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       The globus_xio user API. -

       typedef void(* globus_xio_accept_callback_t )(globus_xio_server_t
           server, globus_xio_handle_t handle, globus_result_t result, void
       typedef void(* globus_xio_server_callback_t )(globus_xio_server_t
           server, void *user_arg)
       typedef globus_bool_t(* globus_xio_timeout_callback_t
           )(globus_xio_handle_t handle, globus_xio_operation_type_t type,
           void *user_arg)
       typedef void(* globus_xio_callback_t )(globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           globus_result_t result, void *user_arg)
       typedef void(* globus_xio_data_callback_t )(globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           globus_result_t result, globus_byte_t *buffer, globus_size_t len,
           globus_size_t nbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc, void
       typedef void(* globus_xio_iovec_callback_t )(globus_xio_handle_t
           handle, globus_result_t result, globus_xio_iovec_t *iovec, int
           count, globus_size_t nbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t
           data_desc, void *user_arg)
       typedef enum globus_i_xio_op_type_e globus_xio_operation_type_t

       enum globus_i_xio_op_type_e
       enum globus_xio_handle_cmd_t { GLOBUS_XIO_GET_LOCAL_CONTACT =  12345,

       globus_result_t globus_xio_attr_init (globus_xio_attr_t *attr)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_attr_cntl (globus_xio_attr_t attr,
           globus_xio_driver_t driver, int cmd,...)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_attr_copy (globus_xio_attr_t *dst,
           globus_xio_attr_t src)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_attr_destroy (globus_xio_attr_t attr)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_stack_init (globus_xio_stack_t *stack,
           globus_xio_attr_t stack_attr)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_stack_push_driver (globus_xio_stack_t stack,
           globus_xio_driver_t driver)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_stack_copy (globus_xio_stack_t *dst,
           globus_xio_stack_t src)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_stack_destroy (globus_xio_stack_t stack)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_server_create (globus_xio_server_t *server,
           globus_xio_attr_t server_attr, globus_xio_stack_t stack)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_server_get_contact_string
           (globus_xio_server_t server, char **contact_string)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_server_register_close (globus_xio_server_t
           server, globus_xio_server_callback_t cb, void *user_arg)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_server_close (globus_xio_server_t server)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_server_cntl (globus_xio_server_t server,
           globus_xio_driver_t driver, int cmd,...)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_server_accept (globus_xio_handle_t
           *out_handle, globus_xio_server_t server)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_server_register_accept (globus_xio_server_t
           server, globus_xio_accept_callback_t cb, void *user_arg)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_create (globus_xio_handle_t *handle,
           globus_xio_stack_t stack)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_data_descriptor_init
           (globus_xio_data_descriptor_t *data_desc, globus_xio_handle_t
       globus_result_t globus_xio_data_descriptor_destroy
           (globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_data_descriptor_cntl
           (globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc, globus_xio_driver_t
           driver, int cmd,...)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           globus_xio_driver_t driver, int cmd,...)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_register_open (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           const char *contact_string, globus_xio_attr_t attr,
           globus_xio_callback_t cb, void *user_arg)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_open (globus_xio_handle_t handle, const char
           *contact_string, globus_xio_attr_t attr)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_register_read (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           globus_byte_t *buffer, globus_size_t buffer_length, globus_size_t
           waitforbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc,
           globus_xio_data_callback_t cb, void *user_arg)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_read (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           globus_byte_t *buffer, globus_size_t buffer_length, globus_size_t
           waitforbytes, globus_size_t *nbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t
       globus_result_t globus_xio_register_readv (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           globus_xio_iovec_t *iovec, int iovec_count, globus_size_t
           waitforbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc,
           globus_xio_iovec_callback_t cb, void *user_arg)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_readv (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           globus_xio_iovec_t *iovec, int iovec_count, globus_size_t
           waitforbytes, globus_size_t *nbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t
       globus_result_t globus_xio_register_write (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           globus_byte_t *buffer, globus_size_t buffer_length, globus_size_t
           waitforbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc,
           globus_xio_data_callback_t cb, void *user_arg)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_write (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           globus_byte_t *buffer, globus_size_t buffer_length, globus_size_t
           waitforbytes, globus_size_t *nbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t
       globus_result_t globus_xio_register_writev (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           globus_xio_iovec_t *iovec, int iovec_count, globus_size_t
           waitforbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc,
           globus_xio_iovec_callback_t cb, void *user_arg)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_writev (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           globus_xio_iovec_t *iovec, int iovec_count, globus_size_t
           waitforbytes, globus_size_t *nbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t
       globus_result_t globus_xio_register_close (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           globus_xio_attr_t attr, globus_xio_callback_t cb, void *user_arg)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_close (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
           globus_xio_attr_t attr)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_create_from_url (globus_xio_handle_t
           *out_h, const char *scheme, globus_xio_attr_t attr, char
       EXTERN_C_END globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (handle, driver,
           GLOBUS_XIO_GET_LOCAL_CONTACT, char **contact_string_out)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (handle, driver,
           GLOBUS_XIO_GET_LOCAL_NUMERIC_CONTACT, char **contact_string_out)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (handle, driver,
           GLOBUS_XIO_GET_REMOTE_CONTACT, char **contact_string_out)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (handle, driver,
           GLOBUS_XIO_GET_REMOTE_NUMERIC_CONTACT, char **contact_string_out)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (handle, driver,
           GLOBUS_XIO_SEEK, globus_off_t offset)
       globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (handle, driver,
           GLOBUS_XIO_SET_STRING_OPTIONS, char *config_string)

Typedef Documentation

   typedef void(* globus_xio_accept_callback_t)(globus_xio_server_t server,
       globus_xio_handle_t handle, globus_result_t result, void *user_arg)
       Callback signature for accept. When a registered accept operation
       completes the users function of this signature is called.

           server The server object on which the accept was registered.
           handle The newly created handle that was created by the accept
           result A result code indicating the success of the accept
           operation. GLOBUS_SUCCESS indicates a successful accept.
           user_arg A user argument that is threaded from the registration to
           the callback.

   typedef void(* globus_xio_server_callback_t)(globus_xio_server_t server,
       void *user_arg)
       Server callback signature. This is the generic server callback
       signature. It is currently only used for the register close operation.

   typedef globus_bool_t(* globus_xio_timeout_callback_t)(globus_xio_handle_t
       handle, globus_xio_operation_type_t type, void *user_arg)
       The timeout callback function signature. Parameters:
           handle The handle the handle on which the timeout operation was
           type The type of opperation that timed out:
           arg A user arg threaded throw to the callback.

   typedef void(* globus_xio_callback_t)(globus_xio_handle_t handle,
       globus_result_t result, void *user_arg)

       This callback is used for the open and close asynchronous operations.

   typedef void(* globus_xio_data_callback_t)(globus_xio_handle_t handle,
       globus_result_t result, globus_byte_t *buffer, globus_size_t len,
       globus_size_t nbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc, void

       This callback is used for asychronous operations that send or receive
       data. on eof, result_t will be of type GLOBUS_XIO_ERROR_EOF

   typedef void(* globus_xio_iovec_callback_t)(globus_xio_handle_t handle,
       globus_result_t result, globus_xio_iovec_t *iovec, int count,
       globus_size_t nbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc, void

       This callback is used for asychronous operations that send or receive
       data with an ivec structure. on eof, result_t will be of type

   typedef enum globus_i_xio_op_type_e  globus_xio_operation_type_t
       Operation types. An enumeration of operation types. Used in the timeout
       callback to indicate what operation typed timedout.

Enumeration Type Documentation

   enum globus_i_xio_op_type_e
       Operation types. An enumeration of operation types. Used in the timeout
       callback to indicate what operation typed timedout.

   enum globus_xio_handle_cmd_t
       doxygen varargs filter stuff Common driver handle cntls.


              See usage for: globus_xio_handle_cntl .

              See usage for: globus_xio_handle_cntl .

              See usage for: globus_xio_handle_cntl .

              See usage for: globus_xio_handle_cntl .

              See usage for: globus_xio_handle_cntl .

              See usage for: globus_xio_handle_cntl .

Function Documentation

   globus_result_t globus_xio_attr_init (globus_xio_attr_t * attr)
       Intialize a globus xio attribute. Parameters:
           attr upon return from this function this out parameter will be
           initialized. Once the user is finished with the attribute they
           should make sure they destroy it in order to free resources
           associated with it.

       References globus_xio_attr_init().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_attr_cntl (globus_xio_attr_t attr,
       globus_xio_driver_t driver, int cmd,  ...)
       Manipulate the values associated in the attr. This function provides a
       means to access the attr structure. What exactly this function does is
       determined by the value in the parameter cmd and the value of the
       patameter driver. When the driver parameter is NULL it indicates that
       this function applies to general globus xio values. If it is not NULL
       it indicates that the function will effect driver specific values. Each
       driver is resonsible for defining its own enumeration of values for cmd
       and the var args associated with that command.

           attr the attribute structure to be manipulated.
           driver This parameter indicates which driver the user would like to
           perform the requested operation. If this parameter is NULL this
           request will be scoped to general attribure functions.
           cmd an enum that determines what specific operation the user is
           requesting. Each driver will determine the value for this

       References globus_xio_attr_cntl().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_attr_copy (globus_xio_attr_t * dst,
       globus_xio_attr_t src)
       Copy an attribute structure.

       References globus_xio_attr_copy().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_attr_destroy (globus_xio_attr_t attr)
       Clean up resources associated with an attribute. Parameters:
           attr Upon completion of this function all resources associated with
           this structure will returned to the system and the attr will no
           longer be valid.

       References globus_xio_attr_destroy().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_stack_init (globus_xio_stack_t * stack,
       globus_xio_attr_t stack_attr)
       Initialize a stack object.

       References globus_xio_stack_init().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_stack_push_driver (globus_xio_stack_t stack,
       globus_xio_driver_t driver)
       Push a driver onto a stack. No attrs are associated with a driver. The
       stack represents the ordered lists of transform drivers and 1 transport
       driver. The transport driver must be pushed on first.

       References globus_xio_stack_push_driver().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_stack_copy (globus_xio_stack_t * dst,
       globus_xio_stack_t src)
       Copy a stack object.

       References globus_xio_stack_push_driver().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_stack_destroy (globus_xio_stack_t stack)
       Destroy a stack object.

       References globus_xio_stack_destroy().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_server_create (globus_xio_server_t * server,
       globus_xio_attr_t server_attr, globus_xio_stack_t stack)
       Create a server object. This function allows the user to create a
       server object which can then be used to accept connections.

           server An out parameter. Once the function successfully returns
           this will point to a valid server object.
           server_attr an attributre structure used to alter the default
           server intialization. This will mostly be used in a driver specific
           manner. can be NULL.

       References globus_xio_server_create().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_server_get_contact_string (globus_xio_server_t
       server, char ** contact_string)
       get contact string This function allows the user to get the contact
       string for a server. this string could be used as the contact string
       for the client side.

           server An initialized server handle created with
           contact_string an out varibale. Will point to a newly allocated
           string on success. must be freed by the caller.

   globus_result_t globus_xio_server_register_close (globus_xio_server_t
       server, globus_xio_server_callback_t cb, void * user_arg)
       post a close on a server object This function registers a close
       operation on a server. When the user function pointed to by parameter
       cb is called the server object is closed.

       References globus_xio_server_register_close().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_server_close (globus_xio_server_t server)
       A blocking server close.

       References globus_xio_server_close(), and

   globus_result_t globus_xio_server_cntl (globus_xio_server_t server,
       globus_xio_driver_t driver, int cmd,  ...)
       Touch driver specific information in a server object. This function
       allows the user to comunicate directly with a driver in association
       with a server object. The driver defines what operations can be

       References globus_xio_server_cntl().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_server_accept (globus_xio_handle_t * out_handle,
       globus_xio_server_t server)
       Accept a connection. This function will accept a connetion on the given
       server object and the parameter out_handle will be valid if the
       function returns successfully.

   globus_result_t globus_xio_server_register_accept (globus_xio_server_t
       server, globus_xio_accept_callback_t cb, void * user_arg)
       Asynchronous accept. This function posts an nonblocking accept. Once
       the operation has completed the user function pointed to by the
       parameter cb is called.

       References globus_xio_server_register_accept().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_create (globus_xio_handle_t * handle,
       globus_xio_stack_t stack)
       Initialize a handle for client opens. This funtion will initialize a
       handle for active opens (client side connections).

       References globus_xio_handle_create().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_data_descriptor_init
       (globus_xio_data_descriptor_t * data_desc, globus_xio_handle_t handle)
       Initialize a data descriptor. Parameters:
           data_desc An out parameter. The data descriptor to be intialized.
           handle The handle this data descriptor will be used with. This
           parametter is require in order to optimize the code handling the
           data descriptors use.

       References globus_xio_data_descriptor_init().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_data_descriptor_destroy
       (globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc)
       clean up a data descriptor.

       References globus_xio_data_descriptor_destroy().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_data_descriptor_cntl
       (globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc, globus_xio_driver_t driver,
       int cmd,  ...)
       Touch driver specific data in data descriptors

       This function allows the user to comunicate directly with a driver in
       association with a data descriptors. The driver defines what operations
       can be preformed.

       References globus_xio_data_descriptor_cntl().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
       globus_xio_driver_t driver, int cmd,  ...)
       Touch driver specific information in a handle object. This function
       allows the user to comunicate directly with a driver in association
       with a handle object. The driver defines what operations can be

       pass the driver to control a specific driver pass NULL for driver for
       XIO specific cntls pass GLOBUS_XIO_QUERY for driver to try each driver
       in order until success

       References globus_xio_handle_cntl().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_register_open (globus_xio_handle_t handle, const
       char * contact_string, globus_xio_attr_t attr, globus_xio_callback_t
       cb, void * user_arg)
       Open a handle

       Creates an open handle based on the state contained in the given stack.
       No operation can be preformed on a handle until it is initialized and
       then opened. If an already open handle used the information contaned in
       that handle will be destoyed.

           handle The handle created with globus_xio_handle_create() or
           globus_xio_server_register_accept() that is to be opened.
           attr how to open attribute. can be NULL
           cb The function to be called when the open operation completes.
           user_arg A user pointer that will be threaded through to the
           contact_string An url describing the resource. NULL is allowed.
           Drivers interpret the various parts of this url as descibed in
           their documentation. An alternative form is also supported: if
           contact_string does not specify a scheme (e.g. http://) and it
           contains a ’:’, it will be parsed as a host:port pair. if it does
           not contain a ’:’, it will be parsed as the path

       the following are examples of valid formats:

           <path to file>
           host-name ’:’ <service or port>
           ’file:’ <path to file>
           <scheme> ’://’ [ ’/’ [ <path to resource> ]  ]
           <scheme> ’://’ location [ ’/’ [ <path to resource> ] ]
                 [ auth-part ] host-part
                 <user> [ ’:’ <password> ] ’@’
                 [ ’<’ <subject> ’>’ ] host-name [ ’:’ <port or service> ]
                 <hostname> | <dotted quad> | ’[’ <ipv6 address> ’]’

       Except for use as the above delimeters, the following special
       characters MUST be encoded with the %HH format where H == hex char.

           ’/’ and ’@’ in location except subject
           ’<’ and ’>’ in location
           ’:’ everywhere except ipv6 address and subject
           ’%’ everywhere (can be encoded with %HH or %%)

       References globus_xio_register_open().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_open (globus_xio_handle_t handle, const char *
       contact_string, globus_xio_attr_t attr)
       blocking open

       References globus_xio_open().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_register_read (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
       globus_byte_t * buffer, globus_size_t buffer_length, globus_size_t
       waitforbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc,
       globus_xio_data_callback_t cb, void * user_arg)
       Read data from a handle.

       References globus_xio_register_read().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_read (globus_xio_handle_t handle, globus_byte_t
       * buffer, globus_size_t buffer_length, globus_size_t waitforbytes,
       globus_size_t * nbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc)
       Read data from a handle.

       References globus_xio_read().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_register_readv (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
       globus_xio_iovec_t * iovec, int iovec_count, globus_size_t
       waitforbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc,
       globus_xio_iovec_callback_t cb, void * user_arg)
       Read data from a handle into a globus_xio_iovec_t (struct iovec).

       References globus_xio_register_readv().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_readv (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
       globus_xio_iovec_t * iovec, int iovec_count, globus_size_t
       waitforbytes, globus_size_t * nbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t
       Read data from a handle into a globus_xio_iovec_t (struct iovec).

       References globus_xio_readv().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_register_write (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
       globus_byte_t * buffer, globus_size_t buffer_length, globus_size_t
       waitforbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc,
       globus_xio_data_callback_t cb, void * user_arg)
       Write data to a handle.

       References globus_xio_register_write().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_write (globus_xio_handle_t handle, globus_byte_t
       * buffer, globus_size_t buffer_length, globus_size_t waitforbytes,
       globus_size_t * nbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc)
       Write data to a handle.

       References globus_xio_write().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_register_writev (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
       globus_xio_iovec_t * iovec, int iovec_count, globus_size_t
       waitforbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t data_desc,
       globus_xio_iovec_callback_t cb, void * user_arg)
       Write data to a handle from a globus_xio_iovec_t (struct iovec).

       References globus_xio_register_writev().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_writev (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
       globus_xio_iovec_t * iovec, int iovec_count, globus_size_t
       waitforbytes, globus_size_t * nbytes, globus_xio_data_descriptor_t
       Write data to a handle from a globus_xio_iovec_t (struct iovec).

       References globus_xio_writev().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_register_close (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
       globus_xio_attr_t attr, globus_xio_callback_t cb, void * user_arg)
       Close a handle

       This functions servers as a destoy for the handle. As soon as the
       operations completes (the callback is called). The handle is destroyed.

           handle the handle to be closed.
           attr how to close attribute
           cb The function to be called when the close operation completes.
           user_arg A user pointer that will be threaded through to the

       References globus_xio_register_close().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_close (globus_xio_handle_t handle,
       globus_xio_attr_t attr)
       Blocking close.

       References globus_xio_close().

   globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_create_from_url (globus_xio_handle_t *
       out_h, const char * scheme, globus_xio_attr_t attr, char *
       Initializes a handle based on the scheme given. Parameters:
           out_h An uninitialized handle that will be initialized in the
           function to correspond to the scheme given. This handle should be
           used for any I/O operations.
           scheme A string containing the protocol which the handle should be
           initialized to. The string can either be a protocol by itself, for
           example, ’http’, or a complete scheme such as
           attr Attribute to be used for setting parameter string. It is
           initialized by the function. Can be NULL if attributes are not
           being used.
           param_string A string containing attributes to be set for the
           drivers associated with the scheme. This should be in the form
                    option2=value2’ Can be NULL if attributes are not being

       References globus_xio_attr_cntl(), globus_xio_handle_create(),
       GLOBUS_XIO_SET_STRING_OPTIONS, globus_xio_stack_destroy(),
       globus_xio_stack_init(), and globus_xio_stack_push_driver().

   EXTERN_C_END globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (handle, driver,
       GLOBUS_XIO_GET_LOCAL_CONTACT, char ** contact_string_out)
       This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It
       differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
       Get local connection info. Parameters:
           contact_string_out A pointer to a contact string for the local end
           of a connected handle. Where possible, it will be in symbolic form

       The user must free the returned string.

       See also:

   globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (handle, driver,
       GLOBUS_XIO_GET_LOCAL_NUMERIC_CONTACT, char ** contact_string_out)
       This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It
       differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
       Get local connection info. Parameters:
           contact_string_out A pointer to a contact string for the local end
           of a connected handle. Where possible, it will be in numeric form.

       The user must free the returned string.

   globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (handle, driver,
       GLOBUS_XIO_GET_REMOTE_CONTACT, char ** contact_string_out)
       This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It
       differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
       Get remote connection info. Parameters:
           contact_string_out A pointer to a contact string for the remote end
           of a connected handle. Where possible, it will be in symbolic form

       The user must free the returned string.

   globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (handle, driver,
       GLOBUS_XIO_GET_REMOTE_NUMERIC_CONTACT, char ** contact_string_out)
       This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It
       differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
       Get remote connection info. Parameters:
           contact_string_out A pointer to a contact string for the remote end
           of a connected handle. Where possible, it will be in numeric form.

       The user must free the returned string.

   globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (handle, driver, GLOBUS_XIO_SEEK,
       globus_off_t offset)
       This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It
       differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
       Reposition read/write offset. Parameters:
           offset Specify the desired offset.

   globus_result_t globus_xio_handle_cntl (handle, driver,
       GLOBUS_XIO_SET_STRING_OPTIONS, char * config_string)
       This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It
       differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
       Set the driver specific configuration string. The format of the string
       is defined by the driver. It is typically a set of key=value pairs

           config_string The driver specific parameter string.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for globus xio from the source code.