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       gdcm2vtk - .TH "gdcm2vtk" 1 "Sun Aug 8 2010" "Version 2.0.15" "GDCM"


       gdcm2vtk - .SH "SYNOPSIS"

       gdcm2vtk [options] file-in file-out


       The gdcm2vtk takes as input any file supported by VTK (including DICOM
       file) and will generate as output a DICOM file.


       file-in   input filename (DICOM or VTK supported)

       file-out  DICOM output filename


            --force-rescale    force rescale.
            --force-spacing    force spacing.
            --palette-color    when supported generate a PALETTE COLOR file.
            --argb             when supported generate a ARGB file.

   general options
         -h   --help
                print this help text and exit

         -v   --version
                print version information and exit

         -V   --verbose
                verbose mode (warning+error).

         -W   --warning
                warning mode, print warning information

         -E   --error
                error mode, print error information

         -D   --debug
                debug mode, print debug information


       Convert a file supported by VTK into DICOM.

       Typical usage is:

       $ gdcm2vtk inputfile output.dcm

       It uses the internal factory mechanism of VTK to recognize a file
       (CanRead function). See VTK supported file here:

       What image file formats can VTK read and write?

       If your input file has 4 components, the 4th comp (alpha) will be
       removed from the output file as DICOM does not support alpha component
       anymore (see --argb option).

       Special care was taken for the following file format:

          1. DICOM: Direction Cosines and vtkMedicalImageInformation are passed to the output
          2. BMP: The file can be saved with a Lookup Table (see --palette-color)
          3. GE Signa: vtkMedicalImageProperties is passed to the output
          4. MINC: Direction Cosines is passed to the output
          5. TIFF: vtkTIFFReader is currently in bad shape in VTK (different behavior in VTK 5.2 and CVS). Only use it, if you know what you are doing.

   CONVERT MetaImage (mhd, mha)
       $ gdcm2vtk inputfile output.mha

       This command will convert the input DICOM file: inputfile into a
       MetaImage .mha file. Same goes for .mhd file.

       $ gdcm2vtk inputfile output.mha


       $ gdcm2vtk inputfile output.mhd

       This command will convert the input DICOM file: inputfile into a
       MetaImageData .mha/.mhd file.

       $ gdcm2vtk inputfile output.vti

       This command will convert the input DICOM file: inputfile into a XML
       VTK ImageData .vti file.

       $ gdcm2vtk inputfile output.vtk

       This command will convert the input DICOM file: inputfile into an old
       VTK Structured PointSets .vtk file.


       $ gdcm2vtk input.dcm output.dcm

       vtkGDCMImageReader will be used to read in a DICOM file, not the
       default vtkDICOMImageReader.

       IMPORTANT NOTE: The internal VTK structured will be filled from the
       input DICOM, and then pass to the output DICOM writer. Some information
       might be lost during the conversion DICOM to VTK to DICOM. This option
       is mostly used to test the vtkGDCMImageReader/vtkGDCMImageWriter

       IMPORTANT NOTE: When converting from a lossy format such as JPEG, the
       information of lossiness is important. The output DICOM will contains
       the required Lossy Image Compression attribute that indicates that
       image was lossy-compressed somewhere along the pipeline. See also
       gdcmimg (better handling of JPEG in general).


       gdcmdump(1), gdcmviewer(1), gdcmimg(1)


       Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Mathieu Malaterre