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       deghosting_mask - Creates mask for removing ghosting in images


       deghosting_mask [options] <image1> <image2> ...


       Takes a series of aligned photos, usually three or more, and generates
       masks for removal of ghosts - Data that only appears in a minority of


       -o--output <path>
           Prefix for output masks

       -s--sigma <float>
           Standard deviation of Gaussian weighting function (SIGMA > 0);
           default: 30

       -i--iterations <int>
           Number of iterations, default is (ITER > 0) default: 4

       -t--threshold <float>
           Threshold; default: 150

       -c--contrast <float>
           Change constrast before applying threshold; default: 1.3

       -a--advanced <f│g│m│t│w>
           Advanced settings. Possible options are:

           f Use gray images for computation. It’s about two times faster but
           it usually returns worse results.  You also have to change
           threshold to smaller value (around 100)
           g Use gamma 2.2 correction instead of logarithm if input images are
           m Do not scale image, NOTE: slows down process
           t Use simple threshold, may result in holes in images
           w Compute "complete" weights, not only probabilities
       -w--save <i│w>
           Advanced save settings

           i Save initial weigths
           w Save generated weigths
       -b <int>
           Image cache BLOCKSIZE in kilobytes; default: 2048KB

       -m <int>
           Set image CACHESIZE in megabytes; default: 1024MB

           Display this help

       -v--verbose <0│1>
           Verbose, repeat for more verbose output


       Lukáš Jirkovský