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       as_run - as_run command


       A short usage summary.

       as_run action [ options ] [ arguments ]


       This manual page documents briefly the as_run command


       as_run --getop [options] commande[.capy]
              Return the main subroutine of a code_aster command

       as_run --getversion [options]
              - Return current release number of the development version

       as_run --get [options] obj1 [obj2...]
              Copy a source file in current directory

       as_run --show [options] obj1 [obj2...]
              Show  a  source file : fortran, c, python, capy, cata, histor or

       as_run --diff [options] obj1 [obj2...]
              Show the diff of a source file : fortran, c, python, capy,  cata
              or test

       as_run --get_export testcase_name
              Build an export file to run a testcase and print it to stdout

       as_run --make [--vers=VERS] [target]
              Build  a code_aster version (executable, libraries, catalogues).
              target may be all or clean

       as_run --update [options] fich1.tar.gz [fich2.tar.gz...]
              Perform one or several updates of a development version

       as_run --auto_update [--vers=...] [--force_upgrade]  [--keep_increment]
       [other options]
              Download available updates from a server and apply them  to  the
              current development version

       as_run --astk_update [options]
              Download  available updates from a server and update astk/as_run

       as_run     --diag     [--astest_dir=DIR1,[DIR2]]     [--test_list=LIST]
       [--only_nook] [diag_result.pick]
              Build the diagnosis of code_aster testcases (from dir or default
              astest directory) and write a pickled file of the result.

       as_run --list [--all] [--test_list=FILE] [--filter=...] [--command=...]
       [--user_filter=...] [test1 [test2 ..]]
              Build  a  list  of  testcases  using  a list of command/keywords
              and/or verifying some criterias about cputime or memory.

       as_run --ctags [--vers=VERS]
              Build ctags file

       as_run --messages subroutine  |  message_number  |  check  [--fort=...]
       [--python=...] [--unigest=...] | move old_msgid new_msgid
              Operation on code_aster messages catalogues.  subroutine returns
              messages   called   by   "subroutine".   message_number  returns
              subroutines calling this message.  check returns check  messages
              catalogues  and  print  some  stats.   move  a  message  from  a
              catalogue to another and produce new catalogues and  new  source

       as_run --sendmail [--report_to=EMAIL1,EMAIL2] filename
              Send  the  content  of  filename  (may  be  on a remote host) to

       as_run --get_infos host1 [host2 [...]]
              Return cpu and memory informations about given hosts

       as_run --run [options] profile
              Execute the execution described by the profile (default action)

       as_run --serv user@mach:/nom_profil.export
              Start an execution (calling as_run in a separate process)

       as_run --info
              Returns informations from astk  server  configuration  :  batch,
              interactive (yes/no, limits), compute nodes, versions

       as_run --actu job_number job_name mode
              Returns the state, diagnosis, execution node, spent cpu time and
              working directory of a job

       as_run --edit job_number job_name mode output|error DISPLAY
              Opens output or error file on the provided display

       as_run --tail job_number job_name mode fdest nb_lines [regexp]
              Output the last part of fort.6 file or filter lines  matching  a

       as_run --del job_number job_name mode [node] [--signal=...]
              Kill a job and delete related files

       as_run --purge_flash job_number1 [job_number2 [...]]]
              Delete files of jobs which are not in the list

       as_run --create_issue issue_file [export_file]
              Insert  a  new  issue  in database and copy attached files if an
              export file is provided

       as_run  --extract_histor  [--status=STAT]  [--format=FORM]  [--all_msg]
       input_file histor
              Extract the content of issues listed in input_file to histor

       as_run --close_issue --vers=VERS histor
              Fill "corrvdev" or "corrvexpl" field (depends on vers) in issues
              found in histor and eventually close them

       as_run --insert_in_db [export_file]
              Prepare the profile to insert an execution into a database.


   General options
              show program’s version number and exit

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -v, --verbose
              increase verbosity

              run as silent as possible

       -g, --debug
              print debugging information

              disable printing of debugging information to stderr

       -f, --force
              force  operations  which  can  be  cached  (download,

              value of DISPLAY variable (NOTE : some functions read
              it from a file)

              use resources directory $HOME/.astkrc_’SUFFIX’

              remote protocol used for shell commands

              remote protocol used to copy files and directories

              editor command

              login  on the development server  (name/ip address is
              usually set in /etc/codeaster/asrun)

   Options for maintenance operations
              filters  applied  to  the  testcases  parameters  :
              ’nom_para < valeur’ (supported comparison <, >, =).

              Code_Aster version to used (for get, show, getop)

              Force  upgrade  to the next release (for example from
              10.1.xx to 10.2.0)

       -o FILE, --output=FILE
              redirect the result to FILE instead of stdout.

              one or more directories (comma separated) containing
              additionnal python source files

              use  another  "config.txt"  file (only used for make,
              update and auto_update).

              report  only  errors  (but  time  spent  by   passed   testcases
                            is included)

              one  or more directories (comma separated) containing
              additionnal fortran source files

       -a, --all
              get all the files of the test

              root directory to install

              update a version increment  by  increment  and  keep
              intermediate executable

              keep  testcases matching the given regular expression
              (or simple string).

              a unigest file (for deletion)

              keep testcases using the given command and keywords.

              list of the testcases

              email address to send the report of a execution (only
              used for --auto_update)

              file   containing   testlist.FILTRE   classes.   See
              for an example.

              testcases directory to watch

              development   version   of   Code_Aster   (for   make,   update,
              auto_update, getversion)

       -l, --local
              files will not been searched  on  a  server  but  on  the  local

              force remote files search (reverse of --local)

   Options for operations on jobs
              signal to the job (KILL|USR1)

   Options for issue tracker interface
              raise an error if issues are not in this status

              retrieve all the messages of issues

              format of generated histor file (text or html)


       /etc/codeaster default              configuration             directory
       /etc/codeaster/astkrc    default configuration directory for astk


       The Debian Scientific Computing Team