int numfields)
       ~SoFieldData ()
       void addField (SoFieldContainer *base, const char *name, const SoField
       void overlay (SoFieldContainer *to, const SoFieldContainer *from,
           SbBool copyconnections) const
       int getNumFields (void) const
       const SbName & getFieldName (int index) const
       SoField * getField (const SoFieldContainer *object, int index) const
       int getIndex (const SoFieldContainer *fc, const SoField *field) const
       void addEnumValue (const char *enumname, const char *valuename, int
       void getEnumData (const char *enumname, int &num, const int *&values,
           const SbName *&names)
       SbBool read (SoInput *input, SoFieldContainer *object, SbBool
           erroronunknownfield, SbBool &notbuiltin) const
       SbBool read (SoInput *input, SoFieldContainer *object, const SbName
           &fieldname, SbBool &foundname) const
       void write (SoOutput *out, const SoFieldContainer *object) const
       void copy (const SoFieldData *src)
       SbBool isSame (const SoFieldContainer *c1, const SoFieldContainer *c2)
       SbBool readFieldDescriptions (SoInput *input, SoFieldContainer *object,
           int numdescriptionsexpected, const SbBool readfieldvalues=1) const
       void writeFieldDescriptions (SoOutput *out, const SoFieldContainer
           *object) const

Detailed Description

       The SoFieldData class is a container for a prototype set of fields.

       This class is instantiated once for each class of objects which use
       fields, and which needs to be able to import and export them.

       Each field of a class is stored with the name it has been given within
       its ’owner’ class and a pointer offset to the dynamic instance of the
       field itself.

       Enumeration sets are stored with (name, value) pairs, to make it
       possible to address, read and save enum type fields by name.

       It is unlikely that application programmers should need to use any of
       the methods of this class directly.

       See also:
           SoField, SoFieldContainer

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   SoFieldData::SoFieldData (void) Default constructor.
   SoFieldData::SoFieldData (const SoFieldData & fd) Copy constructor.
   SoFieldData::SoFieldData (const SoFieldData * fd) Copy constructor taking a
       pointer value as an argument. Handles NULL pointers by behaving like
       the default constructor.
   SoFieldData::SoFieldData (int numfields) Constructor. Takes an indication
       on the number of fields which should be stored, to make sure the memory
       handling is efficient.
   SoFieldData::~SoFieldData () Destructor.

Member Function Documentation

   void SoFieldData::addField (SoFieldContainer * base, const char * name,
       const SoField * field) Add a new field to our internal list.
       The name will be stored along with an pointer offset between base and
       field, which will be valid for all instances of the class type of base.

   void SoFieldData::overlay (SoFieldContainer * to, const SoFieldContainer *
       from, SbBool copyconnections) const Copy fields from container from to
       container to. If copyconnections is TRUE, well also copy the
       connections field from has made.
       If you think the method signature is a bit strange, you’re correct.
       This should really have been a static method (the owner this instance
       of the method isn’t used at all, due to how the internal representation
       of field template list are stored), but for unknown reasons this is a
       dynamic method in Open Inventor. So also in Coin, to keep

   int SoFieldData::getNumFields (void) const Returns number of fields
       contained within this instance.
   const SbName & SoFieldData::getFieldName (int index) const Returns the name
       of the field at index.
   SoField * SoFieldData::getField (const SoFieldContainer * object, int
       index) const Returns a pointer to the field at index within the object
   int SoFieldData::getIndex (const SoFieldContainer * fc, const SoField *
       field) const Returns the internal index value of field in fc. If field
       is not part of fc, returns -1.
   void SoFieldData::addEnumValue (const char * enumname, const char *
       valuename, int value) Either adds a new enum set (with an initial
       member), or adds a new value member to an existing enum set.
   void SoFieldData::getEnumData (const char * enumname, int & num, const int
       *& values, const SbName *& names) Returns the names and values of
       enumeration entry with the enumname. The number of (name, value) pairs
       available in the enumeration is returned in num.
   SbBool SoFieldData::read (SoInput * in, SoFieldContainer * object, SbBool
       erroronunknownfield, SbBool & notbuiltin) const Read field data from
       the in stream for fields belonging to object. Returns TRUE if
       everything went ok, or FALSE if any error conditions occurs.
       erroronunknownfield decides whether or not FALSE should be returned if
       a name identifier not recognized as a fieldname of object is
       encountered. Note that erroronunknownfield should be FALSE if object is
       a container with child objects, otherwise the code will fail upon the
       first child name specification.

       If notbuiltin is TRUE on return, object is an unknown node or engine
       type. Unknown nodes are recognized by the fields keyword first in their
       file format definition, and unknown engines by the inputs keyword.

   SbBool SoFieldData::read (SoInput * in, SoFieldContainer * object, const
       SbName & fieldname, SbBool & foundname) const Find field fieldname in
       object, and if it is available, set foundname to TRUE and try to read
       the field specification from in. If foundname is set to TRUE, the
       return value says whether or not the field specification could be read
       without any problems.
       If fieldname is not part of object, returns FALSE with foundname also
       set to FALSE.

   void SoFieldData::write (SoOutput * out, const SoFieldContainer * object)
       const Write to out field names and field values for the fields of
   void SoFieldData::copy (const SoFieldData * src) Copy contents of src into
       this instance.
       If there was any data set up in this instance before the method was
       called, the old data is removed first.

       Note that this only copies the field set template specification from
       src, not actual field contents. For copying field contents, see the
       SoFieldData::overlay() method.

   SbBool SoFieldData::isSame (const SoFieldContainer * c1, const
       SoFieldContainer * c2) const Compares c1 and c2 to see if they have the
       same field data set and if the fields of c1 have the same values as the
       fields of c2.
       Field connections are not considered (i.e. we will return TRUE if the
       values of the fields of c1 are equal to the fields of c2, even if they
       differ in how they have made connections to other fields).

       If you think the method signature is a bit strange, you’re correct.
       This should really have been a static method (the owner this instance
       of the method isn’t used at all, due to how the internal
       representations of field template lists are stored), but for unknown
       reasons this is a dynamic method in Open Inventor. So also in Coin, to
       keep compatibility.

   SbBool SoFieldData::readFieldDescriptions (SoInput * in, SoFieldContainer *
       object, int numdescriptionsexpected, const SbBool readfieldvalues = 1)
       const Reads a set of field specifications from in for an unknown
       nodeclass type, in the form[ FIELDCLASS FIELDNAME, FIELDCLASS
       FIELDNAME, ... ].
       numdescriptionsexpected is used for binary format import to know how
       many descriptions should be parsed.

       If readfieldvalues is TRUE (the default), the field initial value is
       expected after the field name in the SoInput stream.

   void SoFieldData::writeFieldDescriptions (SoOutput * out, const
       SoFieldContainer * object) const Write a set of field specifications to
       out for an unknown nodeclass type, in the form[ FIELDCLASS FIELDNAME,


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