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       Prima::IniFile - support of Windows-like initialization files


       The module contains a class, that provides mapping of text
       initialization file to a two-level hash structure. The first level is
       called sections, which groups the second level hashes, called items.
       Sections must have unique keys. The items hashes values are arrays of
       text strings. The methods, operated on these arrays are get_values,
       set_values, add_values and replace_values.


               use Prima::IniFile;

               my $ini = create Prima::IniFile;
               my $ini = create Prima::IniFile FILENAME;
               my $ini = create Prima::IniFile FILENAME,
                                               default => HASHREF_OR_ARRAYREF;
               my $ini = create Prima::IniFile file => FILENAME,
                                               default => HASHREF_OR_ARRAYREF;

               my @sections = $ini->sections;
               my @items = $ini->items(SECTION);
               my @items = $ini->items(SECTION, 1);
               my @items = $ini->items(SECTION, all => 1);

               my $value = $ini-> get_values(SECTION, ITEM);
               my @vals = $ini-> get_values(SECTION, ITEM);
               my $nvals = $ini-> nvalues(SECTION, ITEM);

               $ini-> set_values(SECTION, ITEM, LIST);
               $ini-> add_values(SECTION, ITEM, LIST);
               $ini-> replace_values(SECTION, ITEM, LIST);

               $ini-> write;
               $ini-> clean;
               $ini-> read( FILENAME);
               $ini-> read( FILENAME, default => HASHREF_OR_ARRAYREF);

               my $sec = $ini->section(SECTION);
               $sec->{ITEM} = VALUE;
               my $val = $sec->{ITEM};
               delete $sec->{ITEM};
               my %everything = %$sec;
               %$sec = ();
               for ( keys %$sec) { ... }
               while ( my ($k,$v) = each %$sec) { ... }


       add_values SECTION, ITEM, @LIST
           Adds LIST of string values to the ITEM in SECTION.

           Cleans all internal data in the object, including the name of the

       create PROFILE
           Creates an instance of the class. The PROFILE is treated partly as
           an array, partly as a hash. If PROFILE consists of a single item,
           the item is treated as a filename. Otherwise, PROFILE is treated as
           a hash, where the following keys are allowed:

           file FILENAME
               Selects name of file.

           default %VALUES
               Selects the initial values for the file, where VALUES is a two-
               level hash of sections and items. It is passed to read, where
               it is merged with the file data.

       get_values SECTION, ITEM
           Returns array of values for ITEM in SECTION. If called in scalar
           context, and there is more than one value, the first value in list
           is returned.

       items SECTION [ HINTS ]
           Returns items in SECTION. HINTS parameters is used to tell if a
           multiple-valued item must be returned as several items of the same
           name; HINTS can be supplied in the following forms:

           items( $section, 1 ) items( $section, all => 1);

       new PROFILE
           Same as create.

       nvalues SECTION, ITEM
           Returns number of values in ITEM in SECTION.

       read FILENAME, %PROFILE
           Flushes the old content and opens new file. FILENAME is a text
           string, PROFILE is a two-level hash of default values for the new
           file. PROFILE is merged with the data from file, and the latter
           keep the precedence.  Does not return any success values but, warns
           if any error is occurred.

       replace_values SECTION, ITEM, @VALUES
           Removes all values form ITEM in SECTION and assigns it to the new
           list of VALUES.

       section SECTION
           Returns a tied hash for SECTION. All its read and write operations
           are reflected in the caller object, which allows the following

                   my $section = $inifile-> section( 'Sample section');
                   $section-> {Item1} = 'Value1';

           which is identical to

                   $inifile-> set_items( 'Sample section', 'Item1', 'Value1');

           Returns array of section names.

       set_values SECTION, ITEM, @VALUES
           Assigns VALUES to ITEM in SECTION. If number of new values are
           equal or greater than the number of the old, the method is same as
           replace_values. Otherwise, the values with indices higher than the
           number of new values are not touched.

           Rewrites the file with the object content. The object keeps an
           internal modification flag under name "{changed}"; in case it is
           "undef", no actual write is performed.


       Anton Berezin, <>

       Dmitry Karasik <>