SbVec4d -
The SbVec4d class is a 4 dimensional vector with double precision
floating point coordinates.
This vector class is not by many other classes in Coin. It provides
storage for a 3 dimensional homogeneoues vector (with the 4 components
usually referred to as <x, y, z, w>) aswell as simple double precision
floating point arithmetic operations.
#include <Inventor/SbVec4d.h>
Public Member Functions
SbVec4d (void)
SbVec4d (const double v[4])
SbVec4d (double x, double y, double z, double w)
SbVec4d (const SbVec4f &v)
SbVec4d (const SbVec4b &v)
SbVec4d (const SbVec4s &v)
SbVec4d (const SbVec4i32 &v)
SbVec4d & setValue (const double v[4])
SbVec4d & setValue (double x, double y, double z, double w)
SbVec4d & setValue (const SbVec4f &v)
SbVec4d & setValue (const SbVec4b &v)
SbVec4d & setValue (const SbVec4s &v)
SbVec4d & setValue (const SbVec4i32 &v)
const double * getValue (void) const
void getValue (double &x, double &y, double &z, double &w) const
double & operator[] (int i)
const double & operator[] (int i) const
double dot (const SbVec4d &v) const
SbBool equals (const SbVec4d &v, double tolerance) const
void getReal (SbVec3d &v) const
double length (void) const
double sqrLength (void) const
void negate (void)
double normalize (void)
SbVec4d & operator*= (double d)
SbVec4d & operator/= (double d)
SbVec4d & operator+= (const SbVec4d &v)
SbVec4d & operator-= (const SbVec4d &v)
SbVec4d operator- (void) const
void print (FILE *fp) const
Protected Attributes
double vec [4]
Related Functions
(Note that these are not member functions.)
SbVec4d operator* (const SbVec4d &v, double d)
SbVec4d operator* (double d, const SbVec4d &v)
SbVec4d operator/ (const SbVec4d &v, double d)
SbVec4d operator+ (const SbVec4d &v1, const SbVec4d &v2)
SbVec4d operator- (const SbVec4d &v1, const SbVec4d &v2)
int operator== (const SbVec4d &v1, const SbVec4d &v2)
int operator!= (const SbVec4d &v1, const SbVec4d &v2)
Detailed Description
The SbVec4d class is a 4 dimensional vector with double precision
floating point coordinates.
This vector class is not by many other classes in Coin. It provides
storage for a 3 dimensional homogeneoues vector (with the 4 components
usually referred to as <x, y, z, w>) aswell as simple double precision
floating point arithmetic operations.
See also:
SbVec2s, SbVec2f, SbVec2d, SbVec3s, SbVec3f, SbVec3d, SbVec4f.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
SbVec4d::SbVec4d (void) [inline] The default constructor does nothing. The
vector coordinates will be uninitialized until a call the setValue().
SbVec4d::SbVec4d (const double v[4]) [inline] Constructs an SbVec4d
instance with initial values from v.
SbVec4d::SbVec4d (double x, double y, double z, double w) [inline]
Constructs an SbVec4d instance with the initial homogeneous vector set
to <x,y,z,w>.
SbVec4d::SbVec4d (const SbVec4f & v) [inline, explicit] Constructs an
SbVec4d instance from an SbVec4f instance.
SbVec4d::SbVec4d (const SbVec4b & v) [inline, explicit] Constructs an
SbVec4d instance from an SbVec4b instance.
Coin 2.5
SbVec4d::SbVec4d (const SbVec4s & v) [inline, explicit] Constructs an
SbVec4d instance from an SbVec4s instance.
Coin 2.5
SbVec4d::SbVec4d (const SbVec4i32 & v) [inline, explicit] Constructs an
SbVec4d instance from an SbVec4i32 instance.
Coin 2.5
Member Function Documentation
SbVec4d & SbVec4d::setValue (const double v[4]) [inline] Set new
coordinates for the vector from v. Returns reference to self.
See also:
SbVec4d & SbVec4d::setValue (double x, double y, double z, double w)
[inline] Set new coordinates for the vector. Returns reference to self.
See also:
SbVec4d & SbVec4d::setValue (const SbVec4f & v) Since:
Coin 2.5
SbVec4d & SbVec4d::setValue (const SbVec4b & v) Since:
Coin 2.5
SbVec4d & SbVec4d::setValue (const SbVec4s & v) Since:
Coin 2.5
SbVec4d & SbVec4d::setValue (const SbVec4i32 & v) Since:
Coin 2.5
const double * SbVec4d::getValue (void) const [inline] Returns a pointer to
an array of four doubles containing the x, y, z and w coordinates of
the vector.
See also:
void SbVec4d::getValue (double & x, double & y, double & z, double & w)
const [inline] Returns the x, y, z and w coordinates of the vector.
See also:
double & SbVec4d::operator[] (int i) [inline] Index operator. Returns
modifiable x, y, z or w component of vector.
See also:
getValue() and setValue().
const double & SbVec4d::operator[] (int i) const [inline] Index operator.
Returns x, y, z or w component of vector.
See also:
getValue() and setValue().
double SbVec4d::dot (const SbVec4d & v) const [inline] Calculates and
returns the result of taking the dot product of this vector and v.
SbBool SbVec4d::equals (const SbVec4d & v, double tolerance) const Compares
the vector with v and returns TRUE if the distance between the vectors
is smaller or equal to the square root of tolerance.
The comparison is done in 4D-space, i.e. the w component of the vector
is not used to make x, y and z into Cartesian coordinates first.
void SbVec4d::getReal (SbVec3d & v) const Returns the vector as a Cartesian
3D vector in v. This means that the 3 first components x, y and z will
be divided by the fourth, w.
double SbVec4d::length (void) const Return the length of the vector in 4D
double SbVec4d::sqrLength (void) const [inline] Return the square of the
length of the vector in 4D space.
void SbVec4d::negate (void) [inline] Negate the vector.
double SbVec4d::normalize (void) Normalize the vector to unit length.
Return value is the original length of the vector before normalization.
SbVec4d & SbVec4d::operator*= (double d) [inline] Multiply components of
vector with value d. Returns reference to self.
SbVec4d & SbVec4d::operator+= (const SbVec4d & v) [inline] SbVec4d &
SbVec4d::operator /= (double d)
Divides components of vector with value d. Returns reference to self.
Adds this vector and vector v. Returns reference to self.
SbVec4d & SbVec4d::operator-= (const SbVec4d & v) [inline] Subtracts vector
v from this vector. Returns reference to self.
SbVec4d SbVec4d::operator- (void) const [inline] Non-destructive negation
operator. Returns a new SbVec4d instance which has all components
See also:
void SbVec4d::print (FILE * fp) const Dump the state of this object to the
file stream. Only works in debug version of library, method does
nothing in an optimized compile.
Friends And Related Function Documentation
SbVec4d operator* (const SbVec4d & v, double d) [related] Returns an
SbVec4d instance which is the components of vector v multiplied with d.
SbVec4d operator* (double d, const SbVec4d & v) [related] Returns an
SbVec4d instance which is the components of vector v multiplied with d.
SbVec4d operator/ (const SbVec4d & v, double d) [related] Returns an
SbVec4d instance which is the components of vector v divided on the
scalar factor d.
SbVec4d operator+ (const SbVec4d & v1, const SbVec4d & v2) [related]
Returns an SbVec4d instance which is the sum of vectors v1 and v2.
SbVec4d operator- (const SbVec4d & v1, const SbVec4d & v2) [related]
Returns an SbVec4d instance which is vector v2 subtracted from vector
int operator== (const SbVec4d & v1, const SbVec4d & v2) [related] Returns 1
if v1 and v2 are equal, 0 otherwise.
See also:
int operator!= (const SbVec4d & v1, const SbVec4d & v2) [related] Returns 1
if v1 and v2 are not equal, 0 if they are equal.
See also:
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