Man Linux: Main Page and Category List


       con2fbmap  -  shows  and  sets mapping between consoles and framebuffer


       con2fbmap console [framebuffer]


       This documentation is not finished

       con2fbmap is a system utility to show or  change  the  mapping  of  the
       consoles   to the frame buffer device. The frame buffer device provides
       a simple and unique interface to  access  different  kinds  of  graphic

       Frame  buffer  devices are accessed via special device nodes located in
       the /dev directory. The naming scheme for these nodes is always  fb<n>,
       where n is the number of the used frame buffer device.


       The  first  option  must be there, and identify the console on which to
       work.  If the second option is not set,  con2fbmap  shows  the  current
       mapping  of  identified  console. If the second argument is given (as a
       number) con2fbmap maps  the  identified  console  to  said  framebuffer

       Sven LUTHER <>