CMPIInstance - CMPIInstance class implementation
Public Attributes
int void * hdl
Opaque pointer to class instance data.
CMPIInstanceFT * ft
Pointer to the Args Function Table.
CMPIStatus(* release )(CMPIInstance *inst)
The Instance object will not be used any further and may be freed by
CMPI run time system.
CMPIInstance *(* clone )(CMPIInstance *inst, CMPIStatus *rc)
Create an independent copy of this Instance object.
CMPIData(* getProperty )(CMPIInstance *inst, const char *name, CMPIStatus
Gets a named property value.
CMPIData(* getPropertyAt )(CMPIInstance *inst, unsigned int index,
CMPIString **name, CMPIStatus *rc)
Gets a Property value defined by its index.
unsigned int(* getPropertyCount )(CMPIInstance *inst, CMPIStatus *rc)
Gets the number of properties contained in this Instance.
CMPIStatus(* setProperty )(CMPIInstance *inst, const char *name, CMPIValue
*value, CMPIType type)
Adds/replaces a named Property.
CMPIObjectPath *(* getObjectPath )(CMPIInstance *inst, CMPIStatus *rc)
Generates an ObjectPath out of the namespace, classname and key
propeties of this Instance.
CMPIStatus(* setPropertyFilter )(CMPIInstance *inst, char **propertyList,
char **keys)
Directs CMPI to ignore any setProperty operations for this instance for
any properties not in this list.
Native CMPIInstance implementation.
This is the native CMPIInstance implementation as used for remote
providers. It reflects the well-defined interface of a regular
CMPIInstance, however, it works independently from the management
It is part of a native broker implementation that simulates CMPI data
types rather than interacting with the entities in a full-grown CIMOM.
Common Manageability Programming Interface (CMPI) - OpenGroup