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       Handle Management -

       Create/Destroy/Modify a GSI Proxy Handle.

       typedef struct globus_l_gsi_proxy_handle_s * globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t

   Initialize and Destroy
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_init (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t
           *handle, globus_gsi_proxy_handle_attrs_t handle_attrs)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_destroy
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle)

   Get/Set Request
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_req
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, X509_REQ **req)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_req
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, X509_REQ *req)

   Get/Set Private Key
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_private_key
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, EVP_PKEY **proxy_key)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_private_key
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, EVP_PKEY *proxy_key)

   Get/Set Proxy Type
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_type
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle,
           globus_gsi_cert_utils_cert_type_t *type)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_type
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle,
           globus_gsi_cert_utils_cert_type_t type)

   Get/Set Policy
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_policy
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, unsigned char *policy_data, int
           policy_length, int policy_language_NID)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_policy
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, unsigned char **policy_data, int
           *policy_length, int *policy_NID)

   Get/Set Path Length
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_pathlen
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, long pathlen)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_pathlen
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, int *pathlen)

   Get/Set Time Valid
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_time_valid
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, int *time_valid)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_time_valid
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, int time_valid)

   Clear Cert Info
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_clear_cert_info
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle)

   Get/Set Cert Info
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_proxy_cert_info
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, PROXYCERTINFO **pci)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_proxy_cert_info
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, PROXYCERTINFO *pci)

   Get Signing Algorithm
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_signing_algorithm
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, EVP_MD **signing_algorithm)

   Get Key Bits
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_keybits
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, int *key_bits)

   Get Init Prime
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_init_prime
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, int *init_prime)

   Get Clock Skew
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_clock_skew_allowable
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, int *skew)

   Get Callback for Creating Keys
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_key_gen_callback
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, void(**callback)(int, int, void

   Get/Set Proxy Common Name
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_common_name
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, char **common_name)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_common_name
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, char *common_name)

   Set/Check Proxy Is Limited
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_is_limited
           (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, globus_bool_t is_limited)
       globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_is_limited (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t
           handle, globus_bool_t *is_limited)

Detailed Description

       Create/Destroy/Modify a GSI Proxy Handle.

       Within the Globus GSI Proxy Library, all proxy operations require a
       handle parameter. Currently, only one proxy operation may be in
       progress at once per proxy handle.

       This section defines operations to create, modify and destroy GSI Proxy

Typedef Documentation

   typedef struct globus_l_gsi_proxy_handle_s* globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t
       GSI Proxy Handle. An GSI Proxy handle is used to associate state with a
       group of operations. Handles can have immutable attributes associated
       with them. All proxy operations  take a handle pointer as a parameter.

       See also:
           globus_gsi_proxy_handle_init(), globus_gsi_proxy_handle_destroy(),
           Handle Attributes

Function Documentation

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_init (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t *
       handle, globus_gsi_proxy_handle_attrs_t handle_attrs)
       Initialize a GSI Proxy handle. Initialize a proxy handle which can be
       used in subsequent operations. The handle may only be used in one
       sequence of operations at a time.

           handle A pointer to the handle to be initialized. If the handle is
           originally NULL, space is allocated for it. Otherwise, the current
           values of the handle are overwritten.
           handle_attrs Initial attributes to be used to create this handle.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned

       See also:

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_req (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t
       handle, X509_REQ ** req)
       Get the certificate request from a GSI Proxy handle. Parameters:
           handle The handle from which to get the certificate request
           req Parameter used to return the request. It is the users
           responsibility to free the returned request.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned

       See also:

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_private_key
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, EVP_PKEY ** proxy_key)
       Get the private key from a GSI Proxy handle. Parameters:
           handle The handle from which to get the private key
           proxy_key Parameter used to return the key. It is the users
           responsibility to free the returned key.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned

       See also:

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_type (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t
       handle, globus_gsi_cert_utils_cert_type_t * type)
       Determine the type of proxy that will be generated when using this
       handle. Parameters:
           handle The handle from which to get the type
           type Parameter used to return the type.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned

       See also:

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_policy
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, unsigned char * policy_data, int
       policy_length, int policy_language_NID)
       Set the policy to be used in the GSI Proxy handle. This function sets
       the policy to be used in the proxy cert info extension.

           handle The handle to be modified.
           policy_data The policy data.
           policy_length The length of the policy data
           policy_language_NID The NID of the policy language.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the handle and its associated fields are valid
           otherwise an error is returned

       See also:

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_pathlen
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, long pathlen)
       Set the path length to be used in the GSI Proxy handle. This function
       sets the path length to be used in the proxy cert info extension.

           handle The handle to be modified.
           pathlen The maximum allowable path length

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the handle is valid, otherwise an error is

       See also:

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_time_valid
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, int * time_valid)
       Get the validity time of the proxy. Parameters:
           handle The proxy handle to get the expiration date of
           time_valid expiration date of the proxy handle

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_clear_cert_info
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle)
       Clear the proxy cert info extension stored in the GSI Proxy handle.
       This function clears proxy cert info extension related setting in the
       GSI Proxy handle.

           handle The handle for which to clear the proxy cert info extension.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the handle is valid, otherwise an error is

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_proxy_cert_info
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, PROXYCERTINFO ** pci)
       Get the proxy cert info extension stored in the GSI Proxy handle. This
       function retrieves the proxy cert info extension from the GSI Proxy

           handle The handle from which to get the proxy cert info extension.
           pci Contains the proxy cert info extension upon successful return.
           If the handle does not contain a pci extension, this parameter will
           be NULL upon return.

           handle is invalid GLOBUS_GSI_PROXY_ERROR_WITH_PROXYCERTINFO if the
           pci pointer is invalid or if the get failed.

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_signing_algorithm
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, EVP_MD ** signing_algorithm)
       Get the signing algorithm used to sign the proxy cert request.
           handle The proxy handle containing the type of signing algorithm
           signing_algorithm signing algorithm of the proxy handle

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned GLOBUS_SUCCESS

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_keybits
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, int * key_bits)
       Get the key bits used for the pub/private key pair of the proxy.
           handle The proxy handle to get the key bits of
           key_bits key bits of the proxy handle

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned GLOBUS_SUCCESS

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_init_prime
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, int * init_prime)
       Get the init prime of the proxy handle. Parameters:
           handle The handle to get the init prime used in generating the key
           init_prime The resulting init prime

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case an error
           object identifier (in the form of a globus_result_t) is returned

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_clock_skew_allowable
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, int * skew)
       Get the clock skew of the proxy handle. Parameters:
           handle The handle to get the clock skew of
           skew The resulting clock skew

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case an error
           object identifier (in the form of a globus_result_t) is returned

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_key_gen_callback
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, void(**)(int, int, void *) callback)
       Get the callback for creating the public/private key pair. Parameters:
           handle The proxy handle to get the callback from
           callback Parameter used for returning the callback

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS or an error object identifier

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_common_name
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, char ** common_name)
       Get the proxy common name stored in the GSI Proxy handle. This function
       retrieves the proxy common name from the GSI Proxy handle. The common
       name only impacts draft compliant proxies.

           handle The handle from which to get the proxy common name.
           common_name Contains the proxy common name upon successful return.
           If the handle does not contain a common name, this parameter will
           be NULL upon return.

           handle is invalid

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_is_limited
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, globus_bool_t is_limited)
       Set the limited proxy flag on the proxy handle. Parameters:
           handle the proxy handle
           is_limited boolean value to set on the proxy handle

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_destroy (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t
       Destroy a GSI Proxy handle. Parameters:
           handle The handle to be destroyed.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned

       See also:

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_req (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t
       handle, X509_REQ * req)
       Set the certificate request in a GSI Proxy handle. Parameters:
           handle The handle for which to set the certificate request
           req Request to be copied to handle.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned

       See also:

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_private_key
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, EVP_PKEY * proxy_key)
       Set the private key in a GSI Proxy handle. Parameters:
           handle The handle for which to set the private key
           proxy_key Parameter used to pass the key

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned

       See also:

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_type (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t
       handle, globus_gsi_cert_utils_cert_type_t type)
       Set the type of proxy that will be generated when using this handle.
       Note that this will have no effect when generating a proxy from a
       proxy. In that case the generated proxy will inherit the type of the

           handle The handle for which to set the type
           type Parameter used to pass the type.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned

       See also:

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_policy
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, unsigned char ** policy_data, int *
       policy_length, int * policy_NID)
       Get the policy from the GSI Proxy handle. This function gets the policy
       that is being used in the proxy cert info extension.

           handle The handle to be interrogated.
           policy_data The policy data.
           policy_length The length of the returned policy
           policy_NID The NID of the policy language.

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the handle is valid, otherwise an error is

       See also:

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_get_pathlen
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, int * pathlen)
       Get the path length from the GSI Proxy handle. This function gets the
       path length that is being used in the proxy cert info extension.

           handle The handle to be interrogated.
           pathlen The maximum allowable path length

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the handle is valid, otherwise an error is

       See also:

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_time_valid
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, int time_valid)
       Set the validity time of the proxy. Parameters:
           handle The proxy handle to set the expiration date for
           time_valid desired expiration date of the proxy

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned GLOBUS_SUCCESS

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_proxy_cert_info
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, PROXYCERTINFO * pci)
       Set the proxy cert info extension stored in the GSI Proxy handle. This
       function sets the proxy cert info extension in the GSI Proxy handle.

           handle The handle for which to set the proxy cert info extension.
           pci The proxy cert info extension to set.

           handle is invalid GLOBUS_GSI_PROXY_ERROR_WITH_PROXYCERTINFO if the
           pci pointer is invalid or if the set failed.

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_handle_set_common_name
       (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t handle, char * common_name)
       Set the proxy common name stored in the GSI Proxy handle. This function
       sets the proxy common name in the GSI Proxy handle. Note that the
       common name is only used for draft compliant proxies.

           handle The handle for which to set the proxy common name.
           common_name The proxy common name to set.

           handle is invalid

   globus_result_t globus_gsi_proxy_is_limited (globus_gsi_proxy_handle_t
       handle, globus_bool_t * is_limited)
       Check to see if the proxy is a limited proxy. Parameters:
           handle the proxy handle to check
           is_limited boolean value to set depending on the type of proxy

           GLOBUS_SUCCESS unless an error occurred, in which case, a globus
           error object ID is returned


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for globus gsi proxy core from the
       source code.